SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...


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grass-roots based service deliveryinfrastructure available all over thecountry. At n<strong>at</strong>ional level there is theInstitute of Post Gradu<strong>at</strong>e Medicine<strong>and</strong> Research, the M<strong>at</strong>ernal <strong>and</strong> ChildHealth Institute (MCHTI), theInstitute of Child & Mother Health(ICMH) <strong>and</strong> 13 government medicalcollege hospitals. The services offeredare anten<strong>at</strong>al, pren<strong>at</strong>al (delivery)including comprehensive EOC services<strong>and</strong> postn<strong>at</strong>al care for mother <strong>and</strong>childcare. At district level, 57 districthospitals provide anten<strong>at</strong>al <strong>and</strong> deliverycare including comprehensive EOCservices, postn<strong>at</strong>al care, EPI <strong>and</strong> childcare services.There are 90 Mother <strong>and</strong> ChildWelfare Centres (MCWC) in thecountry situ<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the district, Upazila<strong>and</strong> Union level, providing anten<strong>at</strong>alcare, normal delivery services, postn<strong>at</strong>alcare, EPI, <strong>and</strong> child healthcare. Outof these 64 MCWCs also providecomprehensive EOC services. Themajor services provided in the 397Upazila health complexes throughoutthe country are anten<strong>at</strong>al care, normaldelivery, postn<strong>at</strong>al care, EPI, FP, healtheduc<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>and</strong> child healthcare. Outof these, 40 Upazila Health Complexes(UHCs) also provide comprehensiveEOC services.There are 3,200 Constructed UnionHealth <strong>and</strong> Family Welfare Centres(UH & FWC) in the country. Theservices provided here are: anten<strong>at</strong>al(screening for “<strong>at</strong> risk” pregnancies<strong>and</strong> referrals), safe deliveries throughdomiciliary follow up, postn<strong>at</strong>al care,health educ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> child care. Thepresent government has plans to st<strong>at</strong>iongradu<strong>at</strong>e doctors in all UH <strong>and</strong> FWCsin phases.Every month about 30,000 “s<strong>at</strong>elliteclinics” are organised <strong>at</strong> ward <strong>and</strong>community levels all over the countryto bring service facilities to the people.These include anten<strong>at</strong>al care, familyplanning, health educ<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> EPIservices. The services are complementedby approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 23,000 family welfareassistants <strong>and</strong> 15,000 health assistantsworking <strong>at</strong> grass root levels for basichealth <strong>and</strong> family planning servicedelivery.The <strong>SRH</strong> situ<strong>at</strong>ion in Bangladesh canbe easily understood from the tablebelow (table 1) which shows the currentst<strong>at</strong>istics of key RH indic<strong>at</strong>ors.1.2 <strong>HIV</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>AIDS</strong>Programme inBangladeshIn the Asia-Pacific region which hasthe second highest number in the worldof people living with <strong>HIV</strong>/<strong>AIDS</strong>,Bangladesh is fortun<strong>at</strong>e to be one ofthe countries where the prevalence r<strong>at</strong>eof <strong>HIV</strong> infection is low. Since the firstcase of <strong>HIV</strong> was reported in 1989,about 1,745 cases were reported as of30 th November 2009. The estim<strong>at</strong>ednumber of people living with <strong>HIV</strong> inBangladesh was about 7,500 in 2007.According to UN<strong>AIDS</strong> the number ofpeople living with <strong>HIV</strong> in the countrymay be as high as 12,000 which is withinthe range of ‘low estim<strong>at</strong>e’ by UNICEF’sSt<strong>at</strong>e of the World’s Children Report2009.Although Bangladesh is still a lowprevalence country for r<strong>at</strong>e of <strong>HIV</strong>7

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