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• Speech of the World (Level Two) — As thehomid Gift.• Seek (Level Three) — The Kitsune asks the localspirits for a single individual’s location. The spiritsanswer correctly if they can; should the individual bebeyond their territory, they say as much. The spirits ofpredatory animals teach this Gift.System: The player spends a Gnosis point to contactan appropriate spirit, and rolls Wits + Occult, difficulty6, to beseech its help.• Uzume Sings (Level Three) — The Kataribe’svoice becomes achingly beautiful, paralyzing an enemyor luring him forward to his doom. Nightingale- andsnake-spirits teach this Gift.System: The player spends one Gnosis point androlls Charisma + Performance (difficulty of the target’sWillpower). For every success, the target is under theFox’s power for one turn.• Wisdom of the Ancient Ways (Level Three) —As the Philodox Gift: Wisdom of the Ancient Ways.• Kuei Dance (Level Four) — This Gift calls onthe dead to bear witness. There is no compulsion, butthe dead are eager to be remembered, so rarely refuse.The spell may take any form, from story to song to dance,with the ghost acting out her part as appropriate. ThisGift is taught by ancestor-spirits.System: The player spends a Willpower point androlls Gnosis + Empathy, difficulty 8, to establish contact.This Gift works only if the deceased lingers in somespiritual form, such as a ghost or ancestor-spirit. Themore successes rolled, the more coherent the ghost’sperformance.• Shadows by the Firelight (Level Four) — Asthe Galliard Gift.• Assimilation (Level Five) — As the homid Gift.• Fabric of the Mind (Level Five) — As the GalliardGift.Ju-FuPerhaps the most distinct Kitsune trick is the art ofJu-Fu — paper magic. Ju-Fu Gifts are purchased at a costof (level x 7) experience points; unlike traditional Gifts,they are not bestowed by spirits, but must be learnedfrom another Fox. The kami (folded-paper spells) usedto cast them may be prepared in advance, but eachcosts at least one Gnosis point to make, limiting thepotential for stockpiling. Where a Ju-Fu Gift lists noother cost, it only costs the Gnosis point necessary tomake the kami.• Lantern (Level One) — By crafting a paperlantern or similar kami, the Kitsune can infuse it withan eerie light.KITSUNESystem: The light is as bright as that of a mundanepaper lantern, and lasts for one scene.• Umekochi’s Mouth (Level One) — The Kitsunecrafts a small paper cup, dish, or other container, whichcan hold four times as much as it should.System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6).• Attraction (Level Two) — The Kitsune attractsor repels a certain type of animal by crafting an appropriatekami. She might repel tigers to travel safely throughthe jungle, or fashion a paper firefly to summon enoughfireflies to eerily light a graveyard.System: The player rolls Manipulation + AnimalKen, difficulty 7. The more successes, the stronger thekami’s effects.• Silver Sigil (Level Two) — The Kitsune can write“badge” on a piece of paper — people will see a badge.She can write “passport” on a bit of bark, and breezethrough customs.System: The player rolls Gnosis, difficulty 7. Thekami remains effective for one scene.• Paper Beast (Level Three) — The Kitsune fashionsa kami in the shape of a mundane animal, with theanimal’s pictogram written on it. When the Kitsune spitson the kami, the paper beast immediately grows to fullsize and obeys the Fox’s commands.System: The player spends two Gnosis and rollsGnosis, difficulty 7. The resulting creature has all thetraits of its likeness, but only one health level.• Beast Shape (Level Four) — As the RagabashGift: Thousand Forms. The Kitsune may take the formof the animal depicted by this kami.• Paper Flesh (Level Five) — As the Gift: PaperBeast, save that it requires three Gnosis points, and thebeast is fully flesh and blood (though it reverts to paperat the end of the scene or when slain).RitesFew Kitsune-created rites exist. The Foxes are morethan happy to borrow rites from their fellow <strong>Changing</strong><strong>Breeds</strong> and adapt them to their own needs.Proprieties of ConductLevel Two, AccordThe Kitsune serve a central role within the Beast Cours,smoothing tensions between the different <strong>Breeds</strong> and ensuringvisitors to the Courts follow behavioral expectations.This simple rite helps the foxes smooth things over.System: The rite-master addresses a gathering andannounces the expected standards of behavior. Amonga group of familiar acquaintances this can be as simple asdeclaring that everyone must observe ‘standard norms;’she has to give more detail if guests are present. The rite135

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