SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ... SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...
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BANGLADESHCAMBODIANEPALPHILIPPINESinequality, low level of engagementof men in responses to HIV relatedprogrammes, and HIV-related stigmaand discrimination. Legislations andpolicies, social and community attitudestowards key populations (e.g. MSM,SWs, IDUs, sexual minorities, migrants,refugees, displaced populations, youngpeople) are also addressed in the recentrevision.The National Youth Friendly HealthSurvey standard has been approvedand endorsed by the government underthe GFATM funded HIV/AIDSprogramme. Training manuals and thenational curriculum have also beenrevised.The National Standard OperatingProcedures (SOP) for IDUs, SWIsand PLHIV has been finalised by Savethe Children USA, and endorsed andpublished by the Government. TheseSOPs are now being applied to providethe respective services by NGOs andGoB funded programmes. There areseveral guidelines to assist doctorsand all persons providing services toPLHIV. However, there are no specificguidelines on SRH for women livingwith HIV.In Bangladesh, condoms are available formarried couples. The government has apolicy for procurement of condoms ona CYP (couple year protection) basis.CYP is the amount of contraceptionnecessary to protect one couple for oneyear [i.e. 100 male or female condoms,14 cycles of oral contraceptives, 0.5CycleBeads, 100 vaginal foaming tablets,.285 intrauterine devices, 4 injectables(3-month dose), 6 injectables (2-monthdose) or 12 injectables (1-month dose),0.1 voluntary sterilisations, 0.285implants and 13 doses of emergencycontraception].CYP is calculated by multiplying thequantity of each method distributedto clients by a conversion factor, toyield an estimate of the duration ofcontraceptive protection providedper unit of that method. The CYPsfor each method are then summed upfor all methods to obtain a total CYPfigure. CYP conversion factors arebased on how a method is used, failurerates, wastage and how many unitsof the method are typically neededto provide one year of contraceptiveprotection for a couple. The calculationtakes into account that some methods,like condoms and oral contraceptives,for example, may be used incorrectlyand then discarded, or that IUDs andimplants may be removed before theirlife span is realised. (See Annex 5 fordetails)Male condoms are distributed freeof charge to persons who seek healthservices in the local health centres;female condoms are only available insome pilot areas. The GFATM fundedHIV/AIDS programme has developeda strategy for young peoples’ access tocondoms, aimed at protection againstunintended pregnancy and STIs,including HIV. The strategy is awaitingGoB approval.There is no national guideline forroutine testing for HIV and syphilisamong pregnant women, although allhealth service sectors have facilitiesfor HIV testing. In Bangladesh thereis no legal age for HIV testing, neitheris it compulsory. Testing is done14

voluntarily, among project participantsparticularly the at-risk population.SRH documentation does not includeissues of HIV apart from some specialprogrammes for special groups ofpeople. CARE Bangladesh has createdpositive but not significant change forMSMs, SWs, IDUs and PLHIV. Thereis a need for more policy support fortheir right to health services, especiallyHIV services, and the reduction ofviolence.Within the broader HIV operationalplan, there are explicit activities toimprove access, coverage and qualityof SRH services to the generalpopulation, and target populations(e.g. MSM, SWs, IDUs, young peopleand PLHIV). At present the GoB isplanning to mainstream HIV, STI,and SRH services within all healthservices.The SOP makes clear reference toconfidentiality and disclosure for HIVrelatedservices. Confidentiality ismaintained for every case. Priority fordisclosure is at the total discretion of theclient. Some respondents reported thecontinued existence of discriminationwith regard to testing and support todisadvantaged groups (e.g. children,orphans, street children, and women),although the consent for HIV testingof adolescents is mentioned in thestrategy.In the National Youth Friendly HealthSurvey standard, training manuals andnational curriculum address the issuesrelated to HIV for minors and youth.Married, unmarried and minors haveaccess to VCT centres that are beingrun by different NGOs in the country,which helps to create opportunitiesfor knowledge disbursement amongthe MARP. “Youth Friendly HealthServices” and “Access to Condoms forYoung People in Bangladesh” in a senseis a stand-alone initiative. However theGoB may include it in the NationalHealth Policy or even in the NationalOperational plan.There are strong legislative and policyframeworks for effective action on bothHIV and SRH, and the promotion andprotection of sexual and reproductiverights. Laws related to issues thathave implications for HIV, AIDSand SRH (e.g. gender-based violenceand sexual coercion, discrimination,early marriage, widow inheritance)help officials to monitor human rightsviolations of MARPs. Civil societies,media, activists and professionalsregularly collect and share cases relatedto human rights violations. Networksof PLHIV and other groups (MARPs)also publish such cases regularly intheir newsletters, in an effort to movetowards a rights-based approach andensure equity of services. Nevertheless,the criminalisation of some riskbehaviours associated with HIVtransmission (sex work, illicit druguse) is impeding the implementation ofother HIV-supportive policies. Furthercoordination with law enforcementagencies and the criminal justice system,with strong support and commitmentfrom the highest levels of government,is still needed.Majority of respondents both from GOsand NGOs said that documentationshows that there are bi-directionallinkages between SRH and HIV15

