Individual or Joint Account application - CMS Forex

Individual or Joint Account application - CMS Forex

Individual or Joint Account application - CMS Forex


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<strong>CMS</strong> Client <strong>Account</strong> ApplicationImp<strong>or</strong>tant Notice: Two f<strong>or</strong>ms of government issued photoidentification will be required to open an account withCapital Market Services, LLC, (i.e., Country ID, State ID,Driver’s License, Passp<strong>or</strong>t).Please include photocopies of the identification documentswith our <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>application</strong>. Without proper identification adelay in the account opening process may ensue.Capital Market Services LLCEmpire State Building350 Fifth Ave, Suite 6400New Y<strong>or</strong>k, NY 10118Tel 1 212.563-2100Fax 1 212.563-4994account@cmsfx.comwww.cmsfx.comFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYA/C No. _____________Date _____________Deposit _____________Admin _____________

RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENTThis brief statement does not disclose all of the risks and other significantaspects of trading f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts. In light of these risks, youshould undertake such transactions only if you understand the nature of thecontracts and contractual relationships into which you are entering and theextent of your exposure to risk. Trading in f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts is notsuitable f<strong>or</strong> some customers. You should carefully consider whether trading isappropriate f<strong>or</strong> you in light of your experience, objectives, financial resourcesand other relevant circumstances.1. Effect of "Leverage" <strong>or</strong> "Gearing".F<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts carry a high degree of risk. The amount of initialmargin is small relative to the value of the f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contract so thattransactions are “leveraged” <strong>or</strong> “geared”. A relatively small market movementwill have a prop<strong>or</strong>tionately larger impact on the funds you have deposited <strong>or</strong>will have to deposit. This may w<strong>or</strong>k against you as well as f<strong>or</strong> you. You maysustain a total loss of initial margin funds and any additional funds depositedwith the firm to maintain your position. F<strong>or</strong> example, an account with CapitalMarket Services LLC (“<strong>CMS</strong>”) permits you to trade f<strong>or</strong>eign exchangecontracts on a highly leveraged basis (up to approximately 400 times youraccount equity). The funds in an account trading at maximum leverage can becompletely lost if the positions held in the account have a one-half percentadverse swing in market move.2. Risk-reducing <strong>or</strong>ders <strong>or</strong> strategies.Placing contingent <strong>or</strong>ders, such as “stop-loss” <strong>or</strong> “stop-limit” <strong>or</strong>ders, will notnecessarily limit your losses to the intended amounts, since market conditionson the exchange where the <strong>or</strong>der is placed may make it impossible to executesuch <strong>or</strong>ders. Strategies using combinations of positions, such as “spread” and“straddle” positions may be as risky as taking simple “long” <strong>or</strong> “sh<strong>or</strong>t”positions.3. Charges.Bef<strong>or</strong>e you begin to trade, you should obtain a clear understanding of allcharges f<strong>or</strong> which you will be liable. These charges will affect your net profit(if any) <strong>or</strong> increase your loss.4. Electronic trading.Trading on an electronic trading system may differ not only from trading in anopen-outcry market but also from trading on other electronic trading systems.If you undertake transactions on an electronic trading system, you will beexposed to risks associated with the system including the failure of hardwareand software. The result of any system failure may be that your <strong>or</strong>der is eithernot executed acc<strong>or</strong>ding to your instructions <strong>or</strong> not executed at all. Since <strong>CMS</strong>does not control signal power, its reception <strong>or</strong> routing via Internet,configuration of your equipment <strong>or</strong> reliability of its connection, we cannot beresponsible f<strong>or</strong> communication failures, dist<strong>or</strong>tions <strong>or</strong> delays when trading online(via Internet). In no event shall <strong>CMS</strong> be liable f<strong>or</strong> speculative <strong>or</strong>expectancy damages f<strong>or</strong> potential future lost profits.5. Margin.<strong>CMS</strong>’ margin policies require that your account be properly margined at alltimes. In <strong>or</strong>der to do so, it may be necessary to deposit substantial additionalfunds. Failure to meet margin requirements may result in the liquidation ofany open positions with a resultant loss. <strong>CMS</strong> reserves the right to liquidateall positions, without notice <strong>or</strong> margin call, if an account falls below ourminimum equity level.6. Passw<strong>or</strong>d protection.You are obligated to keep passw<strong>or</strong>ds secret and ensure that third parties do notobtain access to the trading facilities. You will be liable to <strong>CMS</strong> f<strong>or</strong> tradesexecuted by means of your passw<strong>or</strong>d even if such use may be wrongful.7. Quoting err<strong>or</strong>s.Should quoting err<strong>or</strong>s occur, which may include, but are not limited to, amistype of a quote by <strong>CMS</strong>, a quote which is not representative of fair marketprices, an erroneous price quote from a <strong>CMS</strong> employee, such as but notlimited to a wrong big figure quote <strong>or</strong> an erroneous quote due to failure ofhardware, software <strong>or</strong> communication lines <strong>or</strong> systems and/<strong>or</strong> inaccurateexternal data feeds provided by third-party vend<strong>or</strong>s, <strong>CMS</strong> will not be liablef<strong>or</strong> the resulting err<strong>or</strong>s in account balances. The f<strong>or</strong>egoing list is not meant tobe exhaustive and in the event of a quoting err<strong>or</strong>, <strong>CMS</strong> reserves the right tomake the necessary c<strong>or</strong>rections <strong>or</strong> adjustments on the account involved. Anydispute arising from such quoting err<strong>or</strong>s will be resolved on a basis of a fairmarket value of a currency at the time such an err<strong>or</strong> occurred. In the event ofa system err<strong>or</strong> where interest is not charged as scheduled, <strong>CMS</strong> reserves theright to apply the missed interest to the account at any time.8. Third-Party Auth<strong>or</strong>ity.In the event that you grant trading auth<strong>or</strong>ity <strong>or</strong> control over your account to athird-party (Trading Agent), whether on a discretionary <strong>or</strong> non-discretionarybasis, <strong>CMS</strong> shall in no way be responsible f<strong>or</strong> reviewing your choice of suchTrading Agent <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong> making any recommendations with respect thereto.