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population size, with just 336,000 ong>inong>habitants, or 0.6 percent of ong>theong> total population.The sex ratio is 98.9 males per 100 females at ong>theong> nationallevel; however, ong>theong>re are variations among states ong>andong>divisions, rangong>inong>g from over 100 ong>inong> Kayah, Bago, Mon,Shan ong>andong> Ayeyarwady to 95 ong>inong> Chong>inong>. Sex ratios exceedong>inong>g100 ong>inong> ong>theong> five above-mentioned areas ong>inong>dicate that ong>theong>yhave an excess of males, which is probably due to ong>theong> factthat ong>theong>se areas offer favourable employment opportunitiesong>andong> ong>theong>refore attract male ong>inong>ternal migrants. The sex ratiois a proxy ong>inong>dicator showong>inong>g ong>theong> absence of sex selectiveabortion ong>andong> ong>inong>fanticide. Myanmar has an impartialattitude towards sex preference, at least as reflected ong>inong> ong>theong>number of males vis-à-vis females. Data on ong>theong> estimatedpopulation by region, density ong>andong> sex ratio are given ong>inong>Table 1.FertilityIn Myanmar, fertility has been declong>inong>ong>inong>g. The crude birthrate (CBR) has decreased from 34.8 births per 1,000population ong>inong> 1983 to 17.3 ong>inong> 2006; fertility halved durong>inong>gthose decades, with fertility declong>inong>e between 2001 ong>andong>2006 beong>inong>g about 30 per cent, accordong>inong>g to various reportsof ong>theong> Fertility ong>andong> Reproductive Health Survey (FRHS).The Nationwide Cause-specific Maternal Mortality Survey(2004-2005) revealed that CBR was close to ong>theong> 2006rates (18.4 at ong>theong> national level; 15.7 for urban ong>andong> 19.5 forrural areas). The rates for ong>theong> national level as ong>inong>dicated byong>theong> vital registration system also showed a declong>inong>ong>inong>g trend,but at somewhat higher levels. Urban, rural ong>andong> regionalvariations exist; ong>theong> urban-rural differential is about 2,with urban CBR beong>inong>g less than rural. The 2007 FRHSshowed ong>theong> lowest CBR of 15 ong>inong> Mong>andong>alay Division ong>andong>ong>theong> highest CBR of 22 ong>inong> Rakhong>inong>e State (see Figures 1 ong>andong>2). 7The total fertility rate (TFR) was 4.7 children per womanong>inong> 1983; it decreased to 3.5 ong>inong> 1991 ong>andong> 2.0 ong>inong> 2006,accordong>inong>g to ong>theong> 1983 census, 1991 Population Changesong>andong> Fertility Survey (PCFS) ong>andong> 2007 FRHS. TFR declong>inong>eong>inong> 1983 ong>andong> 2006 was about 43 per cent, or 1.8 per centper annum. Urban ong>andong> rural differences exist. Women ong>inong>rural areas have two to three children on average, whereaswomen ong>inong> urban areas have fewer than two children. Withregard to ong>theong> regional differential, it follows ong>theong> same trendas CBR, with Mong>andong>alay havong>inong>g ong>theong> lowest TFR (1.7) ong>andong>Rakhong>inong>e State havong>inong>g ong>theong> highest (2.9) 8 .TableTable1Population, density ong>andong> sex ratio for 2009-2010SNState/ Division= StatesPopulation (ong>inong> thousong>andong>s)Total Males FemalesDensity (Per sqkm)Sex RatioUnion 59130 29400 29730 87 98.91 Kachong>inong> 1560 771 789 17 97.82 Kayah 351 178 173 29 102.73 Kayong>inong> 1794 888 906 60 98.04 Chong>inong> 545 266 279 14 95.25 Mon 3106 1560 1546 253 100.86 Rakhong>inong>e 3271 1630 1641 89 99.37 Shan 5594 2803 2791 36 100.4Divisions8 Sagaong>inong>g 6479 3184 3295 69 96.69 Tanong>inong>tharyi 1691 844 847 38 99.510 Bago 5944 2988 2956 150 101.111 Magway 5564 2738 2826 124 96.912 Mong>andong>alay 8333 4118 4215 178 97.713 Yangon 6944 3447 3497 683 98.614 Ayeyarwady 7952 3984 3968 227 100.4Source: Department of Population. Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 2010* Calculated based on ong>theong> data from Department of Population264

FigureFigureFigureFigure1Crude Birth Rate for selected years40353025201510501983 1991 2001 2007Source: 1983 Census, 1991 PCFS, 2001 FRHS, 2007 FRHSFigure2Crude Birth Rate by State/Divisions of Myanmar, 200725201510TotalUrbanRural50UnionKachong>inong>/Kayah/ShanKayong>inong>/Mon/Tanong>inong>tharyiChong>inong>/Sagaong>inong>gBagoMagwayMong>andong>alayRakhong>inong>eYangonAyeyarwadySource: Country Report, 2007 Fertility Reproductive Health Survey, Department of Population.Figure3Nuptiality trend, 1973- 20066050Percent403020100Never marriedMarriedWidowedDivorced/separated1973 Census39.65171.51983 Census42. PCFS44.747.86.61.52001 FRHS55.737.85.41.12007 FRHS54.139.25.61Source: Population census, 1973 ong>andong> 2007 FRHS.265

FigureFigureFigureFigure1Crude Birth Rate for selected years40353025201510501983 1991 2001 2007Source: 1983 Census, 1991 PCFS, 2001 FRHS, 2007 FRHSFigure2Crude Birth Rate by State/Divisi<strong>on</strong>s of Myanmar, 200725201510TotalUrbanRural50Uni<strong>on</strong>Kach<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>/Kayah/ShanKay<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>/M<strong>on</strong>/Tan<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>tharyiCh<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>/Saga<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>gBagoMagwayM<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>alayRakh<str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>eYang<strong>on</strong>AyeyarwadySource: Country Report, 2007 Fertility Reproductive Health Survey, Department of Populati<strong>on</strong>.Figure3Nuptiality trend, 1973- 20066050Percent403020100Never marriedMarriedWidowedDivorced/separated1973 Census39.65171.51983 Census42. PCFS44.747.86.61.52001 FRHS55.737.85.41.12007 FRHS54.139.25.61Source: Populati<strong>on</strong> census, 1973 <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> 2007 FRHS.265

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