SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ... SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...
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BANGLADESHCAMBODIANEPALPHILIPPINESWork place intervention in garmentfactoriesScaling up prevention strategies foryoung peopleCapacity building at national anddistrict levels, implementation andstrategic partnershipsM&E and generating evidenceRCC Programme (2009-2015) totalamount received US$91 million. Themain aim in this phase is to consolidateHIV prevention through the followingactivities:Scaling up prevention strategies foryoung people- media campaigns,advocacy, teacher training, generatinginformation.Provide Cotimoxazole at no chargeConduct ART lab investigations toassess clinical stage and to monitordisease progression of PLHIVEnsure hospital care throughInfection Diseases Hospital (IDH)Intervention; efforts at nationaland district level with IDUs, FWs,MSM; implementation and strategicpartnerships.M&E and evidence generationfor supporting programmes andpoliciesUNICEFUNICEF has played a significant rolein maintaining the low HIV prevalencestatus of Bangladesh through itsmanagement of the HIV/AIDSPrevention Project (HAPP) from 2004to 2007 and the HIV/AIDS TargetedInterventions (HATI) project fromJanuary 2008 until it was handed overto the government in 2009. UNICEFmanages the procurement of NGOservices to implement preventionactivities among the most at-riskpopulations – injecting drug users,sex workers, mobile populations, menwho have sex with men, and clients ofsex workers. Services were providedthrough 146 drop-in centres (DICs) in44 districts of Bangladesh. In the DICs,major activities include: medical carefor STIs, management of other healthproblems, rest and recreation facilities,crisis care shelter, peer education,counselling and health education,referral services, outreach services. Theproject has also been working to:Increase condom use (more than 6.6million condoms were distributedto the target group between Januaryand September 2008)Increase care for those with STIs(37,275 received services fromDICs)Decrease needle and syringe sharingamong drug users (more than 2million syringes and 1.3 millionextra needles were distributed).Under the HAPP project, a ‘PeerEducator’s Guidebook’ and a ‘SupervisorGuideline for Peer Education’ weredeveloped to encourage peer educationprogrammes. Training sessions wereconducted to equip implementingNGOs with adequate skills andknowledge for STI management,peer education and outreach work,advocacy and management. Through20

the Prevention of Parent to ChildTransmission (PPTCT) programmein Bangladesh, UNICEF is pilotinginterventions in three selected healthcare facilities (one is currently operating,two to begin in 2009). The facilitiesprovide anti-retroviral prophylaxis,treatment and support for HIVpositive pregnant women and theirfamilies. Comprehensive VoluntaryCounselling and Testing (VCT), careand support are provided for infectedchildren and pregnant women. A leafletabout PPTCT has been developed andwill be distributed to relevant serviceproviders in contact with the most atrisk, to support PPTCT counsellingand ensure referral to PPTCT pilotfacilities.UNICEF is also increasing itsemphasis on community support, careand services for orphans and vulnerablechildren, in the Chittagong Hill Tractsand urban poor communities.UNICEF supported the developmentof the National CommunicationStrategy for HIV 2005- 2010, thenational PPTCT guidelines and otherkey documents. UNICEF’s south Asianfemale character, Meena, has also beenused in the region to raise awarenessabout HIV and AIDS. In the first yearof the PPTCT pilot project, VCTservices were provided to 59 pregnantwomen out of whom five who wereHIV positive received the necessarytreatment and care.Other UN agenciesTo address the national priority ofprevention and protection against theHIV epidemic, the United NationsDevelopment Agreement Framework(UNDAF), 2006-10 aimed to achieve‘increased ability of the countryto understand and respond to theHIV epidemic.’ Accordingly countryprogramme action plans of the UNagencies in Bangladesh focused on thefollowing three broad interventionareas during 2008-09, in line with theNational Strategic Plan (NSP) forHIV/AIDS 2006-2010:A comprehensive national responseis in placePeople are able to protect themselvesfrom HIV infection.Continued advocacy on AIDSUSAIDThe other major source of fundingfor HIV/AIDS programmes inBangladesh has been from USAID,with FHI Bangladesh as the MSAwhich started to support interventionsin 2000 for people most vulnerable toHIV. FHI Bangladesh supports a widevariety of community– based and faithbasednon-governmental organisations.The USAID funding also addressedthe national surveillance system andbehaviour change communication toreduce risk and vulnerability to HIV(including condom promotion amonghigh-risk populations), improvingmanagement of sexually transmittedinfections (STIs), and building capacityof government and NGO partners toplan, implement, and monitor HIV/AIDS interventions. Over time, FHIBangladesh expanded its activities toinclude training of health providersin syndromic management of STIs,21

