ICS (International Classification of Standards)

ICS (International Classification of Standards)

ICS (International Classification of Standards)


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Lesarstvo - posebne tehnične klasifikacije 1POSEBNI TEHNIČNI DOKUMENTI: PATENTI, STANDARDIStandardi ISO<strong>ICS</strong> (<strong>International</strong> <strong>Classification</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Standards</strong>)Mednarodna klasifikacija standardov ISOVseh klasifikacijskih področij je 40, vendar niso numerirana zaporedno, tako da posamezne številkeniso v rabi. Zadnje področje je numerirano s številko 97. Največ pojmov v povezavi z lesom zajemapodročje Wood Technology (79). To področje sestoji se iz pet podpodročij, ki pa se delijo še naprej.01 Generalities. Terminology.Standardization. DocumentationSplošno. Terminologija.standardizacija. Dokumentacija01.040 Vocabularies Strokovni slovarji01.040.79 Wood technology (Vocabularies) Lesna tehnologija (Slovarji)13 Environment. Health protection. Varstvo okolja in zdravja. VarnostSafety13.220 Protection against fire Varstvo pred požarom13.220.50 Fire-resistance <strong>of</strong> building materials andelements (timber)Požarna odpornost gradbenih materialovin elementov55 Packaging and distribution <strong>of</strong> goods Pakiranje in distribucija blaga55.180 Freight distribution <strong>of</strong> goods Distribucija blaga s prevozom55.180.20 General purpose pallets (wood) Večnamenske palete71 Chemical technology Kemijska tehnologija71.100 Products <strong>of</strong> the chemical industry Proizvodi kemijske industrije71.100.50 Wood-protecting chemicals Kemikalije za zaščito lesa79 Wood technology Lesna tehnologija79.020 Wood technology processes (Includinglogging and wood treatment)Postopki v tehnologiji lesa(Vključno z drvarjenjem in obdelavo lesa)79.040 Wood, sawlogs and sawn timber Les, hlodovina in žagan les79.060 Wood-based panels Lesne plošče79.060.01 Wood-based panels in general Lesne plošče na splošno79.060.10 Plywood Vezan les79.060.20 Fibre and particle boards Vlaknene in iverne plošče79.060.99 Other wood-based panels Druge lesne plošče79.080 Semi-manufactures <strong>of</strong> timber (Incl.parquet, wood paving, handles, etc.)Polizdelki iz lesa (Vključno s parketom,lesenim tlakom, ročaji itn.)79.100 Cork and cork products Pluta in izdelki iz plute79.120 Woodworking equipment Oprema za obdelavo lesa79.120.01 Woodworking equipment in general Oprema za obdelavo lesa na splošno79.120.10 Woodworking machines Lesnoobdelovalni stroji79.120.20 Woodworking tools Lesnoobdelovalno orodje79.120.99 Other woodworking equipment Druga lesnoobdelovalna oprema91 Construction materials and building Gradbeni materiali in gradnja91.080 Structures <strong>of</strong> buildings Gradbene konstrukcije91.080.20 Timber structures Lesene konstrukcije

Lesarstvo - posebne tehnične klasifikacije 2TC (Technical Committees)Pri delu ISO sodelujejo tehnični odbori (Technical committees), ki jih je okrog 200. Ti oblikujejo insprejemajo standarde. Izpostavljeni so odbori, ki sprejemajo standarde v povezavi z lesarstvom.TC Ime tehničnega odbora10 Technical product documentation14 Shafts for machinery and accessories29 Small tools35 Paints and varnishes39 Machine tools51 Pallets for unit load method <strong>of</strong> materials handling89 Wood-based panels92 Fire safety136 Furniture165 Timber structures188 Small craft218 TimberViri:SIST. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo.http://www.sist.si/ (2. jan. 2006)<strong>ICS</strong>. Mednarodna klasifikacija za standarde. <strong>International</strong> <strong>Classification</strong> For <strong>Standards</strong>. ISO. Fifthedition, 2001. Mednarodna klasifikacija za standarde. Prva izdaja. 2003. Ljubljana, Slovenskiinštitut za standardizacijo: 66 p.http://www.sist.si/slo/z1/mednarodna%20klasifikacija%20za%20standarde.pdf (2. jan. 2006)ISO - <strong>International</strong> Organization for Standardization. (22. dec. 2005).http://www.iso.org/iso/en/ISOOnline.frontpage (2. jan. 2006)ISO - <strong>International</strong> Organization for Standardization. List <strong>of</strong> technical committees.http://www.iso.org/iso/en/CatalogueListPage.CatalogueList?scopelist=CATALOGUE&COMMID=0<strong>International</strong> <strong>Classification</strong> For <strong>Standards</strong>. ISO. Sixth edition, 2005. <strong>International</strong> organization forStandardization: 112 p.http://www.iso.org/iso/en/prods-services/otherpubs/pdf/ics6-en.pdf (2. jan. 2006)

