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System: Once the character decides to flee from thebattle, the player may spend one Gnosis point to add fourdice to all dodge attempts. If the Ratkin changes her mindand stays in place, turns to fight, or returns to the frayin the same scene, the Gift ends and she immediatelyloses all remaining Rage and Gnosis.• Rat Thing (Level Three) — As the Ratkin metis Gift.• Sliver Tooth (Level Three) — As the Ratkinmetis Gift.• Mind of the Swarm (Level Four) — The wereratwith this Gift is able to command a horde of mundanerats through sheer will. An avatar of Rat teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point androlls Manipulation + Animal Ken; the effects last forthe Ratkin’s Obligation in hours. Each success allowsthe Ratkin to command up to ten rats.• Rat Emperor’s Wisdom (Level Four) — As thelupus Gift: Beast Life.• Feral Lobotomy (Level Five) — As the Theurge Gift.Tunnel Runner Gifts• Danger Sense (Level One) — When a ship issinking, the rats leave first. The Tunnel Runner gainsan instinctive flash of warning when danger is near.Rat-spirits teach this Gift.System: The Storyteller warns the character whendanger is imminent (though not the nature of thethreat) one turn before it appears. This Gift’s effectsare permanent.• Silent Running (Level One) — The Ratkin canhide his tracks from all means of detection, supernaturalor otherwise. Wind-spirits teach this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rollsIntelligence + Subterfuge. The Ratkin leaves behind nophysical traces of his passage for the rest of the scene,and any magical tracking attempt raises its difficulty by1 per success to a maximum of 9.• Sigil (Level Two) — As the Corax Gift: WordBeyond, but also functions outside the Umbra.• Urban Camouflage (Level Two) — The wereratbecomes utterly nondescript, fading from notice. A fogspiritteaches this gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rollsIntelligence + Stealth (difficulty 8). Success makes theRatkin unnoticeable so long as he stays in a crowd and takesno violent actions. This Gift doesn’t work during combat.• Bolt! (Level Three) — Fighting to the death isfor suckers. This Gift allows the Ratkin to escape a fighthe can’t win. This Gift is taught by a kangaroo rat-spirit.System: The player spends one point of Gnosis andRage; the Ratkin can teleport up to 50 feet toward thenearest exit within his line-of-sight.188CHANGING BREEDS• Evasion (Level Three) — As the Fianna Gift:Flame Dance.• Speak in Tongues (Level Four) — As the homidGift: Speech of the World.• Cheese It! (Level Five) — This Gift allows theTunnel Runner’s entire pack to escape from danger. ThisGift is taught by a kangaroo-rat spirit.System: The player spends three points of Gnosisand Rage. Every member of the wererat’s pack, includingherself, benefits from the effects of Bolt! They need notall teleport toward the same exit.Shadow Seer Gifts• Rat Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As theTheurge Gift: Mother’s Touch• Sense Weaver (Level One) — As the metis Gift:Sense Wyrm, but detecting Weaver emanations.• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Name the Spirit (Level Two) — As the lupus Gift.• Spirit Snare (Level Two) — As the Theurge Gift.• Command Spirit (Level Three) — As the TheurgeGift.• Exorcism (Level Three) — As the Theurge Gift.• Pulse of the Invisible (Level Four) — As theTheurge Gift.• Feast of the Dead (Level Five) — By devouringthe heart or brain of another, the Ratkin temporarilygains some of that individual’s power. This Gift is taughtby a rat-spirit.System: After eating the heart or brain of anothersupernatural being, the Ratkin gains three of its powers(chosen at random by the Storyteller) for the next 24hours. This Gift can only be used once on a single corpse.Knife Skulker Gifts• Rat’s Judgment (Level One) — As the PhilodoxGift: Fangs of Justice, but also works against all humanswith any trace of Wyrm-taint, no matter its origin.• Sticky Paws (Level One) — The Ratkin snatchesaway an opponent’s weapon and may wield it himself.An avatar of Rat teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Rage point and rollsDexterity + Melee (difficulty of the victim’s Dexterity +3). The victim cannot resist; such is the nature of the Gift.• Truth of Gaia (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.• Chitter (Level Two) — As the Get of Fenris Gift:Snarl of the Predator.• Stalk (Level Two) — As the Ragabash Gift: Pulseof the Prey.• Doppelganger (Level Three) — As the GlassWalker Gift.

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