SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...


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the major breakthrough in linking thetwo programmes.“Donor agencies are notinterested in linking these twoprogrammes because of theirterritorial interests, <strong>and</strong> fundingmechanisms, otherwise theseservices could have been linkedby now”.Few respondents remarked th<strong>at</strong> “<strong>HIV</strong> isnot a priority programme of the GoN;these are donor supported programmes.Therefore if some EDPs can push it orfacilit<strong>at</strong>e it, there will be linkage. Someargued th<strong>at</strong> advocacy for linkage shouldcome from the grass roots level.Upon further questioning, NGOs<strong>and</strong> GoN officials both reported th<strong>at</strong>the n<strong>at</strong>ional RH str<strong>at</strong>egy (1998)1 hasidentified <strong>HIV</strong> as one of the eightcomponents of RH. <strong>Linkages</strong> havebeen made into the N<strong>at</strong>ional SafeMotherhood <strong>and</strong> New-born Health –Long Term Plan (2006-2017).Most of the respondents agreed th<strong>at</strong> thelinkage is weak <strong>and</strong> not system<strong>at</strong>icallydesigned. Few respondents alsoargued th<strong>at</strong> the str<strong>at</strong>egies <strong>and</strong> policieswere developed <strong>at</strong> different points oftime, further reducing the ability todesign a linkage between policies <strong>and</strong>programmes. Most of the NGO <strong>and</strong>civil society respondents remarked th<strong>at</strong>because of the specific m<strong>and</strong><strong>at</strong>e of theorganis<strong>at</strong>ions, these two programmesare running independent of each other.While the MoHP is responsible foroverall policy, the FHD is responsiblefor <strong>SRH</strong> planning; <strong>and</strong> the NCASC isresponsible for <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> planning<strong>at</strong> the departmental level.Some of the respondents from GoNacknowledged th<strong>at</strong> there is jointplanning between the two departments<strong>at</strong> the DoHS <strong>and</strong> the MoHP levelon an annual basis. Civil society <strong>and</strong>NGO partners view th<strong>at</strong> as a mereadministr<strong>at</strong>ive exercise, r<strong>at</strong>her than ameaningful discussion for linking <strong>SRH</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>. Neither departments haveraised concerns for linking <strong>SRH</strong> <strong>and</strong>HV or vice versa.Nepal is party to several human rightstre<strong>at</strong>ies including the Conventionon the Elimin<strong>at</strong>ion of All Formsof Discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion Against Women(CEDAW). While str<strong>at</strong>egy emphasisis on integr<strong>at</strong>ed service delivery, intersectoralcoordin<strong>at</strong>ion of all healthprogrammes endorses intern<strong>at</strong>ionalconsensus documents rel<strong>at</strong>ed to <strong>SRH</strong><strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>, such as the declar<strong>at</strong>ionsarising from ICPD 1994, UNGASSDeclar<strong>at</strong>ion on the Universal AccessIniti<strong>at</strong>ive <strong>and</strong> the Three Onesprinciples, CEDAW Beijing Pl<strong>at</strong>formof Action, <strong>and</strong> the 2000 UnitedN<strong>at</strong>ions Millennium Declar<strong>at</strong>ion.The str<strong>at</strong>egy is also well linked to theWHO/UN<strong>AIDS</strong> Universal AccessIniti<strong>at</strong>ives by recognising th<strong>at</strong> in Nepal’sconcentr<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>HIV</strong> epidemic, 70 percent of MARPs should be reached by<strong>HIV</strong> prevention programmes.The Tenth Five Year DevelopmentPlan, 2003-2007, NHSP II <strong>and</strong>Three Year Interim Plan <strong>and</strong> UNDAFidentifies the <strong>HIV</strong> epidemic as a highpriority programme in the healthsector. The plan focuses on the need73

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