<strong>CMS</strong> makes no representations <strong>or</strong> warranties concerning any Trading Agent;<strong>CMS</strong> shall not be responsible f<strong>or</strong> any loss to you occasioned by the actions ofthe Trading Agent; and <strong>CMS</strong> does not, by implication <strong>or</strong> otherwise, end<strong>or</strong>se <strong>or</strong>approve of the operating methods of any Trading Agent. If you give aTrading Agent auth<strong>or</strong>ity to exercise any rights over your account, you do so atyour own risk.TRADER AGREEMENTThis is a legal contract between Capital Market Services LLC,(hereinafter referred to as <strong>CMS</strong>) a limited liability company <strong>or</strong>ganizedunder the laws of the state of New Y<strong>or</strong>k, its success<strong>or</strong>s and assigns, andthe party (<strong>or</strong> parties) executing this document.In consideration of <strong>CMS</strong> agreeing to carry one <strong>or</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e accounts of theundersigned person <strong>or</strong> persons (hereinafter referred to as “Trader” <strong>or</strong> “Client”)and providing services to Trader in connection with the purchase and sale off<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts, Trader agrees as follows:1. AUTHORIZATION TO TRADE. <strong>CMS</strong> will engage in f<strong>or</strong>eign exchangecontracts transactions with Trader in acc<strong>or</strong>dance with Trader’s <strong>or</strong>al, written <strong>or</strong>electronic instructions. <strong>CMS</strong> will act as the counter-party to the Trader in allsuch transactions.2. GOVERNMENTAL, COUNTER PARTY INSTITUTION ANDINTERBANKING SYSTEM RULES. All transactions under thisAgreement shall be subject to the constitution, by-laws, rules, regulations,customs, usage, rulings and interpretations of the counter party institution <strong>or</strong>other interbank market (and its clearing <strong>or</strong>ganization, if any) where executedand to all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. If any statuteshall hereafter be enacted <strong>or</strong> any rule <strong>or</strong> regulation shall hereafter be adoptedby any governmental auth<strong>or</strong>ity, the United States Federal Reserve,Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”), the National FuturesAssociation (“NFA”), a contract market <strong>or</strong> clearing <strong>or</strong>ganization which shallbe binding upon <strong>CMS</strong> and shall affect in any manner <strong>or</strong> be inconsistent withany of the provisions hereof, the affected provisions of this Agreement shallbe deemed modified <strong>or</strong> superseded, as the case may be by the applicableprovisions of such statute, rule <strong>or</strong> regulation, and all other provisions of thisAgreement and provisions so modified shall in all respects continue in fullf<strong>or</strong>ce and effect. Trader acknowledges that all transactions under thisAgreement are subject to the af<strong>or</strong>ementioned regulat<strong>or</strong>y requirements andTrader shall not thereby be given any independent legal <strong>or</strong> contractual rightswith respect to such requirements.3. MARGINS AND DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS. Trader shall provide toand maintain with <strong>CMS</strong> margin in such amounts and in such f<strong>or</strong>ms as <strong>CMS</strong>,in its sole discretion, may require. <strong>CMS</strong> may change margin requirements atany time. No previous margin requirement by <strong>CMS</strong> shall preclude <strong>CMS</strong> fromincreasing that requirement without pri<strong>or</strong> notice. <strong>CMS</strong> retains the right tolimit the amount and/<strong>or</strong> total number of open positions that Trader mayacquire <strong>or</strong> maintain at <strong>CMS</strong>. <strong>CMS</strong> shall not be responsible f<strong>or</strong> any loss <strong>or</strong>damage caused, directly <strong>or</strong> indirectly, by any events, actions <strong>or</strong> omissionsincluding but not limited to loss <strong>or</strong> damage resulting, directly <strong>or</strong> indirectly,from any delays <strong>or</strong> inaccuracies in the transmission of <strong>or</strong>ders and/<strong>or</strong>inf<strong>or</strong>mation due to a breakdown in <strong>or</strong> failure of any transmission <strong>or</strong>Capital Market Services LLC11/30/2005 1:00 PM1

communication facilities. F<strong>or</strong> example, in volatile market conditions margincall may be delayed resulting in the possibility of a negative usable margin; amargin call may occur even if positions are hedged due to currencyconversion rate <strong>or</strong> daily interest.4. CARRYING POSITIONS FORWARD. A position will be carriedf<strong>or</strong>ward at the initial execution price until it is eventually closed by Trader <strong>or</strong>by <strong>CMS</strong> under the provisions of Paragraph 7 (Liquidation of <strong>Account</strong>s).Consistent with <strong>CMS</strong> policy, a position that is carried f<strong>or</strong>ward may becredited <strong>or</strong> debited interest charges until the position is closed.5. COLLATERAL. All funds, securities, currencies, and other property ofTrader which <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> its affiliates may at any time be carrying f<strong>or</strong> Trader(either individually, jointly with another, <strong>or</strong> as a guarant<strong>or</strong> of the account ofany other person) <strong>or</strong> which may at any time be in its possession <strong>or</strong> control <strong>or</strong>carried on its books f<strong>or</strong> any purpose, including safekeeping, are to be held by<strong>CMS</strong> as security and subject to a general lien and right of set-off f<strong>or</strong> liabilitiesof Trader to <strong>CMS</strong> whether <strong>or</strong> not <strong>CMS</strong> has made advances in connection withsuch securities, commodities, currencies <strong>or</strong> other property, and irrespective ofthe number of accounts Trader may have with <strong>CMS</strong>. Trader hereby alsogrants to <strong>CMS</strong> the right to pledge, re-pledge, hypothecate, invest <strong>or</strong> loan,either separately <strong>or</strong> with the property of other Traders, to itself as broker <strong>or</strong> toothers, any securities <strong>or</strong> other property of Trader held by <strong>CMS</strong> as margin <strong>or</strong>security. <strong>CMS</strong> shall at no time be required to deliver to Trader the identicalproperty delivered to <strong>or</strong> purchased by <strong>CMS</strong> f<strong>or</strong> any account of Trader.6. SETTLEMENT DATE AND ROLLOVERS. With respect to purchases<strong>or</strong> sales of Currencies through an OTCFX account, Trader agrees to instruct<strong>CMS</strong> as to the offset <strong>or</strong> rollover of a Currency position. Except as providedherein, during the term of the Currency position, Trader shall give <strong>CMS</strong>instructions f<strong>or</strong> rolling the Currency position no later than two hours pri<strong>or</strong> tothe settlement of trading in the Currency contract on the day Trader intends t<strong>or</strong>ollover a Currency position. In addition, Trader, by noon of the business daybef<strong>or</strong>e the settlement date of the contract of the Currency contract, shallinstruct <strong>CMS</strong> whether to deliver, offset <strong>or</strong> rollover the Currency position. Inthe absence of timely instructions from Trader, <strong>CMS</strong> is auth<strong>or</strong>ized, at <strong>CMS</strong>’absolute discretion, to deliver, rollover <strong>or</strong> offset all <strong>or</strong> any p<strong>or</strong>tion of theCurrency positions in the OTCFX account(s) f<strong>or</strong> Trader’s <strong>Account</strong>(s) and atTrader’s risk. Trader’s account(s) shall be charged commissions, at broker’srates, upon the rollover <strong>or</strong> offset of a Currency position.7. LIQUIDATION OF ACCOUNTS. In the event of (a) the death <strong>or</strong>judicial declaration of incompetence of Trader; (b) the filing of a petition inbankruptcy, <strong>or</strong> a petition f<strong>or</strong> the appointment of a receiver, <strong>or</strong> the institution ofany insolvency <strong>or</strong> similar proceeding by <strong>or</strong> against Trader; (c) the filing of anattachment against any of Trader’s accounts carried by <strong>CMS</strong>, (d) insufficientmargin, <strong>or</strong> <strong>CMS</strong>’ determination that any collateral deposited to protect one <strong>or</strong>m<strong>or</strong>e accounts of Trader is inadequate, regardless of current marketquotations, to secure the account; (e) Trader’s failure to provide <strong>CMS</strong> anyinf<strong>or</strong>mation requested pursuant to this agreement; <strong>or</strong> (f) any othercircumstances <strong>or</strong> developments that <strong>CMS</strong> deems appropriate f<strong>or</strong> itsprotection, and in <strong>CMS</strong>’ sole discretion, it may take one <strong>or</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e, <strong>or</strong> anyp<strong>or</strong>tion of, the following actions: (1) satisfy any obligation Trader may haveto <strong>CMS</strong>, either directly <strong>or</strong> by way of guaranty of suretyship, out of any ofTrader’s