Family Planning in Asia and the Pacific - International Council on ...

Family Planning in Asia and the Pacific - International Council on ... Family Planning in Asia and the Pacific - International Council on ...
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Demographic data sheet: population ong>inong>dicators for Myanmar, various years/periodsIndicatorNumbers/rates/source/yearsTotal population (millions) 59.13 (2009)Population density (persons/per sq km) 87 (2009)Annual population growth rate (%) 1.29 (2009)Crude birth rate (per 1,000 live births) 17.3 (FRHS, 2006)Crude death rate (per 1,000 population) 6.0 (FRHS, 2006)Total fertility rate (births per woman) 2.03 (FRHS, 2006)Adolescent fertility rate (per 1,000 female adolescents 15-24years old)Proportion married (among female adolescents 15-24 years old)(%)16.9 (FRHS, 2006)6.8 (FRHS 2006)Maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) 240 ()(WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF &WB, 2008)Neonatal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 33.8 (FRHS, 2006)Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 53.0 (FRHS, 2006)Child mortality rate (per 1,000 children under age-5) 56.3 (FRHS, 2006 for period 1997-2006)66.1 (Overall Cause-specific Under-five Mortality Survey(2002/03)Number of women ong>inong> reproductive age group (15-49 years) 16.2 (2009)(Statistical Yearbook, 2008)Average age at first marriage (years) Male 24.1 (FRHS, 2006)Average age at first marriage (years) Female 21.0 (FRHS, 2006)Contraceptive prevalence rate (%) 40.9 (any method) (2006)Unmet need for contraception (%) 17.7 (FRHS, 2006)Antenatal coverage (%) 79.8 (FRHS, 2006),Deliveries by skilled birth attendants (doctors, nurses, midwives)(%)64 (2006)Deliveries at home (%) 76.4 (2006)Deliveries at government facilities (%) 16.6 (2006)Expectation of life at birth (both sexes) (years) 65 (FRHS, 2006)Male 63 (FRHS, 2006)Female 66 (FRHS, 2006)Note: FRHS = Fertility ong>andong> Reproductive Health Survey.262

IntroductionMyanmar has undergone considerable demographic,social, economic, environmental ong>andong> political changes song>inong>ce1994, when ong>theong> United Nations hosted ong>theong> ong>Internationalong>Conference on Population ong>andong> Development (ICPD)ong>inong> Cairo ong>andong> adopted ong>theong> Programme of Action. As adevelopong>inong>g country ong>inong> South-East ong>Asiaong>, Myanmar hasmade considerable progress ong>inong> recent years towards meetong>inong>gong>theong> ICPD goals ong>andong> ong>theong> Millennium Development Goals(MDGs), through its implementation of ong>theong> Five-yearNational Strategic Plan for Reproductive Health (2004-2008) ong>andong> ong>theong> current plan (2009-2013). Implementationof those plans has resulted ong>inong> improvements ong>inong> ong>theong> coverageong>andong> quality of maternal ong>andong> child health (MCH) care ong>andong>birth-spacong>inong>g services, as well as HIV/AIDS prevention,care ong>andong> support. Despite ong>theong> strong political commitmentong>andong> contong>inong>uous efforts by multiple partners, reproductivehealth (RH), birth spacong>inong>g ong>andong> population development ong>inong>Myanmar remaong>inong> a challenge, as ong>theong> country is characterizedby a high maternal mortality ratio (MMR), high ong>inong>fantmortality rate (IMR) ong>andong> high burden of HIV ong>inong>fection,all of which ong>inong>dicate that, for successful implementationof ong>theong> ICPD Programme of Action, much remaong>inong>s to beaccomplished.This report on Myanmar is based on primary ong>andong> secondarydata collection ong>andong> a major report 1 for ong>theong> situation analysisconducted ong>inong> ong>theong> period 2009-2010 under ong>theong> auspicesof ong>theong> United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Thesituation analysis assessed ong>theong> reproductive health situationagaong>inong>st ong>theong> objectives ong>andong> targets of ong>theong> ICPD Programmeof Action ong>andong> MDGs. The present report furong>theong>r updatesthose data ong>andong> furnishes an analysis usong>inong>g ong>inong>terviews ong>andong>self-admong>inong>istered questionnaires distributed to ong>theong> maong>inong>stakeholders ong>inong> ong>theong> Department of Health, Mong>inong>istry ofHealth, Mong>inong>istry of Immigration ong>andong> Population, UNFPAong>andong> ong>inong>ternational non-governmental organizations(NGOs) workong>inong>g ong>inong> ong>theong> areas of RH ong>andong> birth spacong>inong>g ong>inong>Myanmar. The report also encompasses recommendationsfor givong>inong>g direction ong>andong> poong>inong>tong>inong>g to ong>theong> way forward forMyanmar, with emphasis on birth spacong>inong>g.The reader will notice that ong>theong> term “birth spacong>inong>g” isused throughout ong>theong> report, as it is ong>theong> policy of ong>theong>Government of ong>theong> Republic of ong>theong> Union of Myanmar tohave ong>theong> current population grow to a larger size; thus, ong>theong>term “family plannong>inong>g” is not ong>theong> preferred term. There isno separate family plannong>inong>g programme ong>inong> Myanmar ong>andong>birth spacong>inong>g is provided as part of ong>theong> MCH programmeof ong>theong> Department of Health, which uses an ong>inong>tegratedapproach ong>inong> implementong>inong>g birth spacong>inong>g.There are limitations ong>inong> ong>theong> present report as ong>theong> availabledata ong>andong> ong>inong>formation are scarce; ong>theong>refore, ong>theong> sourcesheavily relied upon to prepare ong>theong> report were fertility ong>andong>reproductive health surveys, a nationwide cause-specificmaternal mortality survey, a family ong>andong> youth survey ong>inong> 2004ong>andong> an RH baselong>inong>e survey ong>inong> 2002. The views expressedhere are extracted from ong>theong> responses to self-admong>inong>isteredquestionnaires ong>andong> ong>inong>terviews with actors workong>inong>g ong>inong> ong>theong>area of RH ong>andong> birth spacong>inong>g, plus ong>theong> authors’ analyticalcomments. Where divergence exists, it is hoped that thisreport will be helpful ong>inong> providong>inong>g reflections from adifferent perspective with only one concern: ong>theong> well-beong>inong>gong>andong> progress of ong>theong> population of Myanmar.Population ong>andong> reproductivehealth situation ong>andong> pastachievementsPopulationThe population of Myanmar is estimated to have been59.13 million ong>inong> 2009/10, with ong>theong> annual growthrate beong>inong>g 1.29 per cent ong>andong> ong>theong> majority (70%) of ong>theong>population livong>inong>g ong>inong> rural areas 2 .The population was expected to grow to about 60 millionby ong>theong> end of 2010; 62.6 million by 2015; ong>andong> 66 millionby 2020, takong>inong>g ong>inong>to consideration ong>theong> current decreasong>inong>gtrend ong>inong> ong>theong> population growth rate.The United Nations estimated that ong>theong> population was49.8 million ong>inong> 2007, with ong>theong> rate of natural ong>inong>creasebeong>inong>g 0.9 per cent annually; ong>theong> Population ReferenceBureau also projected that ong>theong> population would growto 61.7 million by 2025 3 . Oong>theong>r United Nations 4 ong>andong>ong>inong>ternational 5 sources have estimated ong>theong> population ofMyanmar to have been 50 million ong>inong> 2009, with ong>theong> rateof natural ong>inong>crease beong>inong>g 0.9 to 1.1 per cent annually. Thepopulation of Myanmar is ong>inong> ong>theong> late transitional stage, withdeclong>inong>ong>inong>g fertility accompanied by moderate ong>andong> declong>inong>ong>inong>gmortality. In studyong>inong>g past population trends, it may beobserved that ong>theong> population has ong>inong>creased steadily from10.7 million ong>inong> 1901 to 28.9 million ong>inong> 1973 (ong>theong> pre-warcensus populations were estimated accordong>inong>g to ong>theong> 1973census area) 6 . At ong>theong> last census ong>inong> 1983, ong>theong> populationstood at 35.3 million. There is a vast difference betweenong>theong> United Nations estimates of population at 50 millionong>inong> 2009 ong>andong> ong>theong> government’s estimate of 59.13 million,a situation which reflects ong>theong> dire need for a populationcensus to be conducted.Regardong>inong>g spatial distribution, ong>theong> population is unevenlydistributed among ong>theong> regions of ong>theong> country. TheMong>andong>alay ong>andong> Ayeyarwady Regions are ong>theong> most populousong>inong> Myanmar, each accountong>inong>g for about 13.5 ong>andong> 14 percent of ong>theong> country’s population respectively. Kayah Stateprovides a stark contrast; it is ong>theong> smallest region ong>inong>263

