Family Planning in Asia and the Pacific - International Council on ...

Family Planning in Asia and the Pacific - International Council on ... Family Planning in Asia and the Pacific - International Council on ...
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FigureFigureFigure18 Population ong>andong> average annual growth rate, census years 1903-2007Figure19 Total fertility rate, 1965-2006320

target group. In Metro Manila, for example,women listen to television ong>andong> radio programmeswhere medical resource persons discuss commonproblems ong>andong> respond to questions from ong>theong>audience.4. Research must be contong>inong>ually undertaken to assess ong>theong>effectiveness ong>andong> responsiveness of FP programmes,especially to ong>theong> most margong>inong>alized groups, ong>andong>ong>theong>ir impact on oong>theong>r social ong>inong>dicators, such aspoverty, employment, gender equality, migration ong>andong>environment, among oong>theong>rs. Research can ong>inong>clude ong>theong>followong>inong>g:(a) The National Statistics Office must be supportedong>inong> ong>theong>ir contong>inong>uong>inong>g surveys on ong>Familyong> ong>Plannong>inong>gong> useong>andong> its long>inong>kage to oong>theong>r health ong>inong>dicators, especiallymaternal mortality, maternal health ong>andong> access tohealth care services.(b) The Commission on Population (POPCOM)must strengong>theong>n its mong>andong>ate of monitorong>inong>g ong>theong>demographic impact of FP, ong>inong>cludong>inong>g its long>inong>kageto ong>theong> social ong>andong> physical environment. It can alsoassist ong>theong> Department of Health ong>inong> maong>inong>taong>inong>ong>inong>gong>theong> contraceptive management ong>inong>formationsystem, contraceptive procurement, storage ong>andong>distribution.5. Fong>inong>ancial resources must be mobilized, especially bynational government, to meet ong>theong> large unmet needthat accrued from a decade of neglect ong>andong> which affectspoor ong>andong> disadvantaged groups ong>theong> most. The followong>inong>gsources must be mobilized:(a) Congress needs to allocate a significant budgetto cover for commodities, ong>theong> reestablishmentof a centralized procurement, warehousong>inong>g ong>andong>distribution centre ong>inong> ong>theong> Department of Health,ong>andong> ong>theong> cascaded traong>inong>ong>inong>g of enough FP providers.(b) PhilHealth needs to improve its system ong>andong> makeits benefits, particularly on IUD ong>inong>sertion ong>andong>bilateral tubal ligation, more accessible to local FPpractitioners ong>andong> RHU facilities.(c) Private companies must do ong>theong>ir share ong>inong> operatong>inong>gFP/RH clong>inong>ics with functional services for ong>theong>iremployees accordong>inong>g to ong>theong> labour law.6. The right to family plannong>inong>g, which is enshrong>inong>ed ong>inong>ong>inong>ternational as well as national laws (e.g. ong>theong> Philippong>inong>econstitution of 1987), must be actively wielded ong>inong>defense of disadvantaged citizens ong>andong> agaong>inong>st ong>theong>derogation by powerful ong>inong>stitutions such as ong>theong> Catholichierarchy. To ong>inong>sure ong>theong> contong>inong>ued preservation of thishuman right, ong>theong> followong>inong>g steps are necessary:(a) The passage of a reproductive health law, whichhas been stalled ong>inong> ong>theong> Philippong>inong>e Congress for atleast nong>inong>e years, would ong>inong>stitutionalize ong>theong> rightsbasedong>andong> ong>inong>tegrated health approach to FP,ong>inong>cludong>inong>g several FP provisions, such as deliveryof all modern FP methods, subsidized provision ofsurgical sterilization for ong>theong> poor, ong>theong> ong>inong>tegrationof FP among oong>theong>r subjects ong>inong> secondary schoolsong>andong> ong>theong> classification of contraceptives as “essentialmedicong>inong>es” to ensure sustaong>inong>ed procurement.(b) The contong>inong>uong>inong>g cultivation of a social movement onreproductive health with a strong focus on FP ong>andong>which gaong>theong>rs togeong>theong>r a broad base of constituents– RH practitioners ong>andong> advocates; government,non-government ong>andong> private sectors; professionalsong>andong> grass-roots communities is ong>inong>strumentalnot only for advancong>inong>g ong>theong> RH bill but also foreducatong>inong>g ong>andong> empowerong>inong>g people to control ong>theong>irfertility ong>andong> to enshrong>inong>e this entitlement ong>inong> ong>theong>country's laws, policies ong>andong> programmes.AppendixSurveysUnless oong>theong>rwise specified, ong>theong> Philippong>inong>e surveyscommonly referred to as (year) NDHS ong>inong> this reportrefer to ong>theong> 1993, 1998, 2003 ong>andong> 2008 (National)Demographic ong>andong> Health Surveys joong>inong>tly published byong>theong> National Statistics Office (Philippong>inong>es) ong>andong> Macroong>Internationalong>/ORC Macro/ICF Macro of ong>theong> DHSMeasures Project. These are available at>inong>.cfm?ctry_id=34&c=Philippong>inong>es.1993 NDSNational Statistics Office (NSO) ong>andong> Macro ong>Internationalong>Inc. (MI). 1994. National Demographic Survey 1993.Calverton, Marylong>andong>: NSO ong>andong> MI.1998 NDHSNational Statistics Office, Department of Health ong>andong>Macro ong>Internationalong> Inc. 1999. National Demographicong>andong> Health Survey 1998. Manila: NSO ong>andong> MI.2003 NDHSNational Statistics Office, ong>andong> ORC Macro. 2004. NationalDemographic ong>andong> Health Survey 2003. Calverton,Marylong>andong>: NSO ong>andong> ORC Macro.2008 NDHS321

FigureFigureFigure18 Populati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> average annual growth rate, census years 1903-2007Figure19 Total fertility rate, 1965-2006320

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