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they have only one action before they are swept awayand must start again.Dimwater Gifts• King Fish (Level One) — This Gift allows theDimwater to command the respect of others. A sharkspiritteaches it.System: The Rokea permanently adds one die toLeadership and Intimidation rolls.• Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.• Sea’s Voice (Level One) — As the Galliard Gift:Beast Speech.• Strange Blood (Level One) — As the Lupus Gift:Sense the Unnatural.• Crushing Depths (Level Two) — The Rokeacrushes an enemy beneath the vast weight of the ocean,immobilizing them. The target labors to do anythingother than breathe so long as the Dimwater maintainseye contact. Any deep-sea-spirit can teach this Gift.System: The character must make eye contact withthe target. The player spends one Willpower point androlls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’sWillpower). This Gift’s effects persist until the weresharkbreaks eye contact, or the victim frenzies or suffers injury.• Lord of the Seas (Level Two) — As the PhilodoxGift: King of the Beasts, save that it commands onlyaquatic creatures.• Spit Teeth (Level Two) — The Rokea can fireher teeth at a distant opponent. This Gift may be usedin any form — even Homid. It is taught by a shark-spirit.System: The player rolls Dexterity + Athletics(difficulty 6) to aim the blast of razor-sharp teeth, witha maximum range of 25 feet. The attack has a base aggravateddamage of the wereshark’s Valor. It takes oneturn to regenerate the fired teeth.• Drown (Level Three) — The Rokea causes anair-breather to grow gills, forcing her to breathe wateror suffocate. While the Gift has its diplomatic uses, itis more often used to kill humans, or force them to leapinto the water… where the Dimwater’s slew awaits. Anyfish-spirit can teach this Gift.System: The player spends a Willpower point androlls Willpower (difficulty of the victim’s Stamina + 4,maximum 9). Success forces the target to breathe water(fresh or salt) to survive for the next hour.• Sea’s Wisdom (Level Three) — The Dimwaterswims in circles, creating a small whirlpool. He hears thevoice of Sea in the rushing water, and asks her advice.This gift is taught by a spirit-servant of Sea.System: The player rolls Intelligence + Rituals (difficulty7). The more successes rolled, the clearer Sea’s advice.Sea has not, at present, offered an opinion on betweeners.ROKEA• Living Sea (Level Four) — The Rokea causes waterto come to semi-solid life. This can be used to propel theRokea at great speeds (trebling her aquatic movementspeed), or can be aimed at a target, immobilizing — oreven strangling — a victim. On land, nearby sources ofwater may be made to extend tendrils of living water tosimilar effect. A spirit-servant of Sea teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point androlls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 6). The Rokeamay command a body of water equal to 5 cubic feet persuccess. If used to inflict damage, the water inflicts theRokea’s Harmony in lethal damage each turn. The effectlasts as for a scene.• Quick Currents (Level Four) — As the Childrenof Gaia Gift: Strike the Air.• Leviathan (Level Five) — The wereshark becomesa hungry terror of primal nightmare. A servant of Kunteaches this Gift.System: The player spends two Willpower pointsand two Rage points. The Rokea becomes a monstrousshark, nearly 80 feet long, gaining +5 to all physicalattributes after Fighting Jaws modifiers, and regains aminimum of one Rage point per turn. This Gift lastsuntil the end of the scene.• Wound Undersea (Level Five) — This Gift is usedonly in times of truly dire need. The wereshark opensa vent in the sea floor, calling lava from it. This boilsthe water in the immediate area while also producingearthquakes throughout the region. This Gift is taughtby an avatar of Unsea herself.System: The Rokea slashes herself and lets herblood seep toward the sea floor (suffering one level ofaggravated damage). The player spends one Rage andWillpower point, then rolls Charisma + Rituals (difficulty8). Success opens the sea floor; the Rokea hasthree turns to escape before the lava boils up, inflictingthree aggravated damage per turn to everything in thearea. The effects of earthquakes, whirlpools, and tidalwaves triggered by this Gift are left to the Storyteller’sdiscretion.Darkwater Gifts• Blood of the Deeps (Level One) — Most sharksaren’t built to operate in environments of extreme coldor pressure, but Darkwaters must go where Sea’s greatestsecrets are hidden. This Gift allows them to do so. Anydeep-sea spirit can teach it.System: The wereshark becomes permanently capableof surviving deep-ocean environments.• Chill (Level One) — The Darkwater may summonup the essence of the abyssal depths and saturate the areawith it. This chills both the water (or air) around him203

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