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Kin. When those who left for the Umbra returned inthe late 20th century, they found that the vast majorityof the great forests destroyed, and their Kinfolk had followedtheir shapeshifting relatives’ example, retreatinginto what wildernesses remained. Although the mostpopulous of any Gurahl tribe, the Forest Walkers stillwork hard to increase their numbers, and to preserve thelore of their Kinfolk as well as their own sacred history.Home TerritoriesThough they range across the breadth of the NorthAmerican continent and even into Mexico, Forest Walkersare most plentiful in the woodlands of the easternUnited States. Many stay in protected habitats such asnational parks and wilderness preserves. They have alsomade inroads into the South American rainforests andAfrican jungle in search of new Kinfolk — both humanand ursine. Now and then, they attempt to cross intoAsia, but so far have met with little acceptance amongthe native bear populations — and strange shifters —they have found there.KinfolkBear Kinfolk among the Forest Walkers consist mainlyof black bears with a smattering of other bear species,including the spectacled bears of South America. HomidKinfolk used to come solely from Native Americanstock, predominantly of the southern and eastern tribes.As with all of the Gurahl, Forest Walkers have begun totake their human mates where they can, often choosingthose who are actively working in forest conservation,animal preservation, or other outdoor career paths.Tribal CultureForest Walkers tend to form small groups for mutualsupport. They regularly attend powwows and gatherings,eager to learn and share new tales. Although independent,they treat their elders with great respect, and cooperatewith one another, regardless of rank.AppearanceUrsine Forest Walkers usually resemble black bears,the smallest of North American bear species. Black bearstend towards broad skulls, narrow muzzles, and coats thatare smooth and dense. Despite the name, fur color varieswidely, ranging from a true blue-black to warm brownsand almost blonde cinnamon tones. One sub-species isknown for giving birth fairly often to non-albino whitecoatedyoung. These “spirit bears” are prized by the ForestWalkers as ursine Kinfolk mates, as they give birth to ahigher-than-normal ratio of Gurahl offspring.Human-born members of the tribe resemble theethnic type of their human parent. Traditionally thishas included Native American tribes throughout mostof the continent, as well as the tribal peoples of Asia,where there was some overlap with the now-extinctOkuma Gurahl.Ice StalkersThe Ice Stalkers were once accused by the Garouof bringing about the Ice Age to serve the Wyrm’s purposes.Most modern Garou have never heard — or havechosen to forget — the accusations their ancestors slungagainst the Gurahl. But these rumors and lies came nearto bringing about the destruction of an entire <strong>Changing</strong>Breed, so the point is still a sore one.Ice Stalkers maintain a keen interest in polar bearsas well as the native peoples of Alaska and NorthernCanada, watching the Wendigo Garou carefully (whilestaying out of their way). Human exploitation of thenorthern icelands for fossil fuels and other natural resourceshas hurt both the human and bear populationstied to this tribe, as have the climate changes which areslowly but surely melting away their territories. The IceStalkers now labor furiously to protect what remains oftheir lands and Kin, before both are lost forever.Home TerritoriesIce Stalkers inhabit Alaska, northern Canada, Russia,and the circumpolar regions of the globe. Some havemoved further south in Canada and into Scandinavia insearch of potential Kinfolk, although they are wary ofcoming into closer proximity to the Garou populationsthat call those lands home.KinfolkMost bear Kinfolk are polar bears (with the occasionalgrizzly bear). Human-born Kinfolk traditionallycome from the native Aleut and Inuit peoples, as wellas other northern peoples like the Saami.Tribal CultureAlthough many see only the fierce and intimidatingaspects of their nature, Ice Stalkers are also highlyinquisitive, impulsive, and curious, with a keen sense ofhumor and playfulness.Gregarious by nature, Ice Stalkers congregate insemi-permanent “family groups.” Buri-Jaan and cub oftenremain together for several years. They attend and holdmore powwows and fests than any other tribe.Subjected to extensive periods of seclusion due toadverse climate conditions, the Stalkers zealously cultivatea wide variety of art forms. They excel at craftingjewelry and other items from the bones and hide of animalsthey kill for food, as well as sculpting ice — where it stillremains to be crafted — into intricate shapes.110CHANGING BREEDS

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