AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)

AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)

AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)


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Lesarstvo - znanstvene in splošne klasifikacije 4691.112 Les, trdi691.113 Les, mehki691.13 Plutovina694 Gradnje, lesene; tesarstvo694.1 Tesarska dela694.12 Pritrdila694.3 Opaži694.3/.5 Konstrukcije, lesene694.4 Konstrukcije, težke694.4/.5 Nosilci694.5 Okvirni nosilci694.6 Mizarstvo, gradbeno694.7 Mizarska dela, okrasna;intarzije745 Oblikovanje745.51 Les, umetniško oblikovanjeViri:<strong>AGRIS</strong> SUBJECT CATEGORIES. <strong>AGRIS</strong>. International information system for the agricultural sciences and technology.FAO.http://www.fao.org/scripts/agris/c-categ.htm (2. jan. 2006)AGRICOLA <strong>Subject</strong> <strong>Category</strong> Code Scope Notes. Agriculture Network Information Center. (2000).http://laurel.nal.usda.gov:8080/agnic/cc/scope_notes.html (2. jan. 2006)CABICODE Alphabetical List. CABI Publishing. (jun. 2002)http://www.cabi-publishing.org/guides/cabicodes.htm (2. jan. 2006)EELS. Engineering E-Library, Sweden (Browse engineering resources classified using EI classification). (31. jan. 2003).http://eels.lub.lu.se/ (2. jan. 2006)COBISS/OPAC. (baza podatkov v sistemu COBISS.SI: UDK; vir: Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija : Abecedni register.Slovenska skrajšana izdaja. 2. spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja. CTK, Ljubljana 1994.)http://cobiss1.izum.si/scripts/cobiss?id=1708091499436627&ukaz=RPAX&rpa=26&bno=++676 (2. jan. 2006)OECD Macrothesaurus Chapter Headings. 2001. Paris, OECD.http://info.uibk.ac.at/info/oecd-macroth/en/ (2. jan. 2006)------------------DISCLAIMER:The above materials have been synthesized from the publicly available WWW documents and are intended to be used foreducational purposes only. Please report any infringement of copyrights.

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