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memory stored within the art. Any character with a Gnosistrait can experience the memory by spending a point ofGnosis. The Storyteller decides how much information hegains, but even one success is sufficient to communicate theMokolé’s basic message.In modern times nomadic Mokolé have used this rite toshare current events and warnings with other shapeshifterswho pass through an area.Radiant Tsanga remembers the Bête:STEREOTYPES• Garou: Some of you talk of forgiveness, of sorrow. I remember you showing neither when you slaughteredmy people.“I do not care if the dragons forgive us or hate us to their graves. I care that they realise that we are not theirgreatest enemies.” — Caspar Van Lutyens• Ananasi: We remember what happened. The others do not. For now, I will remain quiet. But rememberthis: you will aid us now, or the world will know of your treachery.“They did what we needed of them once. They will do it again. The lizards make excellent pawns, so easyto goad.” — Genevieve Monfort• Corax: Our cousins. You learn so much, but you gave up the Memory to do so. If you talk, we will listen,but do not expect much in return.“They hang out in lots of places that don’t suit our temperament– ever seen a goth in a rainforest? Yeah.But if you can catch one in a talkative mood, it’s so worth it.” —Raina Fader152CHANGING BREEDS

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