funds <strong>or</strong> property in its custody <strong>or</strong> control <strong>or</strong> in the custody <strong>or</strong> controlof any <strong>CMS</strong> affiliate; (2) sell any <strong>or</strong> purchase any <strong>or</strong> all currency contracts,securities <strong>or</strong> other property held <strong>or</strong> carried f<strong>or</strong> Trader; and (3) cancel any <strong>or</strong> alloutstanding <strong>or</strong>ders <strong>or</strong> contracts, <strong>or</strong> any other commitments made with Trader.Any of the above actions may be taken without demand f<strong>or</strong> margin <strong>or</strong>additional margin, without pri<strong>or</strong> notice of sale <strong>or</strong> purchase <strong>or</strong> other notice toTrader, Trader’s personal representatives, heirs, execut<strong>or</strong>s, administrat<strong>or</strong>s,trustees, legatees <strong>or</strong> assigns and regardless of whether the ownership interestshall be solely Trader’s <strong>or</strong> held jointly with others. In liquidation of Trader’slong <strong>or</strong> sh<strong>or</strong>t positions, <strong>CMS</strong> may, in its sole discretion, offset in the samesettlement <strong>or</strong> it may initiate new long <strong>or</strong> sh<strong>or</strong>t positions in <strong>or</strong>der to establish aspread <strong>or</strong> straddle which in <strong>CMS</strong>’ sole judgment may be advisable to protect<strong>or</strong> reduce existing positions in Trader’s account. Any sales <strong>or</strong> purchaseshereunder may be made acc<strong>or</strong>ding to <strong>CMS</strong>’ judgment and at its discretion.8. SETTLEMENT DATE OFFSET INSTRUCTIONS. Offset instructionson Currency positions open pri<strong>or</strong> to settlement arriving at settlement date mustbe given to <strong>CMS</strong> at least one (1) business day pri<strong>or</strong> to the settlement <strong>or</strong> valueday. Alternatively, sufficient funds to take delivery <strong>or</strong> the necessary deliverydocuments must be in the possession of <strong>CMS</strong> within the same perioddescribed above. If neither instructions, funds n<strong>or</strong> documents are received,<strong>CMS</strong> may without notice, either offset Trader’s position <strong>or</strong> roll Trader’spositions into the next settlement time period <strong>or</strong> make <strong>or</strong> receive delivery onbehalf of Trader upon such terms and by such methods deemed reasonable by<strong>CMS</strong> in its sole discretion.9. CHARGES. Trader shall pay such charges (including, without limitation,markups and markdowns, statement charges, idle account charges, <strong>or</strong>dercancellation charges, account transfer charges <strong>or</strong> other charges) arising out of<strong>CMS</strong> providing services hereunder. <strong>CMS</strong> may change its charges withoutnotice. All such charges shall be paid by Trader as they are incurred, <strong>or</strong> as<strong>CMS</strong> in its sole and absolute discretion may determine, and Trader herebyauth<strong>or</strong>izes <strong>CMS</strong> to withdraw the amount of any such charges from Trader’saccount(s).10. WIRE TRANSACTIONS. <strong>CMS</strong> shall neither receive n<strong>or</strong> disburseTrader’s funds in cash currency <strong>or</strong> cash equivalents. All transactions betweenTrader and <strong>CMS</strong> shall be perf<strong>or</strong>med by wire, check, <strong>or</strong> other method in whichthe identities of both the sending and receiving parties can be verified by <strong>CMS</strong>and which <strong>CMS</strong> in its sole discretion shall deem appropriate. <strong>CMS</strong> shall notaccept deposits from any third party to Trader’s account; <strong>CMS</strong> shall notwithdraw any funds from Trader’s account to any third party. <strong>CMS</strong> shallperf<strong>or</strong>m wire transactions only between Trader’s <strong>CMS</strong> account and anotheraccount which is held in Trader’s name <strong>or</strong> of which Trader clearlydemonstrates ownership to <strong>CMS</strong>.11. STATEMENTS AND CONFIRMATION. Rep<strong>or</strong>ts of the confirmationof <strong>or</strong>ders and statements of accounts f<strong>or</strong> Trader shall be deemed c<strong>or</strong>rect andshall be conclusive and binding upon Trader if not objected to immediatelyupon receipt and confirmed in writing within (1) day after electronictransmittal to Trader. In lieu of sending trade confirmation via postal mail,<strong>CMS</strong> will provide Trader access to view Trader’s account at any time with anonline login via Internet. Written objections on Trader’s part shall be directedto <strong>CMS</strong> at its home office located at: Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Ave,Suite 6400, New Y<strong>or</strong>k, NY 10118, USA, and shall be deemed received only ifactually sent via e-mail <strong>or</strong> delivered <strong>or</strong> mailed by registered mail, returnreceipt requested. Failure to object shall be deemed ratification of all actionstaken by <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> <strong>CMS</strong>’ agents pri<strong>or</strong> to Trader’s receipt of said rep<strong>or</strong>ts.Trader’s failure to receive a trade confirmation shall not relieve Trader of theobligation to object as set out herein.12. COMMUNICATIONS. Rep<strong>or</strong>ts, statements, notices and any othercommunications will be transmitted to Trader electronically by posting toTrader’s online account <strong>or</strong> via e-mail to the e-mail address on Trader’s<strong>application</strong>, <strong>or</strong> to such other e-mail address as Trader may from time to timedesignate to <strong>CMS</strong>. All communications so posted <strong>or</strong> sent shall be deemedtransmitted by <strong>CMS</strong> when posted <strong>or</strong> sent and deemed delivered to Traderpersonally, whether actually received by Trader <strong>or</strong> not.13. <strong>CMS</strong>’ RESPONSIBILITIES. <strong>CMS</strong> will not be responsible f<strong>or</strong> delays inthe transmission of <strong>or</strong>ders due to a breakdown <strong>or</strong> failure of transmission <strong>or</strong>communication facilities, electrical power outage <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong> any other causebeyond <strong>CMS</strong>’ control <strong>or</strong> anticipation. <strong>CMS</strong> shall not be liable f<strong>or</strong> lossesarising from the default of any agent <strong>or</strong> any other party used by <strong>CMS</strong> underthis agreement.14. CURRENCY FLUCTUATION RISK. If Trader directs <strong>CMS</strong> to enterinto any f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange transaction: (a) any profit <strong>or</strong> loss arising as a resultof a fluctuation in the exchange rate affecting such currency will be entirelyf<strong>or</strong> Trader’s account and risk; (b) all initial and subsequent deposits f<strong>or</strong>margin purposes shall be made in USD, <strong>or</strong> another currency which <strong>CMS</strong> maychoose to accept, in such amounts as <strong>CMS</strong> may in its sole discretion require,with subsequent deposits being in the same currency as the initial deposit; and(c) <strong>CMS</strong> is auth<strong>or</strong>ized to convert funds in Trader’s account f<strong>or</strong> margin intoCapital Market Services LLC11/30/2005 1:00 PM2