Demographic data sheet: populati<strong>on</strong> <str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g>dicators for Myanmar, various years/periodsIndicatorNumbers/rates/source/yearsTotal populati<strong>on</strong> (milli<strong>on</strong>s) 59.13 (2009)Populati<strong>on</strong> density (pers<strong>on</strong>s/per sq km) 87 (2009)Annual populati<strong>on</strong> growth rate (%) 1.29 (2009)Crude birth rate (per 1,000 live births) 17.3 (FRHS, 2006)Crude death rate (per 1,000 populati<strong>on</strong>) 6.0 (FRHS, 2006)Total fertility rate (births per woman) 2.03 (FRHS, 2006)Adolescent fertility rate (per 1,000 female adolescents 15-24years old)Proporti<strong>on</strong> married (am<strong>on</strong>g female adolescents 15-24 years old)(%)16.9 (FRHS, 2006)6.8 (FRHS 2006)Maternal mortality rate (per 100,000 live births) 240 ()(WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF &WB, 2008)Ne<strong>on</strong>atal mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 33.8 (FRHS, 2006)Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) 53.0 (FRHS, 2006)Child mortality rate (per 1,000 children under age-5) 56.3 (FRHS, 2006 for period 1997-2006)66.1 (Overall Cause-specific Under-five Mortality Survey(2002/03)Number of women <str<strong>on</strong>g>in</str<strong>on</strong>g> reproductive age group (15-49 years) 16.2 (2009)(Statistical Yearbook, 2008)Average age at first marriage (years) Male 24.1 (FRHS, 2006)Average age at first marriage (years) Female 21.0 (FRHS, 2006)C<strong>on</strong>traceptive prevalence rate (%) 40.9 (any method) (2006)Unmet need for c<strong>on</strong>tracepti<strong>on</strong> (%) 17.7 (FRHS, 2006)Antenatal coverage (%) 79.8 (FRHS, 2006),Deliveries by skilled birth attendants (doctors, nurses, midwives)(%)64 (2006)Deliveries at home (%) 76.4 (2006)Deliveries at government facilities (%) 16.6 (2006)Expectati<strong>on</strong> of life at birth (both sexes) (years) 65 (FRHS, 2006)Male 63 (FRHS, 2006)Female 66 (FRHS, 2006)Note: FRHS = Fertility <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> Reproductive Health Survey.262

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