SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ... SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...
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AcknowledgementThis publication is a summary of follow-up activities implemented in selected Asiancountries on Linkages of HIV/AIDS and RTI/STIs Prevention with SRHR held duringthe 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (17-20October 2009) in Beijing. The Symposium was jointly organized by the InternationalCouncil on Management of Population Programmes (ICOMP), the Joint United NationsProgramme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO).We are grateful to Dr Tarannum Dana, Assistant Professor, Department of PopulationSciences, University Of Dhaka, Bangladesh; Mr Somareth Sovannarith, Deputy Director,National Centre for AIDS, Dermatology and STD Control, Cambodia; Professor Dr OfeliaPardo Saniel, Chair, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, College of PublicHealth, UP Manila, Philippines; and Dr Laxmi Narayan Thakur, Freelance Consultant,Nepal for their contributions.We gratefully acknowledge the inputs of: Dr. Nafis Sadik, Special Advisor to the UNSecretary General, and Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Asia; Mr J V Prasada Rao, (former)UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific; (Dr Michel Mbizvo, Director,WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research; (Dr Wasim Zaman, ExecutiveDirector, International Council on Management of Population Director (ICOMP); DrWarunee Fongkaew, Associate Professor, Youth Family and Community Development(YFCD), Chiang Mai University; and Ms Mary Frances Ratnam.We would also like to thank the participants who attended the Roundtable Meetingheld in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 7-8 February 2011.Acknowledgementⅱ

INTRODUCTIONThe 2009 AIDS Epidemic Update Report by the Joint United Nations Programmeon HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organization (WHO) shows that theepidemic is stabilizing but at “unacceptably high levels.” Globally, an estimated 33.4million people are living with HIV in 2008, with the annual number of new HIVinfections declining from 3 million in 2001 to 2.7 million in 2008. Although the rateof new HIV infections has declined in several countries, the favourable effect of thistrend is partially offset by the increasing new infections in other countries.The Report of the Commission on AIDS in Asia for 2008 indicates that the percentageof HIV positive women has risen from 19% in 2000 to 24% in 2007. The feminizationof the AIDS epidemic with an increasing rate of HIV prevalence amongst womenand girls is a growing concern. Figures from UNAIDS show that the risk of infectionis increasing for women everywhere and the virus is spreading fastest among youngwomen below the age of 24--women who are at the peak of fertility. In Asia, wherethe virus is spreading rampantly through heterosexual intercourse, infected youngwomen are gaining in number.The extremely high rates of HIV infection amongst women of childbearing age in someparts of the world, particularly with regard to mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) is ofgreat concern. MTCT is by far, one of the largest sources of HIV infection in childrenbelow the age of 15.Despite policy support and operational frameworks, the programmatic actions to linkor integrate reproductive health and HIV/AIDS have lagged behind because of barriersat policy, programme and service delivery and community levels.With support from UNAIDS and WHO, ICOMP has brought together an audience ofkey players from governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and otherstakeholders in Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa in a Symposium on Linkages of HIV/AIDS and RTI/STIs Prevention with SRHR held during the 5 th Asia Pacific Conference onSexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (17-20 October 2009). Five sub-themeswithin Track 4 of the conference promote and reinforce the linked approach message,touching on issues that have the highest impact to stem the epidemic in Asia and thePacific.A panel of speakers deliberated on issues and areas that bear the greatest relevanceto support linkages of HIV/AIDS and RTI/STIs prevention with SRHR. The symposiumwas chaired by Dr. Nafis Sadik, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General, andSpecial Envoy on HIV/AIDS in Asia. The speakers were (i) Mr J V Prasada Rao, UNAIDSRegional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific; (ii) Dr Michel Mbizvo, Director, WHODepartment of Reproductive Health and Research; (iii) Dr Wasim Zaman, ExecutiveIntroductionⅲ

AcknowledgementThis public<strong>at</strong>ion is a summary of follow-up activities implemented in selected Asiancountries on <strong>Linkages</strong> of <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> <strong>and</strong> RTI/STIs Prevention with <strong>SRH</strong>R held duringthe 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Sexual <strong>and</strong> Reproductive Health <strong>and</strong> Rights (17-20October 2009) in Beijing. The Symposium was jointly organized by the Intern<strong>at</strong>ionalCouncil on Management of Popul<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>Programmes</strong> (ICOMP), the Joint United N<strong>at</strong>ionsProgramme on <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> (UN<strong>AIDS</strong>) <strong>and</strong> the World Health Organiz<strong>at</strong>ion (WHO).We are gr<strong>at</strong>eful to Dr Tarannum Dana, Assistant Professor, Department of Popul<strong>at</strong>ionSciences, University Of Dhaka, Bangladesh; Mr Somareth Sovannarith, Deputy Director,N<strong>at</strong>ional Centre for <strong>AIDS</strong>, Derm<strong>at</strong>ology <strong>and</strong> STD Control, Cambodia; Professor Dr OfeliaPardo Saniel, Chair, Department of Epidemiology <strong>and</strong> Biost<strong>at</strong>istics, College of PublicHealth, UP Manila, Philippines; <strong>and</strong> Dr Laxmi Narayan Thakur, Freelance Consultant,Nepal for their contributions.We gr<strong>at</strong>efully acknowledge the inputs of: Dr. Nafis Sadik, Special Advisor to the UNSecretary General, <strong>and</strong> Special Envoy on <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> in Asia; Mr J V Prasada Rao, (former)UN<strong>AIDS</strong> Regional Support Team for Asia <strong>and</strong> the Pacific; (Dr Michel Mbizvo, Director,WHO Department of Reproductive Health <strong>and</strong> Research; (Dr Wasim Zaman, ExecutiveDirector, Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Council on Management of Popul<strong>at</strong>ion Director (ICOMP); DrWarunee Fongkaew, Associ<strong>at</strong>e Professor, Youth Family <strong>and</strong> Community Development(YFCD), Chiang Mai University; <strong>and</strong> Ms Mary Frances R<strong>at</strong>nam.We would also like to thank the participants who <strong>at</strong>tended the Roundtable Meetingheld in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 7-8 February 2011.Acknowledgementⅱ

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