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number of turns equal to the Mokolé’s lowest permanentRenown category.• Lash of Ages (Level Three) — As the Red TalonGift: Render Down.• Anger of the Wani (Level Four) — As the WendigoGift: Invoke the Spirits of the Storm.• Scream of Gaia (Level Four) — As the lupus Gift.• Jointsnake’s Mojo (Level Five) — The Mokolémay rejoin severed body parts without even touchingthem; they simply wriggle back to the stump, reattachingthemselves. This Gift is taught by jointsnake-spirits.System: The player need only spend one Gnosis tocall back and reattach a severed body part, so long asthat body part is within (Glory x 2) yards.• Wall of Granite (Level Five) — As the PhilodoxGift.Noonday Sun Gifts• Fangs of Judgment (Level One) — As the PhilodoxGift.• Persuasion (Level One) — As the homid Gift.• Truth of Olodumare (Level One) — As thePhildox Gift: Truth of Gaia.• Calm (Level Two) — As the Children of Gaia Gift.• Strength of Purpose (Level Two) — As thePhilodox Gift.• Tame Sunbeam (Level Two) — The sun haslong been the staunchest ally of the Mokolé, and sendshis light when they need it most. A servant of Heliosteaches this Gift.System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rollsIntelligence + Occult, difficulty 6. An aura of brightsunlight surrounds the Mokolé for the rest of the scene,illuminating everything out to (successes x 2) yards.• Clear Mind (Level Three) — This Gift encouragesclarity of thought, no matter the distractions; it istaught by a crow-spirit.System: The player spends one or more Willpowerpoints, then chooses a Mental dice pool (such as Intelligence+ Enigmas); each Willpower point spent addsone die to that pool until the sun next rises.• Weak Arm (Level Three) — As the Philodox Gift.• Raptor’s Gaze (Level Four) — As the FiannaGift: Balor’s Gaze.• Strength of the Dominator (Level Four) — Asthe Shadow Lord Gift.• Geas (Level Five) — As the Philodox Gift.• Wisdom of the Sun (Level Five) — As the StargazerGift: Wisdom of the Seer, save that the Mokolémust meditate beneath Lord Sun’s face.MOKOLÉSetting Sun Gifts• Burrow (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Mother’s Touch (Level One) — As the Theurge Gift.• Resist Pain (Level One) — As the Philodox Gift.• Clap of Thunder (Level Two) — As the ShadowLord Gift.• Paint the Meadows (Level Two) — As the MokoléRising Sun Gift.• Rage of the Nest Mother (Level Two) — As theBoli Zousizhe Gift: Fu Xi’s Honor.• Warding Dance (Level Two) — As the FiannaGift: Flame Dance.• Armor of the Tortoise (Level Three) — TheMokolé may form a hard shell around his skin, protectinghimself from harm. This Gift is taught by a turtle-spirit.System: The player rolls Stamina + Primal-Urge,difficulty 6, and the weresaurian spends a turn in concentration.Add the number of successes rolled to theMokolé’s soak rolls. The Gift lasts for (permanent Honor)turns, and may be used only once per scene.• Clarity (Level Three) — As the Stargazers Gift.• Combat Healing (Level Three) — As the AhrounGift.• Might of the Kings (Level Three) — As the Getof Fenris Gift: Might of Thor• Clenched Jaw (Level Four) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Hand of the Earth Lords (Level Four) — As theUktena Gift.• Halo of the Sun (Level Five) — As the Childrenof Gaia Gift.Midnight Sun Gifts• Darksight (Level One) — The ambient light ofthe Penumbra illuminates the physical world, even whendarkness surrounds the Mokolé. A Lune teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Willpower point,and suffers no penalties for lack of light for the rest ofthe scene.• Brother’s Scent (Level One) — As the Childrenof Gaia Gift.• Spirits of Laughter (Level One) — The MidnightSun invokes spirits of good humor, lightening everyone’smood. A mockingbird-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point. For therest of the scene, all Rage rolls are made at +2 difficulty,and everyone finds it very difficult to become upset orout-of-sorts about anything.• Breaking the Tomorrow Wall (Level Two) — TheMokolé swims upstream through the river of Mnesis,catching vague glimpses of the future. A crane-spiritteaches this Gift.149

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