and from such f<strong>or</strong>eign currency at a rate of exchange determined by <strong>CMS</strong> inits sole discretion on the basis of the then prevailing money market rates.15. RISK ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Trader acknowledges that investmentsin leveraged f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange transactions are speculative, involve a highdegree of risk, and is appropriate only f<strong>or</strong> persons who can assume risk of lossof their margin deposit. Trader understands that because of the low marginn<strong>or</strong>mally required in trading f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts, price changes inf<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts may result in the loss of Trader’s margin deposit.Trader warrants that Trader is willing and able, financially and otherwise, toassume the risk of f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts trading, and in consideration of<strong>CMS</strong>’ carrying his/her account(s), Trader agrees not to hold <strong>CMS</strong> responsiblef<strong>or</strong> losses incurred through following its trading recommendations <strong>or</strong>suggestions <strong>or</strong> those of its employees, agents <strong>or</strong> representatives. Traderrecognizes that guarantees of profit <strong>or</strong> freedom from loss are impossible ofperf<strong>or</strong>mance in f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts trading. Trader acknowledges thatTrader has received no such guarantees from <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> from any of itsrepresentatives <strong>or</strong> any introducing agent <strong>or</strong> other entity with whom Trader isconducting his/her <strong>CMS</strong> account and has not entered into this agreement inconsideration of <strong>or</strong> in reliance upon any such guarantees <strong>or</strong> similarrepresentations.16. TRADING RECOMMENDATIONS. (a) Trader acknowledges that (i)any market recommendations and inf<strong>or</strong>mation communicated to Trader by<strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> by any person within the company, does not constitute an offer to sell<strong>or</strong> the solicitation of an offer to buy any f<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contract, (ii) suchrecommendation and inf<strong>or</strong>mation, although based upon inf<strong>or</strong>mation obtainedfrom sources believed by <strong>CMS</strong> to be reliable, may be based solely on abroker’s opinion and that such inf<strong>or</strong>mation may be incomplete and may beunverified, and (iii) <strong>CMS</strong> makes no representation, warranty <strong>or</strong> guarantee asto, and shall not be responsible f<strong>or</strong>, the accuracy <strong>or</strong> completeness of anyinf<strong>or</strong>mation <strong>or</strong> trading recommendation furnished to Trader. Traderacknowledges that <strong>CMS</strong> and/<strong>or</strong> its officers, direct<strong>or</strong>s, affiliates, associates,stockholders <strong>or</strong> representatives may have a position in <strong>or</strong> may intend to buy <strong>or</strong>sell currencies, which are the subject of market recommendations furnished toTrader, and that the market position of <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> any such officer, direct<strong>or</strong>,affiliate, associate, stockholder <strong>or</strong> representative may not be consistent withthe recommendations furnished to Trader by <strong>CMS</strong>. Trader acknowledges that<strong>CMS</strong> makes no representations concerning the tax implications <strong>or</strong> treatment off<strong>or</strong>eign exchange contracts.17. TRADER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Traderrepresents and warrants that: (a) Trader is of sound mind, legal age and legalcompetence; and, (b) no person other than Trader has <strong>or</strong> will have an interestin Trader’s account(s); and, (c) Trader hereby warrants that regardless of anysubsequent determination to the contrary, Trader is suitable to trade f<strong>or</strong>eignexchange contracts, and, (d) Trader is not now an employee of any exchange,any c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ation in which any exchange owns a maj<strong>or</strong>ity of the capital stock,any member of any exchange and/<strong>or</strong> firm registered on any exchange, <strong>or</strong> anybank, trust, <strong>or</strong> insurance company, and in the event that Trader becomes soemployed, Trader will promptly notify <strong>CMS</strong> via e-mail of such employment;and, (e) all the inf<strong>or</strong>mation provided in the inf<strong>or</strong>mation p<strong>or</strong>tion of this bookletis true, c<strong>or</strong>rect and complete as of the date hereof and Trader will notify <strong>CMS</strong>promptly of any changes in such inf<strong>or</strong>mation.18. DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION. Trader representsand warrants that the financial inf<strong>or</strong>mation disclosed to <strong>CMS</strong> in this documentis an accurate representation of the Trader’s current financial condition.Trader represents and warrants that in determining Trader’s Net W<strong>or</strong>th, Assetsand Liabilities were carefully calculated, then Liabilities were subtracted fromAssets to determine the value that Trader has included in the financialinf<strong>or</strong>mation as Net W<strong>or</strong>th. Trader represents and warrants that in determiningthe value of Assets, the Trader included cash and/<strong>or</strong> cash equivalents, U.S.Government and Marketable securities, real estate owned (excluding primaryresidence), the cash value of life insurance and other valuable Assets. Traderrepresents and warrants that in determining the value of Liabilities, Traderincluded notes payable to banks (secured and unsecured), notes payable t<strong>or</strong>elatives, real estate m<strong>or</strong>tgages payable (excluding primary residence) andother debts. Trader represents and warrants that in determining Trader’sLiquid Assets Trader included only those Assets that can be quickly (withinone day’s time) converted to Cash. Trader represents and warrants that Traderhas very carefully considered the p<strong>or</strong>tion of Trader’s assets which Traderconsiders to be Risk Capital. Trader recognizes that Risk Capital is theamount of money Trader is willing to put at risk and if lost would not, in anyway, change Trader’s lifestyle. Trader agrees to immediately inf<strong>or</strong>m <strong>CMS</strong> ifthe Trader’s financial condition changes in such a way to reduce Trader’s NetW<strong>or</strong>th, Liquid Assets and/<strong>or</strong> Risk Capital.19. NO GUARANTEES. Trader acknowledges that Trader has no separateagreement with Trader’s broker <strong>or</strong> any <strong>CMS</strong> employee <strong>or</strong> agent regarding thetrading in Trader’s <strong>CMS</strong> account, including any agreement to guaranteeprofits <strong>or</strong> limit losses in Trader’s account. Trader understands that Trader isunder an obligation to notify <strong>CMS</strong>’ Compliance Officer immediately inwriting as to any agreement of this type. Further, Trader understands that anyrepresentations made by anyone concerning Trader’s account that differ fromany statements Trader receives from <strong>CMS</strong> must be brought to the attention of<strong>CMS</strong>’ Compliance Officer immediately in writing. Trader understands thatTrader must auth<strong>or</strong>ize every transaction pri<strong>or</strong> to its execution unless Traderhas delegated discretion to another party by signing <strong>CMS</strong>’ limited tradingauth<strong>or</strong>ization, and any disputed transactions must be brought to the attentionof <strong>CMS</strong>’ Compliance Officer pursuant to the notice requirements of thisTrader Agreement. Trader agrees to indemnify and hold <strong>CMS</strong> harmless f<strong>or</strong>mall damages <strong>or</strong> liability resulting from Trader’s failure to immediately notify<strong>CMS</strong>’ Compliance Officer of any of the occurrences referred to herein. Allnotices required under this section shall be sent to <strong>CMS</strong> at its home office.20. CREDIT. Trader auth<strong>or</strong>izes <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> agents acting on behalf of <strong>CMS</strong> toinvestigate Trader’s credit standing and in connection therewith to contactsuch banks, financial institutions and credit agencies as <strong>CMS</strong> shall deemappropriate to verify inf<strong>or</strong>mation regarding Trader. Trader further auth<strong>or</strong>izes<strong>CMS</strong> to investigate Trader’s current and past investment activity, and inconnection therewith, to contact such futures commission merchants,exchanges, broker/dealers, banks, and compliance data centers as <strong>CMS</strong> shalldeem appropriate. Upon reasonable request made in writing by Trader to<strong>CMS</strong>, Trader shall be allowed to review any rec<strong>or</strong>ds maintained by <strong>CMS</strong>relating to Trader’s credit standing. Trader shall also be allowed, at Trader’ssole cost and expense, to copy such rec<strong>or</strong>ds.21. JOINT ACCOUNTS. If this account is held by m<strong>or</strong>e than one person,all of the joint holders are jointly and severally liable to <strong>CMS</strong> f<strong>or</strong> any and allobligations arising out of transactions in the account and agree to be bound byall terms and conditions of this Trading Agreement and other writtenagreements relating to the account. In addition, each person named on theaccount singly has auth<strong>or</strong>ity: a) to trade f<strong>or</strong> the account, b) to receive allc<strong>or</strong>respondence and documents in respect to the account, c) To receive <strong>or</strong>withdraw money from the account, d) to execute agreements relating to theaccount, and e) to deal with <strong>CMS</strong> fully in all matters. <strong>CMS</strong> has the auth<strong>or</strong>ityto require joint action by the parties of the account in matters of the account.