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A Gurahl may also increase her Strength or Staminaby spending Rage on a one-for-one basis. She can raiseher Strength to a maximum of twice her current form’sStrength, and her Stamina to up to twice her currentform’s Stamina. Gurahl may combine increases in bothStrength and Stamina by dividing up her expended Ragepoints between the two Attributes. Such increases inStrength and Stamina last for one turn per dot of Rage.Gurahl may use Rage to gain additional health levels,though any levels gained do not heal prior damage. Forexample, a Hurt Gurahl may spend two points of Rage togain an additional two “Hurt” levels. An attacker mustfill in these additional “Hurt” levels before the werebearbecomes “Wounded”. If a Gurahl does this before engagingin battle, the levels gained count as additional “Bruised”levels. This effect lasts for a scene or until they are lostthrough taking damage.Because they can channel their Rage in combat inseveral ways, Gurahl retain a more deliberate attitudein the midst of Rage (though they are still deadly).Werebears regain spent Rage more slowly than Garou,since they must work harder to get uncontrollably angry.Direct threats to lands or protected creatures restore aGurahl’s Rage; angry words or insults do not.Gurahl must score five or more successes on a Rageroll (difficulty 8) in order to succumb to frenzy. A frenziedGurahl never flees, but instead stands and fights, refusingto retreat no matter what the circumstances, sometimeseven charging their enemies. A Gurahl may spend apoint of Willpower to offset the frenzy, though she mayonly move or speak during the same turn in which shedoes so, not take other actions.To fall prey to “the Thrall of the Wyrm,” a Gurahlmust roll eight successes on a Rage roll. In this unhappyevent, no Willpower expenditure can stave off the effectsof the Beast-of-War or the Eater-of-Souls.RenownWerebears value Honor, Succor, and WisdomRenown. Honor comes from showing respect, actingselflessly, and adhering to the Code of Ursa. Succor —which many Gurahl consider the most important kind ofRenown results from acts that heal the world, includingcleansing taint and saving lives. Wisdom is awarded whenthe werebear discovers or preserves ancient knowledge.Advantages and VulnerabilitiesThe Gurahl receive several advantages from Bear thathelp them fulfill their purpose. To balance these enhancements,however, they have an equal number of relevantdisadvantages that also stem from being Bear’s children.• Adamant Will: Gurahl gain one automatic successin any opposed Willpower roll involving their need108CHANGING BREEDSto protect and defend. Attempts by vampires or othersupernatural creatures to affect the mind or will, or topossess the body, of a Gurahl are made at +2 difficulty. Inmost other cases where Gurahl engage in a contest of willsover their duty to Gaia, they receive a boost to their roll(or their opponent suffers a penalty, at the Storyteller’sdiscretion). There is a drawback to having will this strong,however. Getting a werebear to change her mind is nighimpossible once she has decided on a course of action.• Keen Smell: A Gurahl’s sense of smell is highlydeveloped. Perception rolls involving odors are made at a–2 difficulty, except when the Gurahl is in Homid form.This sensory acuteness includes enabling the Gurahl toidentify individuals by their perfume or natural bodyscent, sniffing out taint or toxins in food or water, andperforming other tasks involving smell.• Poor Eyesight: While in Homid form, Gurahl havenormal eyesight (subject to individual variations) but inevery other form, werebears have relatively poor vision.They are not blind, but they do not rely primarily on theirsight and tend not to notice visual cues as rapidly as other<strong>Breeds</strong>. Perception rolls based on sight alone are made ata +2 difficulty unless the Gurahl is in Homid form.• Seasonal Lethargy: A Gurahl’s body is attunedto seasonal changes. In wintertime, most werebearsgrow sluggish and experience a psychological need totuck themselves in for the winter. Though Gurahl donot have to hibernate, they do become more lethargicduring the winter months. This manifests in small ways,such as habitual lateness. Gurahl subtract two from theirinitiative score during the winter months.Backgrounds and AbilitiesGurahl have the same Backgrounds and Abilities asGarou with the following differences. All Gurahl mustbegin with at least one purchased dot in Mentor. UrsineGurahl have the same starting Background and Abilityrestrictions as lupus Garou.As well, the Kinfolk Background represents fewerindividuals for Gurahl:• 2 Kinfolk•• 4 Kinfolk••• 6 Kinfolk•••• 10 Kinfolk••••• 15 KinfolkTribesAlthough their population was culled to a terribledegree during the War of Rage, four major tribes of Gurahlstill exist. Their Kin, scattered across the globe, encompassthe majority of true bear breeds in the world. A few smaller

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