SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter
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C O L L I N S T O U R N A M E N T S O N I S CCollins Tournaments on ISCBy Michal JoskoBetween 2009 and December 2011, three Polish buddies and I played tournaments on ISC;however, it became difficult to arrange our schedules, so the games were discontinued. AroundDecember 2012, I came with idea about bringing back the tournaments, and they have proved asuccess. At this point, our group of participants is little bit bigger and some tourneys have sixplayers. We are condidering enlarging the tournaments and inviting players who are not Polishcitizens. At this point, we allow each player to bring one guest, as long as the number of players isn’thigher than six. Once we solve some web communication issues (announcing pairings, standings,etc.), we may invite more people.Let me introduce you to our current participants:Michal Josko: I have lived in Rochester, NY, for seven years. I’m one of the few people on Earthwho first learned Collins, then had to compete in TWL tournaments.Zbyszek (Zbigniew) Wieckowsi: He lives in Minnesota and has played in many parts of the UnitedStates, competing in four National SCRABBLE Championships. He played on the Polish team atthe World SCRABBLE Championship in Warsaw in 2011, with wins against Andrew Fisher andHerve Bohbot.Rafal Dominiczak: A courier from Leszno, Wielkopolskie, Poland. Competed on the Polish team atthe World SCRABBLE Championship in Warsaw in 2011, finishing 55th with wins against MartyGabriel and Herve Bohbot.Wojtek Usakiewicz: An editor from Warsaw who has represented Poland at the WorldChampionships on multiple occasions. Finished 17th at the 2012 Prague Mind Sports Festival, withwins over Adam Logan, Sam Kantimathi, and Alistair Richards.Bartosz Pieta: One of my first SCRABBLE teachers. An international competitor living in Poland.He played on the Polish team at the World SCRABBLE Championship in Warsaw in 2011, with winsagainst Alistair Richards and John O’Laughlin.Robert Yufanyi: A Polish-Cameroonian player since 1991.Here are our basic rules:Because Europe uses CSW, this dictionary is the only one we used. Games are 15 minutes perplayer with a 5-point per play challange penalty. We play three to six games. The 2013 tourneys sofar are being played every Sunday on 4pm Warsaw time. It's possible that they may be on differentdays as well soon. We recently voted on rules addressing penalties for running out of time penaltiesand connection issues. Because these are more complicate, I can send them by request throughemail for interested individuals.So how was the last tournament? We had four participants: Me, Zbyszek, Rafal, and the organizer,Wojtek. We played two round robins. It started well for me, with two wins against Rafal and78

C O L L I N S T O U R N A M E N T S O N I S CWojtek. In the game with Rafal I played JOLTING, INERTIAE, and DIVERSE; Rafal had no bingos.I played HANKERS on my first rack against Wojtek. He later had DEPOSING with two blanks, but iquickly replied with MARINATE. I lost my third game to Zbyszek. After three games, three playershad two wins: Rafal, with the best spread, then Zbyszek, and then me.In the second round robin I started Zbyszek again. I'm not lucky against him lately. I've started withQUOTE for 48; then he played the phony PROCENTS*, followed by RABIDEST, HESITATE, andPURSIER. I finished with EROTICA but lost. The next two games i lost badly to Rafal and Wojtek. Ididn't do anything creative against Rafal, who played VITRINE, EMIRATE, and HARDEST. Wojtekkilled me in the two first moves with HOSTILE and INDEXES. I was able to play TAENIAE later, andcould have caught him had he not blocked a spot for ZATI for 95. That was significant, because itgave Wojtek 3rd place and 4th and last for me. Meanwhile on second table, Rafal showed his skills,beating Zbyszek hardly and winning the tournament with 5 wins and 1 loss. His top plays in his lastgame were ENSILAGE, TYRONES, UNFITTED, and DREVILLS; Zbyszek had AUGURIES.The tournament scores and standings are available by request, and some games are on myFacebook page or cross-tables. We plan soon to have our first international ISC tournament againstRomania. I’d also like to see a tournament against the U.S.A. or North America. If you areinterested in to playing in either regular or international tournaments on ISC, let me knowat or message CWKS99 on ISC.I hope to play you soon! 79

C O L L I N S T O U R N A M E N T S O N I S CCollins Tournaments on ISCBy Michal JoskoBetween 2009 and December 2011, three Polish buddies and I played tournaments on ISC;however, it became difficult to arrange our schedules, so the games were discontinued. AroundDecember 2012, I came with idea about bringing back the tournaments, and they have proved asuccess. At this point, our group of participants is little bit bigger and some tourneys have sixplayers. We are condidering enlarging the tournaments and inviting players who are not Polishcitizens. At this point, we allow each player to bring one guest, as long as the number of players isn’thigher than six. Once we solve some web communication issues (announcing pairings, standings,etc.), we may invite more people.Let me introduce you to our current participants:Michal Josko: I have lived in Rochester, NY, for seven years. I’m one of the few people on Earthwho first learned Collins, then had to compete in TWL tournaments.Zbyszek (Zbigniew) Wieckowsi: He lives in Minnesota and has played in many parts of the UnitedStates, competing in four National <strong>SCRABBLE</strong> Championships. He played on the Polish team atthe World <strong>SCRABBLE</strong> Championship in Warsaw in 2011, with wins against Andrew Fisher andHerve Bohbot.Rafal Dominiczak: A courier from Leszno, Wielkopolskie, Poland. Competed on the Polish team atthe World <strong>SCRABBLE</strong> Championship in Warsaw in 2011, finishing 55th with wins against MartyGabriel and Herve Bohbot.Wojtek Usakiewicz: An editor from Warsaw who has represented Poland at the WorldChampionships on multiple occasions. Finished 17th at the 2012 Prague Mind Sports Festival, withwins over Adam Logan, Sam Kantimathi, and Alistair Richards.Bartosz Pieta: One of my first <strong>SCRABBLE</strong> teachers. An international competitor living in Poland.He played on the Polish team at the World <strong>SCRABBLE</strong> Championship in Warsaw in 2011, with winsagainst Alistair Richards and John O’Laughlin.Robert Yufanyi: A Polish-Cameroonian player since 1991.Here are our basic rules:Because Europe uses CSW, this dictionary is the only one we used. Games are 15 minutes perplayer with a 5-point per play challange penalty. We play three to six games. <strong>The</strong> 2013 tourneys sofar are being played every Sunday on 4pm Warsaw time. It's possible that they may be on differentdays as well soon. We recently voted on rules addressing penalties for running out of time penaltiesand connection issues. Because these are more complicate, I can send them by request throughemail for interested individuals.So how was the last tournament? We had four participants: Me, Zbyszek, Rafal, and the organizer,Wojtek. We played two round robins. It started well for me, with two wins against Rafal and78

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