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to their long, yellowed teeth, their bite does Aggravateddamage, but their claws only do lethal damage. Ratkincan wield weapons (at +2 increase in difficulty) withtheir prehensile tails, which have half as much Strengthas the Ratkin itself (round up).• Rodens: Some Rodens forms are only slightly largerthan a normal rat; others are the size of a large housecator small dog. The only difference between this form anda normal rat is that the Ratkin’s front paws have handswith opposable thumbs.GiftsRatkin begin play one breed Gift, one aspect Gift,and one general Gift. Various rat- or rodent-spirits teachalmost all Ratkin Gifts.General Ratkin Gifts• City Running (Level One) — As the homid Gift.• Cloak of Shadows (Level One) — The Ratkincan hide himself, and anyone he’s touching, in shadows.A night-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rollsManipulation + Stealth (difficulty 6). The Ratkin anda number of others equal to his successes gain one automaticsuccess on all Stealth rolls for the rest of the scene.• Darksight (Level One) — All Ratkin have adegree of night vision; this Gift magnifies that ability.A night-spirit teaches it.System: When the Ratkin activates its night vision(see Traits, p. 182), the enhancement lasts for eight hoursand grants perfect vision in the dark. The player rollsPerception + Occult (difficulty 7); each success addsone die to all Perception rolls for the rest of the scene(maximum of three extra dice). With five successes, theRatkin might even see sound or sense heat signatures.• Crawling Chaos (Level Two) — As the UktenaGift: Spirit of the Lizard.• Deep Pockets (Level Two) — The Ratkin canstore innumerable items about his person, far more thanshould be possible. A packrat-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point androlls Wits + Enigmas. Each success lets the characterhide one extra item (small enough to be held in onehand) somewhere on his person. If searched, none ofthese items will turn up. Once an item is removed fromhiding, this Gift must be used again to put it back.• Backbite (Level Three) — The wererat disappearsand instantly reappears behind an opponent up to 50 feetaway. This Gift is taught by grasshopper mouse-spirits.System: The player spends one point of Gnosis andRage; the victim must be within line-of-sight. The wereratcan immediately attack in the same turn at –2 difficulty.186CHANGING BREEDS• Squeeze (Level Three) — So long as there isany sort of a crack or opening (no matter how small), aRatkin can slip through an otherwise solid object to theother side. This Gift only works to pass through objectsthat are a yard or less in depth: a locked door, a wall, or abank vault, but not a mountain. Air-spirits teach this gift.System: The player spends one Willpower androlls Dexterity + Enigmas (difficulty 6). With a success,the Ratkin is able to squeeze through the opening andemerge on the other side. Three or more successes allowthe wererat to pull another person through with him.• Attunement (Level Four) — As the Bone GnawerGift.• Gnaw (Level Four) — As the lupus Gift.• Riot (Level Five) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.• Survivor (Level Five) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.Homid Gifts• Cooking (Level One) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.• Eau de Rat (Level One) — As the Bone GnawerGift: Odious Aroma.• Persuasion (Level One) — As the homid Gift.• Filch (Level Two) — The wererat becomes anexpert at using misdirection to take what he wants,whenever he wants. Chipmunk-spirits teach this gift.System: The character permanently adds three diceto all Larceny actions to steal something in plain sight(such as by pickpocketing).• Instinct (Level Two) — This Gift forces its targetto indulge his basest impulses for one turn. The Ratkinmust provoke the victim’s reaction in some way. Mousespiritsteach this gift.System: The player spends one Rage point androlls permanent Rage (difficulty equal to the victim’sWillpower). The target loses all restraint and impulsecontrol for one turn.• Ratman (Level Three) — With a bit of practice,the wererat learns to assume a new form between Homidand Crinos, rather like a Garou’s Glabro form. Though stillmostly human, this new form gains exaggerated “ratlike”features: beady eyes, a long nose, gnarled hands, sharpincisors. A City Mother or City Father teaches this Gift.System: This form may be assumed in the same fashionas werewolves assume Glabro form, as a permanentability. The Ratman’s traits are: Dexterity +2, Charisma+1 (to rats), Charisma –1 (to humans), and Perception+2. The difficulty of Subterfuge and Stealth rolls’ difficultiesare reduced by 2, and the character may makeclaw attacks which inflict lethal damage.• Reshape Object (Level Three) — As the homid Gift.• Blink (Level Four) — As the Bone Gnawer Gift.• Body Wrack (Level Four) — As the Black Fury Gift.

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