SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...


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planning products from DHOs/DPHOs.Although the N<strong>at</strong>ional RH str<strong>at</strong>egyincludes eight components, onlythe safe motherhood <strong>and</strong> the familyplanning components have a n<strong>at</strong>ionalcoverage. Scaling up of adolescentsexual reproductive health (A<strong>SRH</strong>)programmes, despite the N<strong>at</strong>ionalAdolescent Health <strong>and</strong> Developmentstr<strong>at</strong>egy (2002) <strong>and</strong> implement<strong>at</strong>ionguideline (2008), have still a long wayto go in Nepal. The other componentsof RH are either available throughselected health institutions or throughthe priv<strong>at</strong>e sector only.The current st<strong>at</strong>istics of key RHindic<strong>at</strong>ors produced from the NepalDemographic <strong>and</strong> Health Survey 2006are presented in the table below:B. <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>AIDS</strong><strong>Programmes</strong> in NepalThe first case of <strong>HIV</strong> in Nepalwas reported in 1988. In 2009, theestim<strong>at</strong>ed number of people living with<strong>HIV</strong> in Nepal was about 64,000 (rangeof 52,000–77,000); the estim<strong>at</strong>ed adult<strong>HIV</strong> prevalence was 0.39 per cent,(NCASC 2010b).As of June 2010, <strong>at</strong>otal of 15,945 <strong>HIV</strong> cases <strong>and</strong> 2,403cases of <strong>AIDS</strong> have been reported(NCASC 2010a). About 31 per cent ofreported <strong>HIV</strong> cases were women aged15-49 years.Nepal has concentr<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>HIV</strong> epidemics,with levels of the epidemic varyingacross different geographic areas as wellas different popul<strong>at</strong>ion groups. Thecountry has been broadly divided intofour different geographic zones withinthe context of responding to <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>AIDS</strong>. The 26 districts of the Teraihighway zone accounted for 50 per centof PL<strong>HIV</strong> in 2007.169

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