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commanded the Kitsune to take up the assassination ofany nations that no longer held the Mandate of Heaven,for it was through their break with this sacred writ thatsuch devastation had come about. Only by purging thosewho refused to abide by the holy Laws, could the rightpath be regained once more.Bai Mianxi agreed, and with Gaia’s blessing, the FirstKitsune was reunited with her lover and her Kin. Andfrom that time to this, most werefoxes have served Gaiafaithfully, though not always in a way that The Mother’sother children would think honorable. Throughout theages, the Kitsune have used their wits, nimbleness, humor,and magic to undermine Gaia’s enemies. Through manipulation,assassination, and possession of key personnel,they molded the politics of the Middle Kingdom duringthe early parts of the Fifth Age. With nothing more thana whisper here or a clever ruse there, the Nine-tails couldtopple a kingdom or raise up a new ruler, all to furtherGaia’s will and in accordance with the Laws of Heaven.Present DayTo this day, Kitsune continue to serve the Mother— and further their own goals. Of all The First Goddess’children, they face the Sixth Age with the least dread,secure in the knowledge that Gaia pledged not to helpthem survive it, but to free them of their obligations toHer afterward.They struggle, as do most of the Changers, with theloss of ever more of their fox Kin throughout Asia asthey are hunted for their beautiful pelts and the magicalproperties of their bones. Likewise, their human Kinfolksuffer under harsh political regimes and oppressive economicmandates.Even in present day, the Asian world both fearsand reveres the legends of magical foxes, with templesto Inari and the other Kitsune fox gods and goddessesstill in active use. So long as that is the case, they willprobably remain much as they have been for centuries,behind the scenes manipulating the world around themfor The First Goddess’ benefit.Kitsune and the Emerald CourtsWhile other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong> may have representativesin both Western Culture and the Emerald Courts, Kitsunethink of themselves always as hengeyokai. They began inChina, Japan, and Korea, and (minor forays across thePacific notwithstanding) that’s where they still live today.They took on the communal rites and court structures ofAsian shapeshifters because those were what was there.They count the Ages of the World the way all shen do,because that’s who they grew up spying on. They call theCelestines and Incarna by a thousand names the Childrenof Gaia, Corax, and Qualmi wouldn’t recognize — becauseKITSUNEthat’s what the gods go by in their comer of the world.All Kitsune are hengeyokai, however, not all aresworn to the Beast Courts. Most Kitsune serve the Kitsunefirst and the Courts second, if at all. Perhaps onein every four follows the hengeyokai Way of EmeraldVirtue and the Mandates, while nearly all follow theLaws of Heaven given to their Breed directly from Gaia.Among those who do swear to the Courts, many servefor a limited time period, but while under pledge, theyare as courtly and as perfect as possible.Kitsune make good ambassadors to others, and oftenserve as such for the Beast Courts. Kitsune also makeadmirable regents and seers, playing advisor to thoseupon the throne. Those who are not sworn to the courtmay fulfill similar roles to other powerful figures whilestill serving Gaia and Luna (and their own whims, invarying proportions).OrganizationWhen gathered in anything other than a propercourt or moot, Kitsune form groups of auspicious numbers:one, two, and four. One Kitsune can do things onher own without a great deal of help from others. TwoNine-tails function well together: one awake while theother rests. This duality — like Yin and Yang — bringsthem into balance. And then, there is four… Of allpeoples of the Middle Kingdom, the Kitsune alone seethe number four as auspicious. But four Kitsune — oneof each Path — creates a perfect sentai. Together, fourfoxes may use strength and force, cleverness and magic,to succeed where others fail. Add a non-Fox to contributethe beauty of imperfection, and a sentai embodiestrue excellence in a way no other group may — at leastaccording to the Kitsune.It is rare for Kitsune to meet together in larger numbers;as individuals, they are quite busy with little time forgrand moots or endless meetings among their own kind.As well, Foxes have many enemies and large gatheringswould make it far too easy for those who would do thefox-shifters ill to find them. And, since Kitsune honorspirits as individuals rather than groups, so there is littleneed for large gatherings to perform group rites. However,as they will not attend to Fox-business at gatheringscontaining non-Kitsune, sometimes meetings amongthe higher-ranking members of the Breed are necessary.When Foxes do gather, their assemblies are briefmeetings wherein highly important topics are quicklyheard and resolved. Even in the direst of circumstances,these are rare. Usually, it is thought sufficient to simplypass the word along from Fox to Fox as time and placepermit. Being quite well connected, news can pass acrossthe entire Middle Kingdom in less than a week this way.125

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