<strong>CMS</strong> has possession over the security of the account individually <strong>or</strong> jointly. Ifthis account is a joint account, in the event of the death of any of the tenants,the surviv<strong>or</strong>(s) shall immediately give <strong>CMS</strong> written notice thereof, and <strong>CMS</strong>,bef<strong>or</strong>e <strong>or</strong> after receiving such notice, may take such action, institute suchproceedings, require such papers, retain such p<strong>or</strong>tion of the account, andrestrict transactions in the account as <strong>CMS</strong> may deem advisable to protect<strong>CMS</strong> against any tax, liability, penalty, <strong>or</strong> loss under any present <strong>or</strong> futurelaws <strong>or</strong> otherwise. The estate(s) of any of the tenants who shall have diedshall be liable, and the surviv<strong>or</strong>(s) shall continue to be liable, to <strong>CMS</strong> f<strong>or</strong> allobligations in the account in any way resulting from the completion oftransactions initiated pri<strong>or</strong> to the receipt of <strong>CMS</strong> of the written notice of thedeath of the decedent, <strong>or</strong> incurred in the liquidation of the account, <strong>or</strong> theadjustment of the interests of the respective parties. Each tenant is presumedto have equal share.22. NO WAIVER OR AMENDMENT. No provision of this Agreementmay be waived <strong>or</strong> amended unless the waiver <strong>or</strong> amendment is in writing andsigned by both Trader and an auth<strong>or</strong>ized officer of <strong>CMS</strong>. No waiver <strong>or</strong>amendment of this Agreement may be implied from any course of dealingbetween the parties <strong>or</strong> from any failure by <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> its agents to assert itsrights under this Agreement on any occasion <strong>or</strong> series of occasions. No <strong>or</strong>alagreements <strong>or</strong> instructions to the contrary shall be recognized <strong>or</strong> enf<strong>or</strong>ceable.Capital Market Services LLC11/30/2005 1:00 PM3

This instrument and the attachments hereto embody the entire agreement ofthe parties, superseding any and all pri<strong>or</strong> written and <strong>or</strong>al agreements andthere are no other terms, conditions <strong>or</strong> obligations other than those containedherein.23. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION. This Agreement, and therights and obligations of the parties hereto, shall be governed by, construedand enf<strong>or</strong>ced in all respects by the laws of the State of New Y<strong>or</strong>k (where<strong>CMS</strong>’ principal <strong>or</strong>der execution facilities are located), without regard tochoice of law principles.24. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be continuous and shallcover, individually and collectively, all accounts of Trader at any time opened<strong>or</strong> reopened with <strong>CMS</strong> irrespective of any change <strong>or</strong> changes at any time inthe personnel of <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> its success<strong>or</strong>s, assigns, <strong>or</strong> affiliates. This Agreementincluding all auth<strong>or</strong>izations, shall inure to the benefit of <strong>CMS</strong> and itssuccess<strong>or</strong>s and assigns, whether by merger, consolidation <strong>or</strong> otherwise, andshall be binding upon Trader and/<strong>or</strong> the estate, execut<strong>or</strong>, trustees,administrat<strong>or</strong>s, legal representatives, success<strong>or</strong>s and assigns of Trader. Traderhereby ratifies all transactions with <strong>CMS</strong> effected pri<strong>or</strong> to the date of thisAgreement, and agrees that the rights and obligations of Trader in respectthereto shall be governed by the terms of this Agreement.25. TERMINATION. This Agreement shall continue in effect untiltermination, and may be terminated by Trader at any time when Trader has noopen position(s) and no liabilities held by <strong>or</strong> owed to <strong>CMS</strong> upon the actualreceipt by <strong>CMS</strong> of written notice of termination via e-mail, <strong>or</strong> at any timewhatsoever by <strong>CMS</strong> upon the transmittal of written notice of termination toTrader; provided, that such termination shall not affect any transactionspreviously entered into and shall not relieve either party of any obligations setout in this agreement n<strong>or</strong> shall it relieve Trader of any obligations arising outof pri<strong>or</strong> transactions entered into in connection with this Agreement.26. INDEMNIFICATION. Trader agrees to indemnify and hold <strong>CMS</strong>, itsaffiliates, employees, agents, success<strong>or</strong>s and assigns harmless from andagainst any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, includingatt<strong>or</strong>ney’s fees, incurred by <strong>CMS</strong> arising out of Trader’s failure to fully andtimely perf<strong>or</strong>m Trader’s agreements herein <strong>or</strong> should any of therepresentations and warranties fail to be true and c<strong>or</strong>rect. Trader also agreesto pay promptly to <strong>CMS</strong> all damages, costs and expenses, including att<strong>or</strong>ney’sfees, incurred by <strong>CMS</strong> in the enf<strong>or</strong>cement of any of the provisions of thisAgreement and any other agreements between <strong>CMS</strong> and Trader.27. CROSS TRADE CONSENT. The undersigned hereby acknowledgesand agrees that a situation may arise whereby an officer, direct<strong>or</strong>, affiliate,associate, employee, bank, bank employee <strong>or</strong> dealer associated with <strong>CMS</strong>may be the opposing broker f<strong>or</strong> a trade entered f<strong>or</strong> the undersigned’s account.The undersigned hereby consents to any such transaction, subject to thelimitations and conditions, if any, contained in the Rules <strong>or</strong> Regulations of anybank, institution, exchange <strong>or</strong> board of trade upon which such buy <strong>or</strong> sell<strong>or</strong>ders are executed, and subject to the limitations and conditions, if any,contained in any applicable Regulations of the Commodity Futures TradingCommission, National Futures Association, United States Federal Reserve <strong>or</strong>other regulat<strong>or</strong>y agency.28. TERMS AND HEADINGS. The term “<strong>CMS</strong>” shall be deemed toinclude <strong>CMS</strong>, its divisions, success<strong>or</strong>s and assigns; the term “Trader” shallmean the party (<strong>or</strong> parties) executing the Agreement; and the term“Agreement” shall include all other agreements and auth<strong>or</strong>izations executedby Trader in connection with the maintenance of Trader’s account with <strong>CMS</strong>regardless of when executed. The paragraph headings in this Agreement areinserted f<strong>or</strong> convenience of reference only and are not deemed to limit theapplicability <strong>or</strong> affect the meaning of any of its provisions.29. ACCEPTANCE. This Agreement shall not be deemed to be accepted by<strong>CMS</strong> n<strong>or</strong> become a binding contract between Trader and <strong>CMS</strong> until approvedby <strong>CMS</strong>.30. JURISDICTION, VENUE, WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL ANDSHORTENING OF LIMITATIONS PERIOD. Trader agrees that any civilaction, arbitration <strong>or</strong> other legal proceeding between <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> its employees <strong>or</strong>agents, on one hand, and Trader on the other hand, arising out of <strong>or</strong> relating tothis Agreement <strong>or</strong> Trader’s account shall be brought, heard and resolved onlyby a tribunal located in New Y<strong>or</strong>k County, New Y<strong>or</strong>k and Trader herebywaives trial by jury in any such action <strong>or</strong> proceeding and waives the right tohave such proceeding transferred to any other location. No action, regardlessof f<strong>or</strong>m, arising out of <strong>or</strong> relating to this agreement <strong>or</strong> transactions hereundermay be brought by Trader m<strong>or</strong>e than one year after the cause of action arose,provided, however, that any action brought under the provisions of Section 14of the Commodity Exchange Act may be brought at any time within two yearsafter the cause of action accrues. Trader hereby submits and consents topersonal jurisdiction in any state <strong>or</strong> federal court in New Y<strong>or</strong>k County, NewY<strong>or</strong>k and appoints and designates <strong>CMS</strong> (<strong>or</strong> any other party whom <strong>CMS</strong> mayfrom time to time hereinafter designate) as Trader’s true and lawful att<strong>or</strong>neyin-factand duly auth<strong>or</strong>ized agent f<strong>or</strong> service of legal process, and agrees thatservice of such process upon <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> such other party shall constitutepersonal service of such process upon Trader; provided, that <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> suchother party shall, within five days after receipt of any such process, f<strong>or</strong>wardthe same by air courier <strong>or</strong> by certified <strong>or</strong> registered mail, together will allpapers affixed thereto, to Trader at Trader’s last known mailing address.31. RECORDINGS. Trader agrees and acknowledges that all conversationsregarding Trader’s account(s) between Trader and <strong>CMS</strong> personnel may beelectronically rec<strong>or</strong>ded with <strong>or</strong> without the use of an automatic tone-warningdevice. Trader further agrees to the use of such rec<strong>or</strong>dings and transcriptsthereof as evidence by either party in connection with any dispute <strong>or</strong>proceeding that may arise involving Trader <strong>or</strong> <strong>CMS</strong>. Trader understands that<strong>CMS</strong> destroys such rec<strong>or</strong>dings at regular intervals in acc<strong>or</strong>dance with <strong>CMS</strong>’established business procedures and Trader hereby consents to suchdestruction.REFERRAL DISCLOSUREPLEASE BE ADVISED THAT <strong>CMS</strong> AND REFERRING AGENT AREWHOLLY SEPARATE AND INDEPENDENT FROM ONE ANOTHERAND THERE EXISTS NO JOINT VENTURE OR PARTNERSHIPRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ADDITIONALLY,NEITHER REFERRING AGENT NOR ANY OTHER EMPLOYEE ORAGENT OF REFERRING AGENT IS AN AGENT OR EMPLOYEE OF<strong>CMS</strong>.1. <strong>CMS</strong> does not control, and cannot end<strong>or</strong>se <strong>or</strong> vouch f<strong>or</strong> the accuracy <strong>or</strong>completeness of any inf<strong>or</strong>mation <strong>or</strong> advice Client may have received <strong>or</strong> mayreceive in the future from Referring Party <strong>or</strong> from any other person notemployed by <strong>CMS</strong> regarding F<strong>or</strong>ex trading <strong>or</strong> the risks involved in suchtrading.2. <strong>CMS</strong> provides risk disclosure inf<strong>or</strong>mation to all new Clients when theyopen accounts. Client should read that inf<strong>or</strong>mation carefully, and should notrely on any inf<strong>or</strong>mation to the contrary from any other source.3. Client acknowledges that no promises have been made by <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> anyindividual associated with <strong>CMS</strong> regarding future profits <strong>or</strong> losses in Client'saccount. Client understands that F<strong>or</strong>ex trading is very risky, and that manypeople lose money trading.4. If Referring Party <strong>or</strong> any other third party provides Client with inf<strong>or</strong>mation<strong>or</strong> advice regarding F<strong>or</strong>ex trading, <strong>CMS</strong> shall in no way be responsible f<strong>or</strong> anyloss to Client resulting from Client's use of such inf<strong>or</strong>mation <strong>or</strong> advice.5. To the extent Client has previously been led to believe <strong>or</strong> believes thatutilizing any third party trading system, course, program, research <strong>or</strong>recommendations provided by Referring Party <strong>or</strong> any other third party willresult in trading profits, Client hereby acknowledges, agrees and understandsthat all F<strong>or</strong>ex trading, including trading done pursuant to a system, course,program, research <strong>or</strong> recommendations of Referring Party <strong>or</strong> another thirdparty involves a substantial risk of loss. In addition, Client herebyacknowledges, agrees and understands that the use of a trading system, course,program, research <strong>or</strong> recommendations of Referring Party <strong>or</strong> another thirdparty will not necessarily result in profits, avoid losses <strong>or</strong> limit losses.Capital Market Services LLC11/30/2005 1:00 PM4

6. Because the risk fact<strong>or</strong> is high in f<strong>or</strong>eign currency transactions trading,only genuine "risk" funds should be used in such trading. If Client does nothave the extra capital the Client can aff<strong>or</strong>d to lose, Client should not trade inthe f<strong>or</strong>eign currency markets.7. Client understands and acknowledges that <strong>CMS</strong> may compensate ReferringParty f<strong>or</strong> introducing Client to <strong>CMS</strong> and that such compensation may be on aper-trade basis <strong>or</strong> other basis. Further, the Client has a right to be inf<strong>or</strong>med ofthe precise nature of such remuneration.8. Client understands and agrees that if Client's account with <strong>CMS</strong> isintroduced by Referring Party, that Referring Party shall have the right toaccess Client's <strong>CMS</strong> account, but the Referring Party shall not have the rightto enter into any trades on Client's <strong>CMS</strong> account unless auth<strong>or</strong>ized by Clientunder a power of att<strong>or</strong>ney between Client and Referring Party granting suchReferring Party the right to trade on Client's account.9. Client understands and acknowledges that Client may have only oneReferring Party, that party which <strong>or</strong>iginally referred Client to <strong>CMS</strong>.Should you have any questions regarding the risks of trading in f<strong>or</strong>eigncurrency, please contact your account representative.FX AGREEMENT• <strong>CMS</strong> establishes all rules and provisions f<strong>or</strong> Client accounts, includingbut not limited to minimum account size, investment time period,account charges <strong>or</strong> any other financial arrangements. Client shall berequired to comply with such rules and provisions at all times.• It is the Client’s responsibility to find out all necessary inf<strong>or</strong>mationabout <strong>CMS</strong> and make sure that all arrangements are discussed andclearly understood pri<strong>or</strong> to any trading activity.• It is the Client’s responsibility to find out all necessary inf<strong>or</strong>mationabout a Trading Agent pri<strong>or</strong> to any trading activity, if the account is tobe traded by someone other than himself.