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with a song. Just as Coyote is the only being who canteach this rite, only he can authorize its use — and theconsequences for defying his judgment on the matterare invariably lethal.System: The player spends one point of permanentGnosis to resurrect an individual.FetishesBad Medicine BagLevel Two, Gnosis 6This fetish is a small bag containing the bones ofa small creature that died of disease and bound with aRat-spirit. The Nuwisha use it to teach the strongestindividuals lessons about the pain and torment of severeillness.System: The Bag must be activated and hiddensomewhere within the victim’s bed or sleeping clothes.Once he has slept a full night with the Bag, he will startto display the symptoms of a debilitating disease. Hewill not die from the illness and does not actually growweaker, but he feels wracked with the disease. The difficultiesof all rolls increase by 2 until the false diseaseruns its course.It is difficult to convince the victim the disease isnot real, even with medica evidence. The fastest wayto remove the curse is to find the Bad Medicine Bagand burn it. Otherwise the false sickness lasts for onelunar month after which it disappears with no lastingphysical effects.Portable DoorLevel Four, Gnosis 7Made by binding an Epiphling into a simple pieceof chalk, a magic marker or some other writing implementthat can mark any surface, a Portable Door offersa trapped Nuwisha the chance to make a few new exitsof her own.System: The trickster activates the fetish and tracesa circle or rectangle on a solid surface. The shape transformsinto a door that the Nuwisha can open and use.The Nuwisha has no control on what is on the otherside — which can range from inconvenient to dangerous.The door lasts for (Gnosis) turns or until the Nuwishasteps through.STEREOTYPESLaughing Okode has some words on the other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>:Silver Fangs: You came over here all high and mighty and now you’re sorry? Great. Say you’re sorry bydoing something useful, maybe?“I cannot help but have a modicum of respect for someone who laughs in the face of certain death, eventhough I would be the agent of that death.” — Anton Sky-ChaserGurahl: C’mon, Yogi. Yes, you got fucked. Yes, it was worse than nearly anyone else. But it’s time to wakeup, now.“They are incorrigible tricksters. Let them test every rule, as long as they do not test my patience.” —Orphea LightwalkerKitsune: You’ve got a real joie de vivre that other shapeshifters don’t. You laugh at everything. Marry me.“I’ve heard of the tricksters. They remember how important it is to laugh, but I wonder if they take anythingseriously.” — Moonlight Over River176CHANGING BREEDS

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