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• Powwow: During the summer, the Gurahl participatein intertribal gatherings, called powwows, whichlast for several days. Gurahl from different tribes gathertogether to share information, display their artwork orcrafts, and strengthen the ties among the tribes. Whileno werebear can afford to take too much time off fromthe work of guarding her protected lands, these powwowsare a vital part of the information system of the Breed,and all Gurahl try to participate in at least one per year.Powwows are a vital learning experience for cubs stillon their Gallivant. They give new Gurahl a chance tointroduce themselves to others of their Breed and learnmore about what it means to be Gurahl.Unlike at the tribally-focused regalia, no dancingoccurs during the powwows. Only at the Council ofAutumn do the Gurahl dance before members of tribesother than their own.• Council of Autumn (The Great Council): TheCouncil of Autumn, held during the fall of each year, isby far the most elaborate and serious gathering of Gurahl.Not all Gurahl attend, but many feel this council is themost important meeting of the year. While the less formalpowwows, regalia, and fests may involve minor acts ofceremony, formal rites dominate the Council of Autumn.All attendees undergo a ritual cleansing before theyattend the Council. Each tribe approaches the Council sitefrom the direction associated with it: Ice Stalkers from thenorth, Forest Keepers from the east, River Keepers fromthe south, and Mountain Guardians from the west. TheGreat Council, composed of Matae from all four tribes, usesthis meeting to rule on matters that affect the Gurahl as awhole, to hear any grievances that span tribal boundaries,and to welcome new cubs. The new cubs from all the tribesperform the ancient Dance of the Centuries, an event thatmarks the only time in which all the tribes dance together.During the days of this gathering, the Great Councilmeets, making decisions by consensus. As Gurahlare not known for making snap decisions, the Counciltraditionally gives dissenters one year to come up withan alternative to their decisions. Attendees who arenot a part of the Council either listen to the Mataes’discussions or else occupy themselves during the day byworking on their particular arts or crafts, sharing storiesand engaging in their own discussions, or by cooking forthe feast, which is hosted each night by a different tribe.The Council of Autumn is also a traditional timefor ranking ceremonies, as it is sometimes the only timein the year that Gurahl will meet with elders capable ofconferring a new rank upon them.• Meeting the Great One: The rarest Gurahl meetingoccurs in times of dire need, when one of the fourcurrent Ancient Ones decides some disaster looms overGREAT GRANDMOTHER,GREAT GRANDFATHERGurahl use a Renown system for rank, similarto other <strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Breeds</strong>. However, for thewerebears, it is possible to exceed the relativerank of elder or Matae. Only one individualof each Gurahl tribe holds this title — GreatGrandmother, Great Grandfather, or just AncientOne — at a time.There is no particular Renown Cost forachieving this rank — it is not somethingachieved by acquiring a certain number of tales,but by earning the respect and veneration ofthe entire tribe (though always after havingachieved Rank Five).Any Gurahl who meets one of the AncientOnes knows immediately that they are in thepresence of a greatly honored individual, and willbe expected to behave accordingly. To do otherwiseis to face the Breed’s harshest disapproval.the Gurahl. This venerable werebear sends out a mysticalsummons that draws all Gurahl, including those inhibernation, to a site where they can unite to defend theirBreed or some part of Gaia’s creation. These meetingshave only been held a few times throughout the tribe’shistory, and are never called lightly.TraitsGurahl share many Traits in common with the Garou,including their reactions to silver and their abilityto invoke the Delirium in Crinos form. Differences areexplained below.Gurahl use Gnosis in the same fashion as Garoudo. They refresh their Gnosis through meditation or byusing the Rite of Replenishment (see below). UmbralGlades provide a regular source of fresh Gnosis for thosewerebears who have access to one.All Gurahl begin play with Willpower 6.Rage and FrenzyAlthough Gurahl are generally slow to anger, whenthey do so, they exhibit a nearly-unequalled intensity.Gurahl can use Rage to enhance their Strength, Stamina,or to gain additional health levels.GURAHL107

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