the Prevention of Parent to ChildTransmission (PPTCT) programmein Bangladesh, UNICEF is pilotinginterventions in three selected healthcare facilities (one is currently oper<strong>at</strong>ing,two to begin in 2009). The facilitiesprovide anti-retroviral prophylaxis,tre<strong>at</strong>ment <strong>and</strong> support for <strong>HIV</strong>positive pregnant women <strong>and</strong> theirfamilies. Comprehensive VoluntaryCounselling <strong>and</strong> Testing (VCT), care<strong>and</strong> support are provided for infectedchildren <strong>and</strong> pregnant women. A leafletabout PPTCT has been developed <strong>and</strong>will be distributed to relevant serviceproviders in contact with the most <strong>at</strong>risk, to support PPTCT counselling<strong>and</strong> ensure referral to PPTCT pilotfacilities.UNICEF is also increasing itsemphasis on community support, care<strong>and</strong> services for orphans <strong>and</strong> vulnerablechildren, in the Chittagong Hill Tracts<strong>and</strong> urban poor communities.UNICEF supported the developmentof the N<strong>at</strong>ional Communic<strong>at</strong>ionStr<strong>at</strong>egy for <strong>HIV</strong> 2005- 2010, then<strong>at</strong>ional PPTCT guidelines <strong>and</strong> otherkey documents. UNICEF’s south Asianfemale character, Meena, has also beenused in the region to raise awarenessabout <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>AIDS</strong>. In the first yearof the PPTCT pilot project, VCTservices were provided to 59 pregnantwomen out of whom five who were<strong>HIV</strong> positive received the necessarytre<strong>at</strong>ment <strong>and</strong> care.Other UN agenciesTo address the n<strong>at</strong>ional priority ofprevention <strong>and</strong> protection against the<strong>HIV</strong> epidemic, the United N<strong>at</strong>ionsDevelopment Agreement Framework(UNDAF), 2006-10 aimed to achieve‘increased ability of the countryto underst<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> respond to the<strong>HIV</strong> epidemic.’ Accordingly countryprogramme action plans of the UNagencies in Bangladesh focused on thefollowing three broad interventionareas during 2008-09, in line with theN<strong>at</strong>ional Str<strong>at</strong>egic Plan (NSP) for<strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> 2006-2010:A comprehensive n<strong>at</strong>ional responseis in placePeople are able to protect themselvesfrom <strong>HIV</strong> infection.Continued advocacy on <strong>AIDS</strong>USAIDThe other major source of fundingfor <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> programmes inBangladesh has been from USAID,with FHI Bangladesh as the MSAwhich started to support interventionsin 2000 for people most vulnerable to<strong>HIV</strong>. FHI Bangladesh supports a widevariety of community– based <strong>and</strong> faithbasednon-governmental organis<strong>at</strong>ions.The USAID funding also addressedthe n<strong>at</strong>ional surveillance system <strong>and</strong>behaviour change communic<strong>at</strong>ion toreduce risk <strong>and</strong> vulnerability to <strong>HIV</strong>(including condom promotion amonghigh-risk popul<strong>at</strong>ions), improvingmanagement of sexually transmittedinfections (STIs), <strong>and</strong> building capacityof government <strong>and</strong> NGO partners toplan, implement, <strong>and</strong> monitor <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> interventions. Over time, FHIBangladesh exp<strong>and</strong>ed its activities toinclude training of health providersin syndromic management of STIs,21

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