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people together. Often wildly improbable, this Gift resultsin relationships that work, having come through weirdcoincidences and bizarre misunderstandings. A Nuwishawho possesses this Gift will never know its benefits — shebecomes unable to use it as soon as she enters an ongoingrelationship. A bird-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The Nuwisha touches her target. Her playerspends a point of Gnosis and a point of Willpower, thenrolls Wits + Subterfuge (difficulty of the target’s Willpower).The target will meet someone suitable in thenext scene — who he meets is outside of the Nuwisha’scontrol — and keep meeting them in strange circumstancesover the course of the next (12 – successes)months. Each meeting is a bizarre co-incidence in anotherwise improbable situation — the star-crossed loversdon’t meet in a bar, but end up in hospital beds next toone another after a car crashes into a shopping mall, ormeet when they both beat the same casino for millionsof dollars. They have plentiful chances to talk and get toknow one another, and at the end of the chance meetingsthey are able to start a surprisingly stable relationship.This Gift doesn’t directly affect either of the lovers.Instead, it warps and twists chance, fate, and destiny toensure the star-crossed lovers meet. While the targetmay feel like his life has turned into a romantic comedy,everyone around them gets caught up in events thatcould ruin their lives. One use of this Gift can skew thelaws of chance throughout Vegas, bringing two peopletogether but utterly ruining thousands more.• Friend and Foe (Level Five) — The Nuwisha’stalent for infiltration is remarkable, but this Gift trulymakes the trickster one with any crowd. One use of thisGift will ensure that a group will trust the werecoyote,and no member of a group would ever consider the Nuwishato be anything other than on the level. He couldwalk in carrying a bloody hatchet while the police werequestioning the group over a series of hatchet-killings,and everyone would leap to the Nuwisha’s defense. Anyone of the Trickster aspects of Coyote may teach this Gift.System: The Nuwisha first identifies a group thathe wants to be a part of — anything from a pack of Garouto the United States Senate. His player spends oneWillpower and one Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation+ Subterfuge (difficulty of the highest Willpower in thegroup). Each success affects up to five individuals whowill claim the Nuwisha is a legitimate member of theirgroup and will deny any evidence to the contrary — evenresponding with violence if provoked. The effect lastsfor (Humor) days. If the player spends one dot each ofWillpower and Gnosis, the effect becomes permanent.The Nuwisha has to make a token effort to fit in withthe group, to avoid being kicked out. Even if she doesfind herself expelled the Gift does not end. The group’sNUWISHAmembers will still insist she was a legitimate memberand may give her the opportunity to regain their favor.• Stop Hitting Yourself (Level Five) — Often, aNuwisha’s educational tricks and pranks will have theunfortunate side effect of enraging her victims, makingthe werecoyote the targets of extreme and bloody violence.With this Gift, she can turn the situation on itshead — attackers who try to hurt the Nuwisha just end uphurting themselves. A porcupine-spirit teaches this Gift.System: When the Nuwisha would be wounded byan attack that she failed to soak, she may instead activatethis Gift by spending one Willpower point and rollingGnosis (difficulty equal to the attacker’s Rage, or 4 forattackers who do not have Rage). On a success, the attackertakes the damage that she would have suffered.As the Nuwisha has already soaked the damage, thesetransferred wounds ignore armor and soak.• Ultimate Argument of Logic (Level Five) — Asthe Theurge Gift.• Umbral Gateway (Level Five, Umbral Danse) —The Nuwisha can open a portal directly into the Umbra,through which may pass only those things the werecoyotewishes. This Gift is taught by a servant of the Trickster.System: The player spends three Gnosis pointsand rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 8). The portal staysopen as long as the werecoyote desires, to a maximumof one scene.RitesNuwisha make use of most Garou rites. They alsoknow a few rites that they have never shared with theGarou, the most important of which are detailed below.Rite of DansingLevel Two, RenownThis Rite is the first step on the path of the UmbralDanser. The Nuwisha must fast for three full days afterdevouring peyote. During this time the Nuwisha mustrecite all past experiences in battling the Wyrm, travellingthe Umbra, and teaching other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>the error of their ways.System: One Gnosis is spent per day; at the end of thethree days, the Nuwisha rolls Manipulation + Enigmas, difficulty7. A success indicates the Nuwisha has been acceptedby the Trickster and can purchase Umbral Danser Gifts.Failure means the Nuwisha has not suitably impressed theTrickster yet and must wait a full year before trying again.Sing Back the DeadLevel Five, MysticOnly one Nuwisha on Earth knows this rite at anygiven time. With it, the dead can be called back to life175

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