BANGLADESHCAMBODIANEPALPHILIPPINESinequality, low level of engagementof men in responses to <strong>HIV</strong> rel<strong>at</strong>edprogrammes, <strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>-rel<strong>at</strong>ed stigma<strong>and</strong> discrimin<strong>at</strong>ion. Legisl<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>and</strong>policies, social <strong>and</strong> community <strong>at</strong>titudestowards key popul<strong>at</strong>ions (e.g. MSM,SWs, IDUs, sexual minorities, migrants,refugees, displaced popul<strong>at</strong>ions, youngpeople) are also addressed in the recentrevision.The N<strong>at</strong>ional Youth Friendly HealthSurvey st<strong>and</strong>ard has been approved<strong>and</strong> endorsed by the government underthe GFATM funded <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>programme. Training manuals <strong>and</strong> then<strong>at</strong>ional curriculum have also beenrevised.The N<strong>at</strong>ional St<strong>and</strong>ard Oper<strong>at</strong>ingProcedures (SOP) for IDUs, SWIs<strong>and</strong> PL<strong>HIV</strong> has been finalised by Savethe Children USA, <strong>and</strong> endorsed <strong>and</strong>published by the Government. TheseSOPs are now being applied to providethe respective services by NGOs <strong>and</strong>GoB funded programmes. There areseveral guidelines to assist doctors<strong>and</strong> all persons providing services toPL<strong>HIV</strong>. However, there are no specificguidelines on <strong>SRH</strong> for women livingwith <strong>HIV</strong>.In Bangladesh, condoms are available formarried couples. The government has apolicy for procurement of condoms ona CYP (couple year protection) basis.CYP is the amount of contraceptionnecessary to protect one couple for oneyear [i.e. 100 male or female condoms,14 cycles of oral contraceptives, 0.5CycleBeads, 100 vaginal foaming tablets,.285 intrauterine devices, 4 injectables(3-month dose), 6 injectables (2-monthdose) or 12 injectables (1-month dose),0.1 voluntary sterilis<strong>at</strong>ions, 0.285implants <strong>and</strong> 13 doses of emergencycontraception].CYP is calcul<strong>at</strong>ed by multiplying thequantity of each method distributedto clients by a conversion factor, toyield an estim<strong>at</strong>e of the dur<strong>at</strong>ion ofcontraceptive protection providedper unit of th<strong>at</strong> method. The CYPsfor each method are then summed upfor all methods to obtain a total CYPfigure. CYP conversion factors arebased on how a method is used, failurer<strong>at</strong>es, wastage <strong>and</strong> how many unitsof the method are typically neededto provide one year of contraceptiveprotection for a couple. The calcul<strong>at</strong>iontakes into account th<strong>at</strong> some methods,like condoms <strong>and</strong> oral contraceptives,for example, may be used incorrectly<strong>and</strong> then discarded, or th<strong>at</strong> IUDs <strong>and</strong>implants may be removed before theirlife span is realised. (See Annex 5 fordetails)Male condoms are distributed freeof charge to persons who seek healthservices in the local health centres;female condoms are only available insome pilot areas. The GFATM funded<strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> programme has developeda str<strong>at</strong>egy for young peoples’ access tocondoms, aimed <strong>at</strong> protection againstunintended pregnancy <strong>and</strong> STIs,including <strong>HIV</strong>. The str<strong>at</strong>egy is awaitingGoB approval.There is no n<strong>at</strong>ional guideline forroutine testing for <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong> syphilisamong pregnant women, although allhealth service sectors have facilitiesfor <strong>HIV</strong> testing. In Bangladesh thereis no legal age for <strong>HIV</strong> testing, neitheris it compulsory. Testing is done14

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