SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...


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BANGLADESHCAMBODIANEPALPHILIPPINESBangladesh) <strong>and</strong> Masjid Council forCommunity Advancement (MACCA)The programme has the supportof 18 implementing agencies <strong>and</strong>numerous collabor<strong>at</strong>ing partners. TheBAP focused on providing preventionservices among MARPs. As a followup to the BAP, Modhumita, (a newcooper<strong>at</strong>ive agreement with USAID)started in October 2009 with aboutUS$13 million <strong>and</strong> will continue till2013. The programme’s overarchingobjective is to support an effective <strong>HIV</strong>prevention str<strong>at</strong>egy through improvedprevention, care, <strong>and</strong> tre<strong>at</strong>ment servicesfor MARPs, <strong>and</strong> a strengthenedn<strong>at</strong>ional response.c. Global Fund to Fight<strong>AIDS</strong>, Tuberculosis <strong>and</strong>Malaria (GFATM) supportedprogrammes:There are three programmes fundedby GFATM Round 2 (March2004-November 2009). Round 2is a grant project for prevention of<strong>HIV</strong> among youth <strong>and</strong> adolescentsamounting to US$19.7 million,managed by Save the Children USA.Round 6 of the GFATM grant (US$40million) aims to limit the spread <strong>and</strong>impact of <strong>HIV</strong> in the country byproviding prevention services amongMARPs, <strong>and</strong> improving the capacityto deliver high quality interventions.The government of Bangladesh is theprincipal recipient for both the grants.1.4 N<strong>at</strong>ional Policy <strong>and</strong>Guidelines for <strong>SRH</strong>R <strong>and</strong><strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong> <strong>Linkages</strong>There is only one n<strong>at</strong>ional policydeveloped for adolescent sexualreproductive health <strong>and</strong> rights.However, no policy has been developedfor <strong>SRH</strong>R in general. The <strong>SRH</strong> str<strong>at</strong>egyplan has not been revised since it wasdeveloped.All RH issues are broadly highlightedin the N<strong>at</strong>ional Health Policy, HNASP<strong>and</strong> also in the Popul<strong>at</strong>ion Policy. RHprogrammes include safe motherhood,family planning, m<strong>at</strong>ernal nutrition,unsafe abortion, neon<strong>at</strong>al care,emergency obstetric care, adolescenthealth care, infertility, <strong>and</strong> prevention<strong>and</strong> control of RTIs / STDs, <strong>and</strong> <strong>HIV</strong>.The programmes are directly managedby the DGFP, in cooper<strong>at</strong>ion withn<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>and</strong> intern<strong>at</strong>ional NGOs.In Bangladesh women require special<strong>at</strong>tention in <strong>HIV</strong> interventions dueto their social, economic <strong>and</strong> politicalst<strong>at</strong>us. Women are four times more likelyto contract <strong>HIV</strong> than men. Howeverwomen’s lower social <strong>and</strong> culturalst<strong>at</strong>us causes them to have less access toeduc<strong>at</strong>ion, employment opportunities<strong>and</strong> health care, including opportunitiesfor <strong>HIV</strong> tests, counselling <strong>and</strong> medicalcare. Women are often subjected to earlymarriage, sexual abuse <strong>and</strong> violence inintim<strong>at</strong>e <strong>and</strong> marital rel<strong>at</strong>ionships. Anincreasing number of women are forcedto sell their bodies as the only way tosurvive <strong>and</strong> provide for their children.Men who buy sex from women areoften reluctant to use condoms.Women have little negoti<strong>at</strong>ing power.Even within their marriages, they mayhave unprotected sex with their spouseswho might be engaging in one or morehigh-risk behaviours, <strong>and</strong> be exposed to<strong>HIV</strong>.12

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