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and are also natural leaders. Dimwater Rokea tend to be themost interested in exploring and traveling to all portions ofthe oceans. They are also the strongest proponents of huntingdown and killing betweeners and their human Kinfolk.Beginning Rage: 4Starting Gifts: King Fish, Sea’s Voice• Darkwater: These Rokea are born during eclipsesor under the new moon, and are the rarest of the auspices.Innovative and curious, they are the calmest of the Rokea,and those most interested in new ideas and in exploringthe extreme places — physically, mentally, and spiritually.Beginning Rage: 3Starting Gifts: Blood of the Deeps, Silent SendingFormsRokea are capable of five different forms, however,most rarely assume homid form. Rokea only learn how toassume their Glabro-like form, called “Round Back” orGlabrus, after spending time on land learning to use it.• Homid (“Long Fins”): This form is that of asomewhat squat and coarse-featured, human. HumanbornRokea (among the Same-Bito) tend to share theirhuman parent’s heritage and appearance, while sharkbornRokea take on the appearance of the humans of thearea from which they first emerge from the sea, regardlessof any distant human ancestry.• Glabrus (“Round Back”): Similar to Glabro, inthis form Rokea grow a few inches in height, but doublein weight. They become huge, ugly, and muscular, withthe first hints of a dorsal fin on their backs. Their sharklikemouths can bite (difficulty 5), dealing lethal damageequal to their Strength. This form incites reducedDelirium (treat an onlooker’s Willpower as though itwere two points higher).• Gladius (“Standing Jaws”): These monsters aremonstrous humanoid sharks, standing more than tenfeet tall, with jaws capable of biting an adult human inhalf. Their bite does Strength + 1 Aggravated damage.This form incites full Delirium.• Chasmus (“Fighting Jaws”): This huge anddangerous shark is the preferred combat form for Rokea.Weresharks gain half-again their length in this form — a20-foot white shark becomes a 30-foot Chasmus. Theirbite does Strength + 2 aggravated damage. Rokea inChasmus form incite full Delirium in onlookers.• Squamus (Swimming Jaws): This form is indistinguishablefrom a normal (if unusually large) shark. Onlyabout 20% of the world’s shark population is representedamong Rokea Squamus forms: the biggest, fiercest, andmost predatory.200

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