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• Blur of the Weeping Eyes (Level Two) — As theHakken Gift: Dark of Night, save that the character spitsat her victim rather than spilling ink. The Gift causesthe victim’s eyes to swell and become so rheumy that hecannot see. Sewage-spirits teach this Gift.• Stink (Level Two) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift:Gift of the Skunk.• Lesions (Level Three) — As the Garou Gift: Haltthe Coward’s Flight, but transmitted via bite; impedesmovement as sores and lesions appear on the target’s legsand feet. Flea-spirits teach this Gift.• Venom Blood (Level Three) — As the Get ofFenris Gift.• Inflict Pain (Level Four) — The Plague Lord hassuch mastery over disease that he can control precisely howmuch pain his victims feel. This Gift is taught by a Pain-spiritSystem: The character must successfully bite or clawhis victim to use this Fitt. Spend a point of Rage androll Intelligence + Medicine (difficulty of your target’sGnosis, or 4). Your victim suffers a penalty to all dicepools equal to half your successes (rounding up, maximum–3) for the rest of the scene. Gifts and powers that reducewound penalties also reduce these penalties.• Epidemic Contagion (Level Five) — The Plague Lordgains the ability to make his disease magic communicableand highly contagious. This Gift is taught by rat-spirits.System: If the victim of Blur of the Weeping Eyes,Lesions, or Inflict Pain comes within a yard or so of anotherperson while under the effects of those Gifts, that personmust make a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) or also contractthe Gift’s ailment. He, in turn, also becomes contagious asif Epidemic Contagion had been successfully activated onhim. Ratkin are immune to the spread of these ailments.Munchmausen Gifts• Persuasion (Level One) — As the homid Gift.• Spirit Speech (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.• Tale Spinning (Level One) — As the RagabashGift: Liar’s Craft.• Name the Spirit (Level Two) — As the lupus Gift.• Umbral Camouflage (Level Two) — As theTheurge Gift.• Improvisation (Level Three) — As the RatkinBlade Slave Gift.• Taste of Madness (Level Three) — The Munchmausenconstructs a brief variant of reality for his victimto experience. This must be summarized in one sentenceof no more than ten words (“a world where apes evolvedfrom men,” “dinosaurs are on the loose in this mall,” etc).Fungal-spirits teach this Gift.System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rollsManipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty of the victim’s190CHANGING BREEDSWillpower). If the roll succeeds, the victim believes thedelusion as truth for one hour per success.• Whispered Dreams (Level Four) — As the FiannaGift: Phantasm.• Hyperattenuation (Level Five) — The ArcadianRatkin can exaggerate any one sense to legendary proportions.She might hear footsteps through the ground sevenleagues away, smell a single human breath through a mileof sewer pipes, or read the newspaper over the shoulderof a businessman sitting in a public park… from atop arooftop five miles away. This Gift is taught by a Wyldling.System: Spend one Willpower point and roll Manipulation+ Expression (difficulty 9) to activate theGift. It lasts for one scene.Twitcher Gifts• Firebug (Level One) — By focusing her anger,the Twitcher can ignite flammable materials within tenfeet — paper, wood, cloth — that are not being wornor carried. A Wyldling teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Rage and rolls Infamyto ignite the flame; only one success is needed.• Sense Weaver (Level One) — As the RatkinShadow Seer Gift.• Toxic Hate (Level One) — As the metis Gift:Primal Anger.• Cornered Rat’s Ferocity (Level Two) — As theBone Gnawer Gift.• Jam Technology (Level Two) — As the homid Gift.• Gremlins (Level Three) — As the Ragabash Gift.• Pyrotechnics (Level Three) — The Ratkin mayimprovise explosive devices out of just about any junkshe can find to hand; her Rage serves as the fuse and thefuel. This Gift is taught by weasel-spirits.System: The player rolls Intelligence + Craft toimprovise the bomb, and spends as much Rage as desired.When the bomb is triggered (either by being tossed, orthrough a remote detonation system — the type is chosenat the time it is created), it inflicts (Rage spent x 3) diceof lethal damage to everything within (Infamy x 3) yards.• Infest (Level Four) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.• All Hell (Level Five) — The Twitcher conjuresa swarm of rat-spirits and Wyldlings, and pandemoniumensues: mundane objects fly about, the walls breathe,people smell colors and see sounds, and chaos rules.Wyld-spirits teach this Gift.System: The player spends two Gnosis points; allnon-Ratkin present with a Willpower score lower than theTwitcher’s Infamy are subjected to the Delirium. Beingsnormally immune to the Delirium treat their Willpoweras two higher than normal when determining how theyreact (but not whether they succumb).

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