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usually escape (or are “liberated” by other Gurahl) soonafter their First Change.Beginning Rage: 4Beginning Gnosis: 5Starting Gifts: Heightened Senses, Voice of WoeAuspicesInstead of having one “birth” auspice that governsan individual throughout his lifetime, Gurahl migratethrough five different auspices in the course of theirlives. There is a natural progression of auspices, and thevast majority of Gurahl transition through them in thatorder. In more peaceful times, a Gurahl would take anentire lifetime to experience all five auspices. In moderntimes, however, many Gurahl rush through all theauspices in a few years, finally settling on the one mostsuitable to their temperament — or most necessary tothe responsibilities they’ve taken on — as a long-termauspice. This sometimes means going back to a previousauspice, or remaining in one for an extended timeperiod, if duty requires it.Each Gurahl auspice has Gifts specifically relatedto it. When a Gurahl enters a particular auspice, hemay learn Gifts peculiar to that auspice, although hedoes not lose the ability to learn Gifts from auspices hehas traveled through in the past. A Kieh may pick upa heretofore unlearned Arcas, Uzmati, or Kojubat Giftto round out her knowledge (assuming she has alreadyexperienced those auspices). However, learning too manyGifts outside one’s current auspice is sometimes seen asevidence of poor judgment — and a possible cause forloss of Wisdom Renown for dependence on hindsight.Auspice GiftsThe starting Gifts available to a Rank One ArcasGurahl are Open Seal or Walk Like a Man, and all Gurahlshould begin play with one or the other.However, as Gurahl transition through both theirauspices and ranks at a variety of paces, some werebearsmay be eligible to learn Level Two (or higher) Gifts by thetime they transition into the Uzmati auspice. Others maytransition quickly through auspices without significantjumps in rank, and thus may be restricted to learningLevel One Gifts from each auspice Gift list, regardlessof having changed auspices several times.Storytellers are welcome to allow their players topurchase whatever combination of Gifts their characters’rank and auspice history justify. This can be a motivationfor players to create compelling back-stories to explaintheir characters’ pre-game experiences, and thus theirparticular selection of auspice Gifts.• Arcas — the New Moon: This auspice governs aGurahl from her First Change through her Gallivant andthe time with her Buri-Jaan, ending when she experiencesher first full battle after leaving her mentor. It is a timeperiod of exploration, of learning, and of questioning.• Uzmati — the Full Moon: This auspice governs aGurahl’s solitary travels and introduces him to his place asa warrior of Gaia. Uzmati Gurahl feel the music of battlein their spirit, preparing them to fight off any threats totheir protected lands or creatures. Gurahl who dwellin areas where they must continually fight the Wyrm’sminions sometimes remain in this auspice for years, whileothers visit it only briefly. At some point, usually aftertaking a mate or feeling the need for a more settled life,they progress to the next auspice.• Kojubat — the Gibbous Moon: This auspice guidesGurahl through a period of remembering and learning. Inthis phase, Gurahl study the lore of the werebear, includinghistory, songs, and stories. Most Gurahl begin theirLifework during this phase of their lives, if they have notalready done so. Kojubat Gurahl receive great respectfrom other Gurahl because they embody the knowledgeimparted to the Breed by Gaia Herself.• Kieh — the Crescent Moon: After learningcomes reflection and a turning inward, hallmarks ofthe Kieh auspice. This is a time of peaking mysticismand Gurahl in this auspice spend the majority of theirtime learning and performing rites, and expanding theirknowledge of Gifts. Many Kieh become Buri-Jaan tofledgling werebears.• Rishi — the Half Moon: This phase of the moon isthe last in the Gurahl’s natural progression. Rishi Gurahlhave usually built up a font of knowledge and experience,and other werebears look to them for guidance. Rishijudge disputes, keep the peace, and mediate betweenquarreling factions. Those who are called to the Councilof Autumn are often members of the Rishi auspice.FormsGurahl possess five forms ranging from those thatwould pass for normal humans and animals to thosewhich are likely to have sparked wilderness legends ofmonstrous beasts of the forest.• Homid: Gurahl in human form are indistinguishablefrom normal humans, though many tend to beabove average in height and musculature. Werebearswith human parents resemble the ethnic heritage oftheir family, while Gurahl with a bear parent tend toretain the general pigmentation of their bear-form. AGurahl’s human voice has a rich timbre; they tend tospeak slowly and thoughtfully, although this is as mucha manifestation of their nature as of their form.GURAHL113

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