Continuous Teacher Development Through Reflective Teaching

Continuous Teacher Development Through Reflective Teaching

Continuous Teacher Development Through Reflective Teaching


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Harun and Al-Amin‘However, government and non-government organizations took a number ofinitiatives by means of in-service teacher training programs to support Englishteachers to cope up with CLT based teaching. UNICEF funded in English subjectbased training for primary English teachers through Primary Education<strong>Development</strong> Project-II (PEDP-II). At secondary level, major government initiativewas the <strong>Teaching</strong> Quality Improvement (TQI) project which was launched in 2006with a target to train 28000 English teachers. BRAC, the largest non-governmentorganization involved in both primary and secondary education, is also workingwith secondary english teacher training through PACE program. Another project‘English Language <strong>Teaching</strong> Improvement Project (ELTIP)’ funded by Departmentof International <strong>Development</strong> (DFID) was initiated to train secondary Englishteachers from 1997 and continued until the mid of 2008 before it got the fundrestricted (Hamid and Baldauf, 2008). ELTIP started again in collaboration with TQIto continue supporting in English teachers’ in-service training.’(Hasan, 2012)70Yet teachers are not attaining the desired proficiency and most of them are incompetentfor dealing with a communicative classroom. Although teacher development has been afamiliar notion in the English Language <strong>Teaching</strong> (ELT) profession for the last few decades,it is still relatively new and has received insufficient attention (Huimin, 2010). If this is thesituation of our English Language teaching, then there is hardly any alternative toteachers taking individual attempts i.e. doing action research, practicing reflectiveteaching etc. to develop their professionalism. By doing so, they can significantly improvetheir classroom practice.Literature Review<strong>Continuous</strong> Professional <strong>Development</strong>: The idea of <strong>Continuous</strong> Professional <strong>Development</strong>(CPD) or Professional <strong>Development</strong> (PD) means that professionals continue developingthemselves throughout their tenure of active profession as opposed to stoppingdeveloping once they start doing the job. To develop one professionally, both reflectiveteaching and action research can contribute significantly and these will help foster theidea of ‘<strong>Continuous</strong> Professional <strong>Development</strong>’ (CPD) (Roy Edwards, 2010).Roy (2010) defines continuous development as,‘a systematic maintenance, improvement and broadening of knowledge and skill,and the development of personal qualities necessary for the execution ofprofessional and technical duties throughout the working life’ (Roy Edwards, 2010).According to this definition CPD is a life-long learning process.To quote Rubina Khan (2008),“Professional development includes a cluster of activities related to theenhancement of career growth and refinement of the skills of the practitioner.”(p.169)This is an all inclusive definition of professional development.Khan also clarifies that“Professional development may range from activities like attending pre-serviceand in-service training, participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, joiningteacher associations, reading books and articles etc.” (p.169)This paper does not include all scope and means of professional development, rather itdiscusses only reflective teaching and action research as a means of professionaldevelopment. Though reflective practice and action research have been introduced andbeing practiced in language teaching for ages in most of the ESL/EFL contexts, and itsbenefits have been immense for practitioners, it is not known to many a languageteacher; nor do many practice it here in Bangladesh. Here both of the terms ‘ActionResearch’ and ‘<strong>Reflective</strong> Approach’, as processes of teacher education and teacherdevelopment are discussed as one essentially follows the other.http://www.bdresearchpublications.com/journal/

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