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TraitsNuwisha regenerate and soak damage as werewolves do,but do not suffer aggravated damage or Gnosis loss from silver.Nuwisha do not normally possess Rage, and cannot frenzy.All Nuwisha begin with 4 Willpower.Nuwisha gain Renown for Glory and Wisdom muchlike Garou. However, they gain no Renown for Honorand use Humor instead. They base Humor Renown uponoriginality and ingenuity, as well as how appropriate aprank was for the lesson being taught to the victim.Nuwisha gain rank in the same manner as Ragabash.TotemsWhile all Nuwisha are children of Coyote, they alsoknow that there’s more than one way to be a trickster. Everywerecoyote takes a personal totem that defines their lifeand their relation to Coyote. Players can use freebie pointsto buy the required Totem Background for those that costmore than five dots. Nuwisha who change Totem, whetherthrough choosing a different face of Coyote or becauseOghma chooses them during the story, must pay for anyrequired increase in Totem dots with experience points.Nuwisha use the name of their totem when speakingwith other Nuwisha; a werecoyote named Steps-Lightlywho follows Raven would be called Raven Steps-Lightlyamong her own kind and Steps-Lightly by other shapeshifters.The following nine are the most common aspectsof Coyote that Nuwisha take as totems.Chung KuelBackground Cost: 6A spirit of luck, and particularly of bad luck. Nuwishathat follow Chung Kuel fight the Wyrm by causing a hostof small and large problems (that all seem like chance)to befall their enemies.Individual Traits: Chung Kuel’s followers can cast bad luckon targets that deserve to suffer. Once per story (not necessarilyat the player’s request), the Storyteller rolls a single die. On a 1,nothing happens. On a 2-9, something minor inconveniencesthe target of the Chung Kuel’s attention. Rolling a 10 meansalmost certain disaster for Nuwisha’s focus as chance turnsagainst him. The Storyteller and the Nuwisha’s player shouldwork together to determine the exact results. Followers alsoadd two dice to all Stealth and Subterfuge dice pools.Ban: Followers can only use their abilities againstthose who knowingly follow the Wyrm.KishijotenBackground Cost: 4A spirit of gentleness and healing, Kishijoten’s Nuwishause humor to bring comfort to their allies, whilelistening and offering quiet advice. Many Nuwishaconsider this the most difficult face of Coyote to followbecause doing so demands great patience and kindness.Individual Traits: Followers gain one extra BruisedHealth Level and add two dice to Medicine dice pools.Ban: Followers must always stop to help the injured,but need not aid followers of the Wyrm.KokopelliBackground Cost: 4A spirit of celebration, joy, and fertility, Nuwishawho follow Kokopelli enjoy themselves to their utmostand encourage their fellows and allies to do the same.Individual Traits: Followers gain a dot of Staminaand add two dice to Performance rolls when playingmusical instruments.Ban: Nuwisha who follow this totem can never strikeanyone in anger.LokiBackground Cost: 7The Liesmith is a spirit of war who believes the bestlessons are written in blood. While most Nuwisha preferto hang back when others charge into battle, followersof Loki leap to the forefront of combat, taking as muchjoy in bloodshed and mayhem as a Get of Fenris.Individual Traits: Loki grants his followers one additionalBruised Health Level and an extra dot of anyone Physical Attribute, which can increase the Attributeabove 5.Ban: Followers must always accept formal challengesto combat, even from the Wyrm. They must also offertheir kills as sacrifices to Loki.OghmaBackground Cost: 8 (not available during charactercreation)A bard and scholar, Nuwisha who follow this faceof Coyote carry the memories and stories of their Breedwith them, and teach by gently humiliating those whorefuse to learn by other means. Nuwisha cannot chooseto follow Oghma — he chooses them when he deemsthem worthy.Individual Traits: Followers can use an additional 5points of Willpower every story. When in a formal contestto teach another individual humility, they can gaineither five temporary dots spread amongst their MentalAttributes or four temporary dots spread amongst theirPhysical Attributes. The distribution of those dots canchange in each contest.Ban: Followers of Oghma can never strike anotherin anger.NUWISHA169

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