SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter


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Nigel on Jeopardy!S C R A B B L E I N T H E N E W SNigel Richards was in – rather on – Jeopardy! on May 10, 2013 as part of $200clue in the category, <strong>The</strong>y Are the Champions.Batter UpNew York City (NY) <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® player and baseball enthusiast Diane Firstman combined hertwo interests by analyzing the Opening Day rosters of the Major League teams for the acceptabilityin <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>®.Franklin Morales of the Boston Red Sox wins the MVP award since both his first and last namescan be played while Joba Chamberlain of the New York Yankees has the longest acceptable word.ESPN (04/06/2013) http://espn.go.com/blog/sweetspot/post/_/id/34504/ranking-teams-by-bestscrabble-rostersWake UpWoodlawn (ON) <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® playerDonna Balkan plays the narrator in theRural Root <strong>The</strong>atre Company’s springproduction of <strong>The</strong> Drowsy Chaperone onMay 1 through 7, 2013.Donna used her commute to downtownOttawa to learn her lines: “A reading ofthe play was recorded onto a CD, and Ilearned my lines listening to it in the carall the way to work and all the way backfor weeks and weeks.”Will a Zyzzva CD be her next commutingcompanion?+upcoming+Rural+Root+<strong>The</strong>atre%27s+musicalWest Carleton EMC (04/18/2013) http://www.emcwestcarleton.ca/20130418/entertainment/Talent+shines+in48

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