Pesticide Poisoning Report 2011 - SASA

Pesticide Poisoning Report 2011 - SASA

Pesticide Poisoning Report 2011 - SASA


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Ref. Month Region Chemical Category Species Comments11012 February Dumfries &Gallowaybromadiolonedifenacoum11017 January Lothian bromadiolonedifenacoumtrauma red kite This bird was found tangled in barbed wire on a pylon; lowresidues of anticoagulant rodenticide residues were detectedin liver tissue.unknown fox Fox found dead by a member of the public who wasconcerned that it may have been poisoned. The analyticalinvestigation failed to provide any evidence of pesticidepoisoning but revealed low residues of two anticoagulantrodenticides in the liver tissue.11020 February Highland chloralose abuse red kite The police were concerned that this bird may have beenpoisoned. The analytical investigation revealed a grossresidue of chloralose in the crop material from the bird.Unfortunately no enforcement action has been pursued due toinsufficient evidence.11022 January Strathclyde difenacoum trauma sparrowhawk This sparrowhawk was found dead with a fractured right11024 February Strathclyde strychnine(bromadiolone)11025 February Grampian brodifacoumdifenacoum11026 February Border bromadiolonebrodifacoumdifenacoumabuse 2 peregrinefalcons and asuspectedpigeon baitclavicle. A very low residue of difenacoum was detected inthe liver tissue submitted for anticoagulant rodenticideanalysis.These carcases were submitted by Scottish SPCA inspectors.Residues of strychnine were detected in tissues from bothperegrines and on the pigeon remains. This case has beenclosed due to a lack of evidence. A very low residue ofbromadiolone was also confirmed in liver tissue from one ofthe peregrines.starvation buzzard This buzzard was found on top of a granite pillar at theentrance to a private house. The post mortem examinationfindings indicated that starvation was the likely cause ofdeath. The opportunity was taken to test liver tissue from thebird for evidence of exposure to anticoagulant rodenticides.The analysis confirmed the presence of very low residues ofbrodifacoum and difenacoum.unspecified tawny owl andbuzzardThese birds were found dead at the same location within thespace of one week. The post mortem examination findingsraised the possibility of anticoagulant rodenticide poisoningbeing responsible for their deaths. The analysis confirmedthat suspicion by revealing residues of rodenticides at levelsthat were considered to be within the anticipated lethal range.16

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