SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...

SRH and HIV/AIDS Linkages at Policies, Programmes and Service ...


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BANGLADESHCAMBODIANEPALPHILIPPINESBackgroundBangladesh is situ<strong>at</strong>ed in northeasternsouth Asia <strong>and</strong> covers an areaof 147,570 square kilometres. It isentirely surrounded by India, on thesouth-eastern frontier with Myanmar,<strong>and</strong> the Bay of Bengal in the south. Itis the world’s largest delta, formed bythree major river systems, the Ganges(Padma), the Brahmaputra ( Jamuna),<strong>and</strong> the Meghna.Except for the hills in the east <strong>and</strong> thehighl<strong>and</strong>s in the north, it is largely a low,fl<strong>at</strong>, fertile l<strong>and</strong>, criss-crossed by aboutseven hundred minor rivers, canals, <strong>and</strong>streams.Bangladesh is the most denselypopul<strong>at</strong>ed country in the world with apopul<strong>at</strong>ion of 150 million people <strong>and</strong>a corresponding popul<strong>at</strong>ion densityof more than 920 persons per squarekilometre. During the first half of thelast century, the popul<strong>at</strong>ion increased by45 per cent (BDHS, 2007). This slowincrease resulted from a combin<strong>at</strong>ion ofhigh birth r<strong>at</strong>es <strong>and</strong> high de<strong>at</strong>h r<strong>at</strong>es. Inthe second half of the twentieth centurypopul<strong>at</strong>ion growth was rapid <strong>and</strong> thepopul<strong>at</strong>ion tripled during this period.The rel<strong>at</strong>ively young age structure of thepopul<strong>at</strong>ion indic<strong>at</strong>es continued rapidpopul<strong>at</strong>ion growth in the future. Sinceindependence in 1971 there have beenlaudable efforts by successive electedgovernments to control the popul<strong>at</strong>iongrowth (contraceptive prevalence r<strong>at</strong>e isnow 53 per cent9), a reduction in infant<strong>and</strong> child mortality r<strong>at</strong>es (IMR of 66per 1000 live births10), <strong>and</strong> genderparity achieved in primary schoolenrolment (76 per cent <strong>and</strong> 81 per centnet primary enrolment for girls <strong>and</strong>boys, respectively11) (BDHS, 2007).According to the Human DevelopmentIndex (HDI) Bangladesh ranks 140thamong n<strong>at</strong>ions as presented in the2007-2008 Human DevelopmentReport. The county’s HDI valueis 0.547, placing it in the c<strong>at</strong>egoryof medium human developmentcountries. However Bangladesh is stillstruggling to emerge from poverty.The country is ethnically homogenous,except for a small tribal popul<strong>at</strong>ion ofabout 1.2 million. The religion of themajority popul<strong>at</strong>ion is Islam with <strong>at</strong>raditional context of culture wheremen have dominant roles. Polygamyis common, but sexual rel<strong>at</strong>ionshipsoutside marriage meets with strongsocial disapproval. However theserel<strong>at</strong>ionships are not totally absent <strong>and</strong>are a thre<strong>at</strong> to exposure to <strong>AIDS</strong>.Bangladesh is one of the poorestcountries in the world. Nevertheless,the large popul<strong>at</strong>ion (transl<strong>at</strong>ed intomanpower) is one of the country’sbiggest assets for foreign remittance.Intern<strong>at</strong>ional <strong>and</strong> internal migr<strong>at</strong>ion foremployment is common, particularlyamongst younger people. Thesemigr<strong>at</strong>ions pose a thre<strong>at</strong> to the spreadof <strong>HIV</strong>, particularly among the low riskpopul<strong>at</strong>ion of Bangladesh.Bangladesh has a low-incomeagricultural economy. GDP per capitafor 2008 was US$431, with the percapita GDP growth about 6 per centper annum. The sectoral contributionsto GDP for 2000-2001 were 24.87 percent from agriculture, 26.89 per centfrom industry, <strong>and</strong> 49.24 per cent fromservices. In the manufacturing sector theready-made garment industry gener<strong>at</strong>es4

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