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System: The player spends one Willpower pointto gain 5 Rage points, which may be used as Garou do.This Gift may be used once per scene, and the Nuwishamay never have more than 5 Rage. While the Nuwishahas Rage, he is vulnerable to silver as Garou are, andsusceptible to frenzy.• Happy Thoughts (Level Three) — With a touch,the Nuwisha takes away another’s Rage. An avatar ofCoyote teaches this Gift.System: The Nuwisha touches his target and theplayer spends one Gnosis point. The target cannot frenzyor spend Rage for the rest of the scene.• Now You Don’t (Level Three) — The Nuwishamay veil one fairly distinct category of objects from another’ssight, such as cars, doors, trees, fences, food, orbaggies of drugs. A bat-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rollsWits + Larceny (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Theobjects don’t necessarily become invisible — the targetsees what most logically would be there if the namedobject wasn’t. For example, a door would be replaced bya section of blank wall rather than a rectangular hole,while cars and fences would be replaced by nothing atall. The obscured objects remain apparent to all sensesother than sight. This Gift lasts for (Humor) hours.• Pain Remains (Level Three) — Pain usuallymeans little to the <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>, as their regenerativepowers soon heal most injuries. With this Gift theNuwisha ensures that the discomfort endures long afterthe injury is gone. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player selects an injured target, spendsone Gnosis point and rolls Perception + Medicine (difficultyof the target’s Stamina + Survival). The victimsuffers an injury penalty equal to the number of successes(up to his current injury penalty) until the next sunset.• Raven’s Feather (Level Three) — As the UktenaGift: Spirit of the Bird.• Shadow Walk (Level Three) — The Nuwisha maypass through the Gauntlet into any aspect of the Umbra,even the Dark Umbra of the dead or the Horizon wheremages gather. An avatar of Coyote teaches this Gift.System: The Gift’s effects are permanent.• Umbral Camouflage (Level Three, UmbralDanse) — As the Theurge Gift.• Umbral Sight (Level Three, Umbral Danse) —As the Theurge Gift: Pulse of the Invisible.• Bridge Walker (Level Four) — As the GalliardGift.• Disappearing Act (Level Four) — So long as theNuwisha remains absolutely still, he cannot be detectedby any means — not even by touch or mystic senses.Cat-spirits teach this Gift.174CHANGING BREEDSSystem: The player spends one Willpower and oneGnosis point. The Gift’s effects last so long as the characterdoes not willingly move. Being unwillingly moved,such as being knocked over by someone walking into thewerecoyote, does not break the Gift.• Grasp the Beyond (Level Four, Umbral Danse)— As the Theurge Gift.• Locked Door (Level Four, Umbral Danse) — Asthe Theurge Gift: Blurring the Mirror.• Phantasm (Level Four) — As the Fianna Gift.• Trickster’s Skin (Level Four) — The werecoyotemay “trade skins” for a scene with a target he canperceive, taking on his victim’s voice, appearance, andscent while the victim appears to be the Nuwisha. Anavatar of Coyote teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rollsWits + Subterfuge (difficulty of target’s Primal-Urge + 3).• Assimilation (Level Five) — As the homid Gift.• Cartoon Physics (Level Four) — The Nuwishamay briefly trick the laws of gravity into forgetting thatthey apply to her, allowing her to run and even jumpacross the air — as long as she doesn’t acknowledge thatshe’s doing the impossible. Some tricky werecoyotesuse this Gift in conjunction with Phantasm to trick avictim into stepping out onto an illusory floor that thewerecoyote is comfortably ‘standing’ on. Any spirit ofthe air may teach this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point androlls Wits + Science (difficulty 5). The Nuwisha can“stand” on nothing for one turn per success, as longas she remains broadly level with where she left solidground — she can keep running, and even jump alongwhere the “floor” should be. This Gift’s effects end immediatelyif she looks straight down.• Fetish Doll (Level Five) — As the Uktena Gift.• Ghost Danse (Level Five, Umbral Danse) — ThisGift allows the Nuwisha to exist in both the Gaia Realmand in the Umbra simultaneously. She may perceive andattack beings on either side of the Gauntlet, and mayselectively avoid their attacks. An avatar of Coyoteteaches this Gift.System: The player spends two Willpower points toactivate this Gift for the rest of the scene. While GhostDansing, the Nuwisha may perfectly avoid any attackthat does not strike beings in both the Umbra and theGaia Realm simultaneously by spending one Gnosispoint per attack so dodged.• Playing the Heart-Strings (Level Four) — Truelove comes in many forms. Sometimes it runs smoothly,from a first meeting to first kiss to a lifetime together.Such simple relationships aren’t for this Gift. It is thefirst step in a chain of unlikely events that bring two

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