AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)

AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)

AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)


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Lesarstvo - znanstvene in splošne klasifikacijeEi Classification <strong>Codes</strong>Predmetne kategorije sistema Ei (Engineering Information), npr.: zbirke Compendex & Inspec400 CIVIL ENGINEERING, GENERAL415 Metals, plastics, wood and other structural materials415.3 Wood structural materials800 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, GENERAL811 Cellulose, paper & wood products811.1.1.5 Paper and board811.1.1.6 Paper and board specialties811.1.1.7 Paper and board manufacture811.1.1.8 Paper and board treatment811.1.2.3 Paper and board machines811.2 Wood & wood products811.2.1 Wood and wood fibers811.2.2 Pulpwood and other fibrous raw materials811.2.3 Wood waste, bark and agricultural residues811.2.4 Wood extractives and silvichemicals811.2.5 Particleboards and related structural productsOECD Macrothesaurus Chapter HeadingsMakrotezaver OECDMakrotezaver OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development / Organizacija zagospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj) zajema 19 vrhnjih kategorij. Oznake s področja gozdarstva sezajemajo v podkategoriji Forests znotraj kategorije 7 - Agriculture, lesarstvo pa se razvršča vkategorijo 8 - Industry, prav tako kot živilstvo ali tekstilstvo. Tezaver obravnava predvsemdružboslovje in ekonomske vede, skupaj pa zajema okrog 4000 deskriptorjev.07 AGRICULTURE07.08 Forests08 INDUSTRY08.07 Woodworking industry; pulp andpaper industrynt: bagassent: cardboardnt: cellulosent: corknt: furniturent: furniture industrynt: hard fibresnt2: coirnt2: sisalnt: lumbernt: papernt: particle boardsnt: plywoodnt: pulpnt: pulp and paper industrynt: sawmillsnt: timbernt: toysnt: woodnt2: corknt2: fuelwoodnt: wood fibresnt2: bagassent: wood processingnt: wood productsnt2: cardboardnt2: charcoalnt2: lumbernt2: papernt2: particle boardsnt2: plywoodnt2: pulpnt2: timbernt2: wood fibresnt: wood technologynt: wood wastesnt: woodworking industrynt2: furniture industry

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