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Tricksters, assassins, magicians, and holy warriors,the Kitsune do Gaia’s will where others cannot or willnot. Bound by the Laws of Heaven, the fox-shifters pullstrings behind the scenes, while putting forth a perfectoutward-countenance for the rest of the world to see.122CHANGING BREEDSHistoryThis is the story of the Kitsune’s creation as handeddown from one Fox to the next. Kitsune are the youngestof the <strong>Changing</strong> children, having first arisen duringthe Fourth Age — that time which others might knowas the early history of mankind. Before this time, in theAges of Dawning and of Legends and of Ten ThousandThings, the Kitsune’s ancestors were carefree, cavortingas they chose without thought for the consequences.During the War of Shame, when Gaia’s Eastern childrenfought and killed one another much in the way theydid during the Western War of Rage, The First Goddessknew great despair. And as She looked around Her, seekinga solution for Her woes, Her eyes fell upon Bai Mianxi.Bai Mianxi, the White-Faced One, was born like anyother fox: she played and hunted and learned to hide fromher enemies, just as the rest of her kind. But BaiMianxi was smarter and faster and more nimblethan any of her Kin, and her destiny would befar greater than any fox had achieved before.As Bai Mianxi moved through the world, sheheard the voices of the spirits. And being both curiousand wise, she soon discovered how to speakwith the spirit world as well, learning their secretsand mystic ways. From the spirits she learned manythings: magic and illusion, trickery and prophecy,and — perhaps most importantly — thechanging of her form.Meeting other clever foxes, shebanded together with them andtaught them the things she hadlearned, that they might benefitfrom interacting with the spirits aswell. She and her people cavortedand danced and played tricks onanimal and human alike, whileall around them, the world fellfurther into chaos, and other<strong>Changing</strong> children fought anddied. But, it was of no concernto the Kitsune, for despite their

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