SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter


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S C R A B B L E I N T H E N E W S• Danville (IL) – <strong>The</strong> 8 th annual <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® for Literacy event, scheduled for April 6-7, 2013,was expected to draw about 65 participants to Danville Area Community College (DACC). <strong>The</strong>event consists of 2 1-day NASPA-rated tournaments as well as an unrated tournament for acasual players and an open house for casual play.Proceeds from the <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® tournament entry fees will be used to provide a $500scholarship for a literacy student or instructional materials used by the DACC Reader’s Routeprogram.Commercial News (03/25/2013) http://commercial-news.com/local/x1499312824/<strong>Word</strong>smithsready-for-Scrabble-tourney• Baltimore (MD) - Around 200 people are expected to attend the Greater Homewood CommunityCorporation's 12th annual <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® Fundraiser for Literacy on Saturday, April 6, 2013.Attendees will include tournament regulars Tobey Roland, who once played TRISTEZA for 228points, and Dave Engelhardt, who once score158 points for DUMPIEST.<strong>The</strong> Baltimore Sun (04/06/2013) http://touch.baltimoresun.com/#section/-1/article/p2p-75227742/••Cheyenne (WY) – On April 12, 2013, the <strong>Word</strong> Birdsof Cheyenne <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® Club held the 1 st National<strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® Day Tournament for Alzheimer’s. 14players competed in the 4-round tournament.<strong>The</strong> tournament raised $700 through entry fees,program adverstising, donations, and a raffle, whichinclude a hand-made <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® quilt.http://wyominginmotion.com/?p=254http://wyominginmotion.com/?p=25850

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