SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter

SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter SCRABBLE - The Last Word Newsletter
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Katonah, NY: 4/27By Cornelia GuestK A T O N A HThirty-two players came to Katonah, NY, onApril 27 to compete at a new tournamentvenue: the Katonah Memorial House.Despite a problem with parking (the spacesallotted to us had just been resurfaced), thevenue worked well. It's a short walk fromthe train station and to many nice places toeat and shop. One player even bought apair of pants at the Katonah Thrift Shop nextdoor during the lunch break!Katonah winners (L-R): Judy Horn (Div. B); Jonathan Kent (Div. D);Joe Edley (Div. A; and Marie Puma (Div. C).Division A was a strong field, and the top 5players all finished with 4-3 records, withspread deciding the winners. Joe Edley'sspread of 483 proved insurmountable.Second was Jan Cardia (+165), with herhusband, Aldo Cardia, third (-109). Joe alsowon the prize for High Loss (456).Division B went to the Judys--with Judy Horn first with a 5-2 +182 record over Judy Cole (5-2 +125).Mike Ecsedy, who won the prizes for High Game (538) and High Play (HEREDITY, 110), was third.Judy Horn also won the prize for "Best Green Word" for FROG.Marie Puma was the clear winner of Division C with a 6-1 +457record. Second was her husband, Steve Sikorski (4-3 +112). JimFonti finished third with a 4-3 +51 record.Division D was a fight to the finish, with the top four players allending up with 5-2 records. Jonathan Kent was first, with a +366spread, nosing out Katonah resident Luann Morris (+333), who wasplaying in her second tournament ever--her first was in North Salemin 2006 (she finished second then, too!) Third was Sheldon Gartner(+281), just 3 points ahead of Lane Lynn (+278).Tournament director Cornelia Guestwith Division C winner Marie Puma.A special thank you to Lane Lynn and Saidou Saidy, who had hoped to play in the Collins divisionbut graciously agreed to play TWL when the CSW division didn't fill. Saidou, who was playing hisfirst tournament, hopes to play many more! Luann Morris also was accommodating, switching tothe full day from the Novice division that didn't fill--her prize money almost repaid her for the switch!Another first-time player was Kia Lindsay, who finished fifth in Division D. We look forward to seeingher back soon.I’ll be having another Katonah tournament on October 26. In the meantime, come join me at theBethel CT June 8 tournament, with a night of SCRABBLE and swimming (if the weather is good) atmy house Saturday night. Hope to see you there!26

2 0 1 3 N S S C2013 National School SCRABBLE® ChampionshipPhotos by Patricia Hocker, National SCRABBLE@ Association2013 National School SCRABBLE Champions! (L-R) Tournament Director John Chew; Raymond Gao;Kevin Bowerman; Eric Grosskurth, Kevin’s father; and John D. Williams, Jr., Executive Director of theNational SCRABBLE Association. (Photo credit: Patricia Hocker, National SCRABBLE@ Association.)This year the National School SCRABBLE Championship, held for the first time in Washington,D.C., attracted 89 teams of 4th-8th graders from 14 different states and provinces and the District ofColumbia. All the teams played seven games, with the final two facing each other in an exiting onegamefinal. The winners were Kevin Bowerman and Raymond Gao, two 8th graders from the SmithMiddle School in Durham, NC, who beat the runner-up DC/NJ team of Sam Masling (8th grade) andThomas Draper (7th grade) 409-386 in the championship game. That 23-point victory earned Kevinand Raymond $10,000, plus a chance to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in California (5/23).Kevin and Raymond also won the prize for 8thGrade High Win with a 504 game.Sam and Thomas, who were undefeated going intothe final round, won $5,000 for second place.Third went to the NY/TX team of Kyle Imperato(8th grade) and Jacob Sass (7th grade), and fourthto the Salem, NC brothers Kenny Hoang (8thgrade) and Eric Hoang (4th grade). The Hoangsare the younger brothers of Andy Hoang, theNSSC winner last year and in 2009 with his partnerErik Salgado.Runners-up Sam Masling and Thomas Draper, flanked by StefanFatsis (Sam’s coach) and Tom Draper (Thomas’s father and coach). 27

2 0 1 3 N S S C2013 National School <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>® ChampionshipPhotos by Patricia Hocker, National <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>@ Association2013 National School <strong>SCRABBLE</strong> Champions! (L-R) Tournament Director John Chew; Raymond Gao;Kevin Bowerman; Eric Grosskurth, Kevin’s father; and John D. Williams, Jr., Executive Director of theNational <strong>SCRABBLE</strong> Association. (Photo credit: Patricia Hocker, National <strong>SCRABBLE</strong>@ Association.)This year the National School <strong>SCRABBLE</strong> Championship, held for the first time in Washington,D.C., attracted 89 teams of 4th-8th graders from 14 different states and provinces and the District ofColumbia. All the teams played seven games, with the final two facing each other in an exiting onegamefinal. <strong>The</strong> winners were Kevin Bowerman and Raymond Gao, two 8th graders from the SmithMiddle School in Durham, NC, who beat the runner-up DC/NJ team of Sam Masling (8th grade) andThomas Draper (7th grade) 409-386 in the championship game. That 23-point victory earned Kevinand Raymond $10,000, plus a chance to appear on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in California (5/23).Kevin and Raymond also won the prize for 8thGrade High Win with a 504 game.Sam and Thomas, who were undefeated going intothe final round, won $5,000 for second place.Third went to the NY/TX team of Kyle Imperato(8th grade) and Jacob Sass (7th grade), and fourthto the Salem, NC brothers Kenny Hoang (8thgrade) and Eric Hoang (4th grade). <strong>The</strong> Hoangsare the younger brothers of Andy Hoang, theNSSC winner last year and in 2009 with his partnerErik Salgado.Runners-up Sam Masling and Thomas Draper, flanked by StefanFatsis (Sam’s coach) and Tom Draper (Thomas’s father and coach). 27

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