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• Ugly Truth (Level Five) — As the homid Gift:Part the Veil. The Ratkin must bite a human to transmitthis Gift.Metis Gifts• Form Mastery (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Rat Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As theTheurge Gift: Mother’s Touch.• Sense Wyrm (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Spirit of the Spiny Rat (Level Two) — As themetis Gift: Gift of the Porcupine, but only usable inRodens form.• Stink (Level Two) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift:Gift of the Skunk.• Rat Thing (Level Three) — With a bit of practice,the Ratkin can learn to take on a form betweenCrinos and Rodens, rather like the Garou Hispo form.The result is a giant, lumbering Rat Thing: a long, furryquadrupedal rodent the size of a St. Bernard. A capybaraspiritteaches this Gift.System: This form may be assumed in the samefashion as werewolves assume Hispo form, as a permanentability. The form’s traits are: Strength +4, Dexterity +1,Stamina +1, Manipulation 0, and the brute can moveat triple normal running speed.• Sliver Tooth (Level Three) — The Ratkin’s incisorsleave behind nasty splinters in the wound whenused to bite her enemies. Beaver-spirits teach this Gift.System: After a successful bite attack, the playerspends one Rage point. Any damage inflicted cannotbe healed until all the splinters are removed (requiringfive successes on an extended Dexterity + Medicineroll, difficulty 6).• Rattler’s Bite (Level Four) — As the metis Gift.• Whelp Body (Level Four) — As the Ragabash Gift.• War of Vengeance (Level Five) — As the lupusGift: Song of the Great Beast.Rodens Gifts• Absolute Balance (Level One) — As the StargazerGift: Balance.• Leap of the Kangaroo Rat (Level One) — As thelupus Gift: Hare’s Leap.• Survival (Level One) — The Ratkin can sustainhimself with his own Gnosis. A kangaroo rat-spiritteaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point androlls Wits + Survival, difficulty 6. The character neednot eat or drink for one day.• Devour the Dead (Level Two) — This gruesomeGift is used to clean up messes. The Ratkin summonsa swarm of rat-spirits to consume a dead body, removingall physical evidence it was there. An avatar of Ratteaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point. Thebody is gone three turns later, all possessions carried offinto the Umbra, probably never to be seen again.• Scamper (Level Two) — This Gift makes a fleeingRatkin much harder to hit. A rat-spirit teaches this Gift.187

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