• <strong>Account</strong> funding instructions will be emailed to Client once <strong>application</strong>is approved. Do not send any payments until such instructions have beenf<strong>or</strong>warded. Payments sent prematurely may be returned to applicant atapplicant’s expense.LENDING AGREEMENTBy signing this Agreement, Trader auth<strong>or</strong>izes <strong>CMS</strong> and its affiliates to use allfunds, securities, currencies and other property of Trader as specified inParagraph 5 (Collateral) of the Trader Agreement.DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR NON-CASH MARGINThis statement is furnished to you because regulat<strong>or</strong>y agencies of leveragetransactions such as the Commodity Futures Trading Commission requiresuch statements. Rule 190.10(c) of the Commodity Futures TradingCommission requires it f<strong>or</strong> reasons of fair notice unrelated to <strong>CMS</strong>’ currentfinancial condition. <strong>CMS</strong> states the following:1. In the unlikely event of <strong>CMS</strong>’ bankruptcy, all property, including propertyspecifically traceable to you, will be returned, transferred <strong>or</strong> distributed toyou, <strong>or</strong> in your behalf, only to the extent of your pro rata share of all propertyavailable f<strong>or</strong> distribution to Traders.2. Notice concerning the terms f<strong>or</strong> the returning of specifically identifiableproperty will be by publication in a newspaper of general circulation.3. The Commission’s regulations concerning bankruptcies of commoditybrokers can be found at 17 Code of Federal Regulations Part 190.SOCIAL SECURITY OR TAX ID CERTIFICATION & BACKUPWITHHOLDING STATEMENTUnder penalties of perjury, I certify (1) the number shown on this agreementis the c<strong>or</strong>rect Social Security <strong>or</strong> Taxpayer Identification number and (2) theownership, <strong>or</strong> beneficiary, of this account is not subject to backup withholdingunder Section #3406 (a)(1)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code.AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER FUNDSTrader agrees hereby that <strong>CMS</strong> may at any time, in the judgment of <strong>CMS</strong> andits affiliates, apply and transfer from Trader’s securities <strong>or</strong> commodity futuresaccount to any of Trader’s accounts held with <strong>CMS</strong> any of the moneys,currencies, commodities, securities, <strong>or</strong> other property of Trader held eitherindividually <strong>or</strong> jointly with others to regulated account of the same Trader.CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION OFCONFIRMATIONS & ACCOUNT STATEMENTSClient hereby consents to have Client’s account inf<strong>or</strong>mation and tradeconfirmations available on the Internet, in lieu of having such inf<strong>or</strong>mationdelivered to Client via mail <strong>or</strong> e-mail, as specified in Paragraph 11(Statements and Confirmations) and Paragraph 12 (Communications) of theTrader Agreement.ARBITRATION AGREEMENTAny dispute, claim <strong>or</strong> controversy between Trader, on one hand, and <strong>CMS</strong>and/<strong>or</strong> its officers, direct<strong>or</strong>s, agents <strong>or</strong> employees, on the other hand, arisingout of <strong>or</strong> relating to the Trader Agreement, Trader’s account with <strong>CMS</strong> <strong>or</strong> anyother dealings between Trader and <strong>CMS</strong> shall be resolved by bindingarbitration bef<strong>or</strong>e JAMS/Endispute (“JAMS”) in New Y<strong>or</strong>k City, NY, inacc<strong>or</strong>dance with the JAMS arbitration rules in effect at the time sucharbitration is commenced. The award in such arbitration proceeding shall befinal and binding, and may be entered in any court of competent jurisdictionspecified in Paragraph 30 (Jurisdiction…) of the Trader Agreement. To theextent that there is any variance between the JAMS rules and this ArbitrationAgreement, this Arbitration Agreement shall control. Trader and <strong>CMS</strong> eachagree to take all steps, and execute all documents, necessary f<strong>or</strong> theimplementation of arbitration proceedings. All statutes of limitationsapplicable to any dispute apply to any arbitration between Trader and <strong>CMS</strong>.The provisions of this Arbitration Agreement shall survive termination,amendment <strong>or</strong> expiration of Trader’s account relationship <strong>or</strong> the governingTrader Agreement <strong>or</strong> any other relationship between Trader and <strong>CMS</strong>. EitherTrader <strong>or</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> may require the submission of the dispute to bindingarbitration at any reasonable time, notwithstanding that a lawsuit <strong>or</strong> otherproceeding has been commenced. Neither Trader n<strong>or</strong> <strong>CMS</strong> shall be entitled tojoin <strong>or</strong> consolidate disputes by <strong>or</strong> against others in any arbitration, <strong>or</strong> toinclude in any arbitration any dispute as a representative <strong>or</strong> member of a class,<strong>or</strong> to act in any arbitration in the interest of the general public <strong>or</strong> of a privateatt<strong>or</strong>ney general.NOTICE TO FOREIGN TRADERSThe Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) has issuedregulations which require the designation of Futures Commission Merchants(“FCM”) as the agents of f<strong>or</strong>eign brokers and f<strong>or</strong>eign traders. <strong>CMS</strong> is requiredto notify all f<strong>or</strong>eign brokers and f<strong>or</strong>eign traders of the requirements of theseregulations.CFTC Regulation 15.05 provides that upon execution by an FCM ofcommodity interest transactions on a United States contract market f<strong>or</strong> theaccount of a f<strong>or</strong>eign trader <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>eign broker, the FCM will be considered tobe the agent of the f<strong>or</strong>eign trader <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>eign broker, as well as of Clients of thef<strong>or</strong>eign brokers who have positions in the f<strong>or</strong>eign broker’s accounts carried bythe FCM, f<strong>or</strong> purposes of accepting delivery and service of communicationand legal process issued by <strong>or</strong> on behalf of the CFTC. <strong>CMS</strong> is required undersuch regulation to retransmit any such communications <strong>or</strong> process to thef<strong>or</strong>eign broker <strong>or</strong> trader that is its Client. A f<strong>or</strong>eign broker <strong>or</strong> trader should beaware that this regulation also permits the f<strong>or</strong>eign broker <strong>or</strong> trader to designatean agent other than <strong>CMS</strong>. Such alternate designation of agency must beevidenced by written agreement that the f<strong>or</strong>eign broker <strong>or</strong> trader must provideto <strong>CMS</strong> and which <strong>CMS</strong> must f<strong>or</strong>ward to the CFTC. If the f<strong>or</strong>eign broker <strong>or</strong>trader wishes to designate an agent other than <strong>CMS</strong>, trader must notify <strong>CMS</strong>Capital Market Services LLC11/30/2005 1:00 PM5

in writing. In the event another agent is not so designated, <strong>CMS</strong> will be thef<strong>or</strong>eign broker’s <strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>eign trader’s designated agent f<strong>or</strong> CFTCcommunications. CFTC Regulation 15.05 is available upon request from<strong>CMS</strong>.In addition, the CFTC has issued Regulation 21.03 requiring FCMs,f<strong>or</strong>eign brokers and f<strong>or</strong>eign traders to respond to special calls made by theCFTC f<strong>or</strong> inf<strong>or</strong>mation regarding their futures and options trading. <strong>CMS</strong> isalso required by this regulation to notify all f<strong>or</strong>eign brokers and f<strong>or</strong>eigntraders of the requirements of this regulation.CFTC Regulation 21.03 provides f<strong>or</strong> the issuance of a special call bythe CFTC f<strong>or</strong> inf<strong>or</strong>mation from f<strong>or</strong>eign brokers <strong>or</strong> traders f<strong>or</strong> whom an FCMmakes <strong>or</strong> causes to be made a futures <strong>or</strong> option on futures transaction,including any f<strong>or</strong>eign futures and f<strong>or</strong>eign options. These special calls aregenerally limited to instances where the CFTC requires inf<strong>or</strong>mation and wherethe books and rec<strong>or</strong>ds of the FCM, trader <strong>or</strong> broker upon whom the specialcall is made are not open at all times to inspection in the United States by anyrepresentative of the CFTC. F<strong>or</strong> the purposes of this regulation, <strong>CMS</strong> will beconsidered the agent of the Client and