W20 - Changing Breeds.pdf

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Modern descendants of the prehistoric Lizard Kings,Mokolé share a collective Dream of everything that hascome before. They are the Earth Mother’s memory, blessedand burdened with ensuring the past is not forgotten.HistoryBefore Man walked, Things roamed the Earth. Slithering,stalking, stomping Things. Lazy, slow Things, toomassive to be bothered by anything smaller. Flickering,darting Things, fast enough to attack and be gone beforethe wound began to bleed. Sharp-toothed, tearing Things,and Things that soared overhead. Things in the depths ofthe blackest waters, and Things in the tops of the trees.Things hunted. Things killed. And now… Thingsremember.Man’s history. Wolves’ history. The history of allwho walk in fur and fang. This time and place andall that exists here is but a flicker in the bonfire ofwhat has come before. Before humanity, beforescience, before this mammal-led heartbeat.In a past far older than any but They-Who-Remember can recall, life thrived.Countless creatures lived, evolved —and eventually died. All with no morefanfare or legacy than humanity willleave behind when it is gone.Man is not the first. He is not theonly. He is not even the best. Timepasses, and in time this cacophonyof human “civilization” willexist no more. There will beno record left behind of thisself-important sour note inthe symphony of time.It will become — as haveall the epochs before — ahalf-slumbering Dream inthe memory of those whoremain.The Mokolé look forward to that time.Their numbers have dwindled for centuries, as theyhid in the darkest corners of the wilderness, hunted bythose who misunderstood their Dreaming. But now, inthe Final Days, their numbers have increased, and theirterritories have been secured. As man’s world dies — asit was alwaysdestined todo — theMokolé137

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