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• Fluid Grace (Level Three) — As the lupus Gift:Catfeet.• Pierce Illusion (Level Three) — The Nagah’skeen eyes easily pierce the illusions of the world.System: The player spends a Gnosis point. For therest of the scene, the character automatically sees throughall illusions, such as the Gift: Phantasm, or the vampiremagic, Chimerstry.• Being One (Level Four) — The Nagah may becomeas one with one of her nestmates, sharing aptitudesand perceptions.System: The player spends one Gnosis point to establishtelepathic rapport with one of her nestmates withinone mile. The two may reflexively share their thoughtsand perceptions with one another, and may also lend, atwill, up to one dot of any Mental or Physical Attributeor Knowledge. This Gift’s effects last for one scene.• Spirit Ward (Level Four) — As the homid Gift.• There Is No Body (Level Five) — The balaramcan free himself from the limitations of flesh, becomingincorporeal while remaining in the physical world. Forthe duration of the Gift, the Nagah is immune to anyundesired physical contact, even from sources such asfire and silver.System: The player spends three Gnosis points androlls Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 7. The Nagah mayremain immaterial for two turns per success.Ahi Gifts• Bones as Coils (Level One) — As the metis Gift:Rat Head.• Weaver Sense (Level One) — The ahi is sensitiveto the works and emanations of the Weaver and herminions. He may also be able to notice patterns whenthere should be randomness, order where there shouldbe chaos, and times and places where these forces areout of balance. From the physical world, he can beholdWeaver-spirits and the Pattern Web in the Penumbra.System: The player rolls Perception + Enigmas(difficulty of the local Gauntlet). In addition to sensingWeaver influence, the character an also “peek” intothe Penumbra, but may only see Weaver-spirits andconstructs. This Gift lasts for one scene.• Wyld Sense (Level One) — As Naga Ahi Gift:Weaver Sense, but detecting Wyld-spirits and energies,as well as chaos, creation, and primordial forces (rawGnosis, etc.) It also reveals powerful passions like love,anger, and hatred in mortals.• Wyrm Sense (Level One) — As Naga Ahi Gift:Weaver Sense, but detecting Wyrm-spirits and energies,as well as mortal forces of corruption, destruction, death,and decay.NAGAH• Indra’s Cloak (Level Two) — As the Black FuryGift: Curse of Aeolus.• Venom Blood (Level Two) — As the Get ofFenris Gift.• Command Water Spirit (Level Three) — Asthe Uktena Gift: Call Elemental, but only water-spiritscan be called.• Rapture of the Deep (Level Three) — The Nagahcan instill a strong desire in a target to enter any large bodyof water nearby and swim as far out and down as possible.System: The player spends a Gnosis point and makesa contested Willpower roll (difficulty 6) with the target. Ifthe Nagah wins, the target runs to the nearest large body ofwater (at least the size of a small pond) and tries to swim tothe bottom. Should he reach his goal before drowning, hereturns to his senses. The effect lasts for 10 turns plus oneturn for every net success on the contested Willpower roll.• Whirlpool (Level Four) — The Nagah can create awhirlpool in any body of water larger than a swimming pool.System: The player spends one Gnosis point androlls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to create a whirlpool at somepoint within (Survival x 100) yards. The whirlpoolpersists for one scene; the successes determine what it isstrong enough to pull down. A single success would besufficient to drag a human under, three successes wouldmanage a Garou in Crinos, five a small fishing boat, andsix or more would be necessary to pull down larger ships.• Child of Storms (Level Five) — Through thismighty Gift, the Nagah surrenders his physical form andbecomes the storm itself, directing the wind and waterswhere he chooses.System: As the Hakken Gift: Divine Wind, savethat the Nagah is the storm. For the duration, he hasno physical body, and can only be affected by weathercontrollingpowers (which may, at the Storyteller’sdiscretion, do him harm.)Vasuki Gifts• River’s Gift (Level One) — Normally, a Nagah isamphibious only in Kali Dahaka form, breathing wateras easily as air. With this Gift, the Nagah may performthe same feat in any form.System: This Gift’s effects are permanent.• Treesnake’s Blessing (Level One) — The Nagahwith this Gift is unusually swift and sure when climbingtrees, mountains, cliffs, and even rough walls.System: The character permanently adds threedice to climbing rolls, and may climb at her full groundmovement speed.• Sense Vibration (Level One) — As the lupusGift: Scent of Sight.• Form Mastery (Level Two) — As the metis Gift.161

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