may be required to submit such specialcall by telex <strong>or</strong> a similarly expeditious means of communication, unless theClient has made an alternative designation as above f<strong>or</strong> CFTC Regulation15.05. F<strong>or</strong>eign brokers and traders are required to provide the CFTC with theinf<strong>or</strong>mation requested in such special call. The regulation permits the CFTC toprohibit the f<strong>or</strong>eign broker <strong>or</strong> trader from further trading in the contractmarket and in the delivery months <strong>or</strong> option expiration dates specified in thecall, except f<strong>or</strong> liquidation if the special call is not responded to at the placeand within the time required by the CFTC. The special call shall be limited toinf<strong>or</strong>mation relating to futures <strong>or</strong> options positions of the f<strong>or</strong>eign broker <strong>or</strong>trader in the United States.interest/rollover rates can be found posted on the Visual Trading platf<strong>or</strong>m.Please see our website f<strong>or</strong> further details.STANDARD TRADING TERMSThese trading terms are subject to change at <strong>CMS</strong>’ sole discretion.UNIVERSAL ACCOUNT with 10,000 (10K) mini and 100,000 (100K)standard contracts (lots) available f<strong>or</strong> trading on the same trading platf<strong>or</strong>m andclient’s account, with the following trading terms:a) Features:• 18 currency pairs available f<strong>or</strong> trading• Hedging functionality• Overnight Interest/Rollover charged <strong>or</strong> paid at 5 PM EST (NY time)b) Spread:• 3 pips on EURUSD, USDJPY• 4 pips on EURJPY, GBPUSD• 5 pips on USDCHF, EURCHF, AUDUSD, USDCAD, EURGBP,NZDUSD• 6 pips on CADJPY• 8 pips on GBPJPY, AUDJPY,• 10 pips on EURCAD, GBPCHF, CHFJPY, AUDCAD• 14 pips on EURAUDc) Margin Requirements:# of Standard Lots Margin Req. per Round Turn 100K Lot (USD)0 – 3 $2503.1 – 10 $50010.1 – 50 $100050.1 & up $2500d) Minimum Amount to Open an <strong>Account</strong>:200 USD; <strong>or</strong> 200 EUR, <strong>or</strong> 300 AUD, <strong>or</strong> 300 NZD, <strong>or</strong> 300 CAD, <strong>or</strong> 300CHF, <strong>or</strong> 150 GBP, <strong>or</strong> 25,000 JPY.e) Overnight Interest/Rollover: Overnight interest/rollover is charged to <strong>or</strong>credited to client accounts at 5:00 PM EST daily. F<strong>or</strong> trading with minicontracts, overnight interest/rollover rates may be calculated by multiplyingthe lot size by the amount of interest. Overnight interest/rollover rates dependon the direction of a trade (long/sh<strong>or</strong>t) and the interest rate differentialbetween the two countries associated with the given currencies. Positions heldovernight Friday incur <strong>or</strong> earn an extra two days of interest. Current overnightCapital Market Services LLC11/30/2005 1:00 PM6

6 Bank inf<strong>or</strong>mation (Institutional Clients must provide bank inf<strong>or</strong>mation of institution.)Bank NameBank address (No., Street, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country)Bank <strong>Account</strong> NumberBank <strong>Account</strong> Holder’s Name (Must be same as Client name(s).)SWIFT Code <strong>or</strong> ABA NumberPerson to Contact at Bank1a <strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Account</strong> Holder (if applicable)Last Name First Name Middle Name2a Passp<strong>or</strong>t, Driver’s License <strong>or</strong> Social Security no.(U.S. clients MUST provide Social Security no.)Gender: □ Male □ FemaleMarital Status: □ Single □ Married3a Date of birth (MM / DD / YY) Country of Citizenship Language spoken4a <strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Account</strong> Holder Home address (Please attach proof of address) (P.O.BOX may not be accepted)No., Name of Street, Apartment/SuiteCity, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, CountryHome Phone no. Mobile Phone no. Home Fax no.5a <strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Account</strong> Holder Employment Details □ Employed □ Self-employed □ Retired □ Unemployed □ Student(If unemployed, please review “15. Risk Acknowledgment” and “18. Disclosure of Financial Inf<strong>or</strong>mation” regarding RiskCapital on Page 3.)Source of Income (Required if Retired, Unemployed, <strong>or</strong> Student.)Name of current employerEmployer’s address (No., Street, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country)Nature of business Occupation Years with current employer Employer Phone no.6a<strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Account</strong> Holder Bank inf<strong>or</strong>mation (Institutional Clients must provide bank inf<strong>or</strong>mation of institution.)Bank NameBank address (No., Street, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country)Bank <strong>Account</strong> NumberBank <strong>Account</strong> Holder’s Name (Must be same as Client name(s).)SWIFT Code <strong>or</strong> ABA NumberPerson to Contact at Bank7 Business Inf<strong>or</strong>mation (Required f<strong>or</strong> Institutional Clients only.)Business NameBusiness Address (No., Street, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country)Tax ID # (required f<strong>or</strong> U.S. companies) Business Phone no. Business Fax no.Nature of business8 Intended Purpose of Transactions:□ Speculative □ Hedging □ Both □ Other9 Amount you will deposit to your trading accountAmountCurrency (USD, EUR, AUD, NZD, CAD, CHF, GBP, <strong>or</strong> JPY)Capital Market Services LLC 83/24/2005 12:52 PM

CLIENT INFORMATIONI hereby represent that the inf<strong>or</strong>mation provided by me on the Client inf<strong>or</strong>mation section beginning on Page 7 of this packet is true andc<strong>or</strong>rect. I further represent that I will notify <strong>CMS</strong> of any material changes in writing. <strong>CMS</strong> reserves the right, but has no duty, to verifythe accuracy of inf<strong>or</strong>mation provided, and to contact such bankers, brokers and others as it deems necessary.THIS IS A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT. YOU WILL BE BOUND HEREBY. DO NOT SIGN UNTIL YOU HAVE READ ALL OFTHE FOREGOING CAREFULLY.I acknowledge that this is a legally binding contractual agreement. I have read it carefully, and by signing, I agree to be bound by everyterm and condition, including the items listed above. No modification of this Agreement is valid unless accepted by <strong>CMS</strong> in writing. Iconfirm that I have received a full set of account documents and I have not made any alterations <strong>or</strong> deletions to this agreement <strong>or</strong> anysuch documents from the <strong>or</strong>iginal f<strong>or</strong>ms. In the event that there are any alterations <strong>or</strong> deletions to this agreement <strong>or</strong> any suchdocuments such alteration and deletions shall not be binding on <strong>CMS</strong> and said <strong>or</strong>iginal f<strong>or</strong>ms shall govern Trader account relationshipwith <strong>CMS</strong>.Primary <strong>Account</strong> Owner Signature:<strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Account</strong> Owner Signature (if applicable):Print Client Name:Date:Print Client Name:Date:To aid the government’s fight against the funding of terr<strong>or</strong>ism and money laundering activities,Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and rec<strong>or</strong>d inf<strong>or</strong>mation that identifieseach person who opens an account.Please submit with this account <strong>application</strong>, one f<strong>or</strong>m of government issued identification (e.g.Passp<strong>or</strong>t, Driver License, <strong>or</strong> other), one of which must bear a photograph. <strong>CMS</strong> may also askyou to provide further documentation to verify your identity.Upon processing of the account <strong>application</strong>, which typically requires one to two business days, youwill be contacted via E-mail. Please ensure <strong>application</strong> is complete and legible to avoid err<strong>or</strong>s <strong>or</strong>delays in processing.FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYPROCESSED BY───────────────Name of <strong>Account</strong>s Rep.───────────────DateCapital Market Services LLC 103/24/2005 12:52 PM

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