SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ... SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...
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The Far Western Hill zone, sevendistricts where most of the migrants toIndia are residing, accounts for 16 percent of all infections. The KathmanduValley, the capital city with threedistricts, accounts for another 16 percent of all infections. The RemainingHills zone, covering 39 mountainousdistricts, accounts for 19 per cent ofpeople living with HIV.II. METHODOLOGYAll information for this assessmentwas collected through standardquestionnaires developed for thebidirectional linkage (rapid assessmenttool). The following health facilitieswere visited for interview with theservice providers to ascertain thelinkage between RH and HIVservices (FPAN, Pulchowk, SACT,Kathmandu, Maternity Hospital,Thapathali, Kathmandu and InfectiousDisease Hospital, Teku).III. NATIONAL RESPONSETO HIVHIV and AIDS have been accordedhigh priority. Many national policiesand documents (PRSP, National threeyearInterim Plan, National HealthSector Plan – II, UNDAF, the NationalAIDS Policy (1995) are in the processof revision. The country has providedcontinuity in developing a multi-yearbudget within the National ActionPlan (2008 -2011) to operationalisethe National HIV and AIDS Strategy(2006 -2011).Nepal’s national programme targetsthe country-identified most-at-riskpopulations - IDUs, MSM, FSWs andMSWs, clients of FSW and seasonalmale migrant labour and wives ofmigrants.The main thrust of the programme isneeds-based and tailored to the specificcharacteristics of the population group.Primary prevention is given high2BANGLADESHCAMBODIANEPALPHILIPPINES70

priority. A large part of the preventionprogramme is currently supported bythree major grants from USAID, DFIDand the GFATM (Round 2, Round 7),with activities being implemented by asizeable number of community basedorganisations and national NGOsincluding PLHIV.So far the most notable institutionalmechanism is the National AIDSCouncil (NAC) chaired by the PrimeMinister. This is the highest levelbody providing the highest level ofleadership, multi-sectoral policy andguidance to the HIV/AIDS responsein Nepal. However, the NCASC hasremained the key institution in thenational response to HIV. In view ofchanging needs within the institutionalarrangement, the HIV/AIDS andSTI Control Board (HSCB) was setup under the chair of the Ministry ofHealth, along with representation fromcivil society organisations, to furtherpromote policy development, multisectoralcoordination and monitoringthe national response.Government service delivery outlets haveincreased - particularly for VCT, ARTsites, sub ART sites and OpportunisticInfections (OI) management sites- along with additional service sitesimplemented by various NGOs andINGOs. However, the uptake ofservices has only marginally increased.Detection of positive cases has almostremained constant and utilisation rateper VCT centre has gone down. Asof July 2009 there were 3,236 peopleon ART. In December 2009, thatnumber increased to 3,540. Despite anincreased uptake of ART from 11 percent in 2008 to 19 per cent in 2009,the coverage is still low. This indicates71

The Far Western Hill zone, sevendistricts where most of the migrants toIndia are residing, accounts for 16 percent of all infections. The K<strong>at</strong>hm<strong>and</strong>uValley, the capital city with threedistricts, accounts for another 16 percent of all infections. The RemainingHills zone, covering 39 mountainousdistricts, accounts for 19 per cent ofpeople living with <strong>HIV</strong>.II. METHODOLOGYAll inform<strong>at</strong>ion for this assessmentwas collected through st<strong>and</strong>ardquestionnaires developed for thebidirectional linkage (rapid assessmenttool). The following health facilitieswere visited for interview with theservice providers to ascertain thelinkage between RH <strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>services (FPAN, Pulchowk, SACT,K<strong>at</strong>hm<strong>and</strong>u, M<strong>at</strong>ernity Hospital,Thap<strong>at</strong>hali, K<strong>at</strong>hm<strong>and</strong>u <strong>and</strong> InfectiousDisease Hospital, Teku).III. NATIONAL RESPONSETO <strong>HIV</strong><strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>AIDS</strong> have been accordedhigh priority. Many n<strong>at</strong>ional policies<strong>and</strong> documents (PRSP, N<strong>at</strong>ional threeyearInterim Plan, N<strong>at</strong>ional HealthSector Plan – II, UNDAF, the N<strong>at</strong>ional<strong>AIDS</strong> Policy (1995) are in the processof revision. The country has providedcontinuity in developing a multi-yearbudget within the N<strong>at</strong>ional ActionPlan (2008 -2011) to oper<strong>at</strong>ionalisethe N<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>AIDS</strong> Str<strong>at</strong>egy(2006 -2011).Nepal’s n<strong>at</strong>ional programme targetsthe country-identified most-<strong>at</strong>-riskpopul<strong>at</strong>ions - IDUs, MSM, FSWs <strong>and</strong>MSWs, clients of FSW <strong>and</strong> seasonalmale migrant labour <strong>and</strong> wives ofmigrants.The main thrust of the programme isneeds-based <strong>and</strong> tailored to the specificcharacteristics of the popul<strong>at</strong>ion group.Primary prevention is given high2BANGLADESHCAMBODIANEPALPHILIPPINES70

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