Lesarstvo - posebne tehnične klasifikacije 3Intelektualna lastnina - patenti (WIPO)IPC (<strong>International</strong> Patent <strong>Classification</strong>)Mednarodna klasifikacija patentov iz sistema WIPOZa posamezna področja varstva intelektualne lastnine obstajajo različne mednarodne klasifikacije, npr.Dunajska klasifikacija za razvrščanje figurativnih elementov, vsebovanih v videzu znamke, Nicejskaklasifikacija za razvrščanje blaga oz. storitev, za katere se zahteva varstvo znaka, Locarnskaklasifikacija za mednarodno razvrščanje modelov ter predvsem Mednarodna patenta klasifikacija(IPC) za označevanje vsebine izumov, zajetih v patentnih dokumentih. Zadnja izdaja IPC vsebujeokrog 70 000 hierarhičnih klasifikacijskih mest. Najvišje so sekcije, sledijo razredi, podrazredi ter,najnižje, skupine.Mednarodna patentna klasifikacija predvideva osem vrhnjih kategorij oz. sekcij. Gozdarstvo se uvrščav sekcijo A (Human necessities), lesarstvo in leseni izdelki pa predvsem v sekcijo B (Performingoperations; Transporting) in E ( fixed constructions).AA 01A 47A 47 BA 47 CA 47 DA 47 FA 47 HBB27B27BB27CB27DB27FB27GB27HB27JB27KB27LB27MB27NEE 04 C 2/10E 04 C 2/10E 04 C 2/12E 04 C 3/12HUMAN NECESSITIESAgriculture; Forestry; Animal husbandry; Hunting; Trapping; FishingFurnituretables; desks; <strong>of</strong>fice furniture; cabinets; drawers; general details <strong>of</strong> furniturechairs; s<strong>of</strong>as; bedsfurniture specially adapted for childrenspecial furniture, fittings, or accessories for shops, storehouses, bars, restaurants, orthe like; paying countersfurnishings for windows or doorsPERFORMING OPERATIONS; TRANSPORTINGWorking or preserving wood or similar material; nailing or stapling machinesin generalsaws; components or accessoriesplaning, drilling, milling, turning, or universal machinesworking veneer or plywooddovetailed work; tenons; slotting machines; nailing or stapling machinesaccessory machines or apparatus; tools; safety devices, e.g. for sawsbending; cooperage; wheel-makingmechanical working <strong>of</strong> cane, cork, or similar materialsprocesses, apparatus or selection <strong>of</strong> substances for impregnating, staining, dyeing,bleaching <strong>of</strong> wood or similar materials, or treating <strong>of</strong> wood or similar materialswith permeant liquids, not otherwise provided forremoving bark or vestiges <strong>of</strong> branches; splitting wood; manufacture <strong>of</strong> veneer,wooden sticks, wood shavings, wood fibres or wood powderworking <strong>of</strong> wood not provided for in subclasses b27b to b27l; manufacture <strong>of</strong>specific wooden articlesmanufacture by dry processes <strong>of</strong> articles, with or without organic binding agents,made from particles or fibres consisting <strong>of</strong> wood or other lignocellulosic or likeorganic materialFIXED CONSTRUCTIONSstructural elements; building materialsBuilding elements <strong>of</strong> relatively thin form... <strong>of</strong> wood, fibres, chips, vegetable stemsBuilding elements <strong>of</strong> relatively thin form... <strong>of</strong> solid woodStructural elongated elements designed for load-supporting ... <strong>of</strong> wood, e.g. with

Lesarstvo - posebne tehnične klasifikacije 4reinforcements...E 04 C 3/292 Structural elongated elements... built-up from parts <strong>of</strong> different materials... beingwood and metalE 04 C 3/42 Structural elongated elements... <strong>of</strong> wood, e.g. units for rafter ro<strong>of</strong>sE 04 D Ro<strong>of</strong> coverings; sky-lights; gutters; ro<strong>of</strong>-working toolsE 04 D 1/20 Ro<strong>of</strong> covering... <strong>of</strong> plastics, fibrous materials, or woodE 04 F Finishing work on buildings, e.g. stairs, floorsE 04 F 11/108 Stairways, ramps, or like structures... <strong>of</strong> woodE 04 F 13/10 Coverings or linings, e.g. for walls or ceilings... <strong>of</strong> woodE 04 F 15/04 Flooring... only <strong>of</strong> wood, e.g. with wooden connecting membersE 04 G Scaffolding; forms; shuttering; building implements or other building ...E 04 G 9/04 Forming or shuttering elements for general use... the form surface being <strong>of</strong> woodE 04 H Buildings or like structures for particular purposes; swimming or splash baths orpools; masts; fencingE 04 H 7/32 Construction or assembling <strong>of</strong> bulk storage containers... mainly <strong>of</strong> woodE 06Doors, windows, shutters, or roller blinds, in general; laddersE 06 B Fixed or movable closures... e.g. doors, windows, blinds, gatesE 06 B 1/06 Border constructions.. frames to be rigidly mounted in such openings... woodenframesE 06 B 3/10 Window sashes, door leaves... wing frames... <strong>of</strong> woodE 06 B 3/74 Window sashes, door leaves... door leaves consisting <strong>of</strong> frame and panels... withwooden panelsE 06 B 3/84 Window sashes, door leaves... door leaves... flush doors... <strong>of</strong> plywoodE 06 B3/984 Window sashes, door leaves... corner joints or edge joints for window... speciallyadapted for frame members <strong>of</strong> woodViri:WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization.http://www.wipo.int/portal/index.html.en (2. jan. 2006)<strong>International</strong> Patent <strong>Classification</strong> (IPC). English version. Sections. 2005. WIPO.http://www.wipo.int/classifications/fulltext/new_ipc/index.htm (2. jan. 2006)Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino. (13. dec. 2005).http://www.uil-sipo.si/ (2. jan. 2006)SIPO.DS: Patenti. (2. jan. 2006).http://www2.uil-sipo.si/ (2. jan. 2006)--------------DISCLAIMER:The above materials have been synthesized from the publicly available WWW documents and are intended to beused for educational purposes only. Please report any infringement <strong>of</strong> copyrights.

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