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Form StatisticsSambuhenge Koto Juko KyubiStr: +0 Str: +1Dex: +1 Dex: +2 Dex: +3 Dex: +4Sta: +1 Sta: +2 Sta: +3 Sta: +2Man: –1 Man: –1 Man: –2 Man: –1Per: +0 Per: +1 Per: +1 Per: +2Difficulty for hearing Perception rolls is reduced by2 in all forms except Hitogata.GiftsKitsune love magic. Advancing in rank and gainingnew tails is a great honor, to be sure, but what Kitsune trulytreasure is the new powers that come with accomplishmentand experience. A Kitsune character begins play with onegeneral Kitsune Gift, one breed Gift, and one Path Gift.General Kitsune Gifts• Chi Sense (Level One) — The Kitsune may sensethe ebb and flow of Yin and Yang through the world aroundher. This Gift is taught by any spirit of the Middle Kingdom.System: The player permanently adds one die to anyGift or Rite which inspects or alters the environmentaround the Kitsune.130CHANGING BREEDS• Ishin Deshin (Level One) — As the GalliardGift: Mindspeak.• Scent of Running Water (Level One) — As theRagabash Gift.• Moon Dance (Level Two) — The Kitsune becomescompletely invisible so long as no moonlight touchesher. She may step in and out of moonlight, appearingand vanishing as she does. Lunes teach this Gift, whichcannot be used during the daytime.System: The player spends one Gnosis point. Theeffect lasts the entire night. The Gift doesn’t mask theKitsune from any sense save sight.• Sense Magic (Level Two) — As the Uktena Gift.• Spirit Speech (Level Two) — As the Theurge Gift.• Ghost Speech (Level Three) — This Gift allowsKitsune to speak with inhabitants of the Yin Realm — theDark Umbra. It is taught by ancestor-spirits and spiritsassociated with death.System: The Kitsune may speak in a tone that carriesacross into the Yin Realm, and hear any responsesto her words.• Puppeteer’s Secret (Level Three) — The Foxfades into the crowd; everyone assumes she belongs, andthat her familiar face has been there for quite some time.Deer-spirits teach this Gift.

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