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GiftsMokolé begin with one aspect Gift and one generalMokolé Gift.General Mokole’ Gifts• Falling Touch (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Fatal Flaw (Level One) — As the Shadow LordGift.• Inspiration (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Razor Claws (Level One) — As the Ahroun Gift;only usable in Archid.• Sense Dissolver (Level One) — As the metisGift: Sense Wyrm.• Shed (Level One) — As the metis Gift.• Sight of the True Form (Level One) — As thePhilodox Gift: Scent of the True Form.• Speed of Thought (Level One) — As the SilentStrider Gift, but costing 2 Gnosis rather than 1.• Blessings of the Nest (Level Two) — Hissing ablessing in the Dragon Tongue, the Mokolé bestows a giftof fertility. In addition to ensuring conception on mostrecipients, the Gift also removes impotence from thosewho suffer from it and grants fertility to the normallybarren. A rooster-spirit teaches it.System: The player spends one Gnosis point. ThisGift’s power is insufficient to make metis fertile.• Reptoid Form (Level Two) — Through carefulrefinement of her shapeshifting capabilities, the Mokolélearns to assume a form between Homid and Archid.This “near-man” form, roughly equivalent to the GarouGlabro form, lacks hair, has tough, lightly scaled skin, andsports small but sharp claws. It can only pass for humanat a distance, under heavy clothing, or in poor light, butstill avoids the size and subtlety issues associated withArchid. This Gift is taught by memory-spirits.System: The character assumes her new form in thesame manner as a Garou assuming Glabro. Its traits are:Strength +2, Stamina +2, Appearance –2, and it canmake claw attacks for lethal damage.• Sense Gold (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift:Sense Silver, save that it detects gold.• Silver Claws (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Stinking Breath (Level Two) — As the BoneGnawer Gift: Odious Aroma.• Dragonfear (Level Three) — As the AhrounGift: True Fear.• Dragon’s Breath (Level Three) — The Mokolécan spit fire. This Gift is taught by Dragon himself.System: The player spends one Rage point and rollsDexterity + Brawl (difficulty 8) to aim the attack (range30 feet). It inflicts two automatic levels of aggravateddamage, plus two additional levels per extra point ofRage spent after the attack is rolled.• Walking Between Worlds (Level Three) — TheMokolé can breach the Gauntlet and enter the Umbrain the same manner as Garou. Lunes teach this Gift.System: This Gift’s effects are permanent• Attunement (Level Four) — As the Silent StriderGift.• Cocoon (Level Four) — As the homid Gift.• Serenity (Level Four) — As the Children ofGaia Gift.• Grasp the Beyond (Level Five) — As the Theurge Gift.• Song of the Great Beast (Level Five) — As thelupus Gift.Rising Sun Gifts• Bellow (Level One) — The Mokolé releases apowerful and terrifying reptilian roar. This Gift is taughtby a crocodile-spirit.System: The player spends one Rage point and rollspermanent Rage (difficulty of the target’s Willpower).If successful, the target reacts as though afflicted by theDelirium. Subtract the Mokolé’s Glory from the target’sWillpower before consulting the Delirium chart. Othershapeshifters can spend one Willpower point to resistthe Gift’s effects for the rest of the scene.• Eye of the Raptor (Level One) — The Mokolécan see clearly for miles. A raptor-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player rolls Perception + Alertness(difficulty 8). The number of successes equals the numberof miles the character can see clearly.• Master of Fire (Level One) — As the homid Gift.• Paint the Meadows (Level Two) — The Mokolémay utter pitiable moans and groans to draw prey closer.Margay-spirits teach this Gift.System: The player rolls Wits + Expression (difficultyof the target’s Willpower). The victim moves closer forone turn per success; if the victim is harmed, the Gift’seffects end.• Sense Silver (Level Two) — As the Ahroun Gift.• Combat Healing (Level Three) — As the AhrounGift.• Dragon’s Tongue (Level Three) — As the BastetPumonca Gift: Thunderbolt.• Hot Ichor (Level Three) — The Mokolé may useher Rage to heat her blood, enhancing her prowess inbattle or on the hunt. A raptor-spirit teaches this Gift.System: The player may spend Rage to increaseher physical Attributes at a rate of one point of Rageper Attribute dot gained. This enhancement lasts for a148CHANGING BREEDS

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