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Form StatisticsGlabrus Gladius Chasmus SquamusStr: +2 Str: +3 Str: +4 Str: +2Dex: +0(+1)* Dex: –1(+2)* Dex: N/A(+1)* Dex: N/A(+3)*Sta: +2 Sta: +2 Sta: +3 Sta: +2Man: –2 Man: –4 Man: –4 Man: –4App: –2 App: 0*The numbers in parentheses apply when the Rokeais in the water.GiftsRokea begin play with two Gifts, one chosen fromthe general Rokea Gift list and one auspice starting Gift.While many of their Gifts are similar to those known bythe Garou, they are almost without exception taught byspirits that can be found without leaving Sea, regardlessof which spirits the Garou might learn them from.General Rokea Gifts• Breach (Level One) — As the lupus Gift: Hare’sLeap. Generally used to hurl themselves high out ofthe water.• Fast (Level One) — The wereshark can survivefor a long time using only her inner reserves. A sharkspiritteaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point. Thecharacter need not eat or drink for the next week.• Killing Bite (Level One) — The Rokea’s mouthbriefly becomes a razor-edged nightmare, regardless ofher form. A shark-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Rage point. Thenext successful bite attack the character lands inflictstwo extra levels (not dice) of aggravated damage.• Sense Danger (Level One) — As a race chargedwith survival, the Rokea need to be able to identifydanger. This Gift helps the Rokea know whether or nota being or situation is dangerous to her. It is taught byan avatar of Sea.System: The Rokea focuses for a turn; the playerrolls Perception + Primal-Urge to determine if an individualor situation is dangerous to her. The difficulty is6 for immediate and palpable threats, and 8 for subtleror more roundabout ones.• Teeth of the Skin (Level One) — As the metisGift: Gift of the Porcupine.• Gulp (Level Two) — The Rokea may swallowanything she can fit into her maw, then regurgitate itlater, unharmed. A tiger shark-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point.Swallowed objects may be stored indefinitely, and areconsidered dedicated for the purpose of shapeshifting.ROKEAOnly one object can be stored at a time, although fullcontainers such as backpacks count as ’one object.’• Poisoned Flesh (Level Two) — As the Get ofFenris Gift: Venom Blood, save that it poisons anyonethat bites the wereshark.• Restless Waters (Level Two) — As the lupusGift: Scent of Sight.• Shagreen Skin (Level Two) — As the Get ofFenris Gift: Troll Skin.• Unsea’s Blessing (Level Two) — As the BlackFury Gift: Wyld Resurgence.• Consume Taint (Level Three) — As the BoneGnawer Gift: Resist Toxin, save that the wereshark mayalso consume toxic waste, spilled oil, and other poisonous,inedible garbage safely.• Fathom Sight (Level Three) — The Rokea mayproject all of her senses for great distances. This Giftworks in every direction, even straight up and down, andpresents a great means of spying on events on the surfacefrom below the waves. The spirit of any swift-movingfish teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rollPerception + Alertness (difficulty 7). For the rest of thescene, the Rokea may project her senses out for 1 mileper success in water, and 100 feet per success on land.• Gift of the Ray (Level Three) — The Rokeamay deliver a venomous sting with her tail or fingertip.Stingray-spirits teach this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point tomanifest the stinger. Stinging is a Dexterity + Brawlattack (difficulty 7). The victim must roll Stamina(difficulty 9) or take lethal damage equal to the Rokea’sInnovation, as well as suffer a –2 wound penalty for theremainder of the scene.• Shark Bones (Level Three) — As the metis Gift:Rat Head.• Form of Sea (Level Four) — The Rokea maychange her body into liquid and flow through pipes, underdoors, or into any other space that will admit her. She mayretain cohesion in this form and “walk” as a humanoidshape, or even drown an opponent by forcing herselfdown his throat. A freshwater-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends two Gnosis points. Thecharacter can stay in liquid form for (Innovation) hours. Thecharacter cannot bite or claw, but can drown air-breathingopponents with a successful grapple attack and holding theopponent until he runs out of breath. If the liquid body isimmersed in salt water, the Gift is immediately canceled.• Kun’s Maw (Level Four) — As the Get of FenrisGift: Fenris’ Bite.• Patient Hunter (Level Four) — The weresharkmerges with solid matter, be it a wall, floor, or open201

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