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Moonlight-Over-River has a few words:STEREOTYPES• Stargazers: Our brothers and sisters outside of the Emerald Courts, striving so hard to master your Rageand learn so much. When you grow tired of the Western Garou, we will be there for you.“They think nobody knows that they kill some leaders to promote their favorites. We will not be so easilyswayed.” — Joseph Calms-in-the-Storm• Nezumi: You do what must be done, and bear your burden with grace. Would that I could say thatabout your cousins, but something dangerous lurks beneath their surface.“They think they’re so clever, working behind the scenes and playing at being heroes with the others.When the time comes, they’ll fall like the others.” — Kray Meren• Same-Bito: You’re single-minded and incredibly powerful, but you also have your negative aspects. Likehow the other weresharks hate and fear you. We should do something about that.“They help the betweeners in the Beast Courts. Maybe they would help me.” — Bleeds-Nightdoes not have to be repeated if attendees arrive late; anylatecomers remain bound by the rules as long as theyremain among the gathering.Anyone attempting to breach the agreed etiquettemust make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6). At the pointthat she would make the roll, the transgressor well awarethat she is about to break the rules, and she may choosenot to break the accepted etiquette. The rules of politesociety also sooth the tempers of everyone — all Ragerolls are made at +2 difficulty.Rite of the CrossroadsLevel Three, RenownThe Rite of the Crossroads serves much the same purposefor Kitsune as the Beast Courts’ Rite of the OpenedWay. In it, the Foxes use the power of the four directionsto celebrate a kit’s first — and only — choice of path.The rite is always performed in a transitional place;crossroads are both traditional and particularly auspicious,but bridges and even doorways will also do. The ritemasterpurifies the young kit, then brings her to the site of the rite.After proper obeisance is made to the Emerald Mother, theSilver Lady, Bai-Mianxi, and Prince Inari, the ritemasterasks all four to bless their newest child’s arrival into adulthood.The ritemaster then lays out four empty bowls beforethe kit, one at each direction. The kit, however, sees eachbowl as filled with one of the four Paths’ elements — clay,lightning, lava, mist. The kit must then reach into theproper bowl, thus choosing her path. Rather than burningyoung Eji or Doshi, the contents of the bowl fill them witha rush of power and confidence. Once the choice has beenmade, all can see the Kitsune’s paw drip with the symbol ofher path. The ritemaster then ends the rite, and the newYakan begins her training.System: No rolls are necessary. The kit is officiallyRank One at the rite’s end. It is a great honorto perform this rite, and successfully sponsoring a newKitsune grants the ritemaster two points of temporaryToku Renown.FetishesPlenipotentiaryLevel One, Gnosis 5Those who know the ways of the Beast Courtssay the Kitsune work as their diplomats and spies,and should be treated with suspicion. For those notfamiliar with their ways the werefoxes are just anotherunwanted shapeshifter intruding upon territory. In anycase the Kitsune know that they can defray suspicions ifgiven the opportunity to speak. Plenipotentiaries looklike discreet jewellery, often rings, bearing fox imagesstylized with icons representing the Kitsune’s Court.System: The Kitsune activates the fetish and rollsCharisma + Expression (difficulty 6). Each successgives the werefox one turn during which she is safefrom attack. The Kitsune cannot start a fight duringthe Plenipotentiary’s protection.136CHANGING BREEDS

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