AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)

AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)

AGRIS - Subject Categories (Category Codes)


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Lesarstvo - znanstvene in splošne klasifikacijeZNANSTVENE IN SPLOŠNE KLASIFIKACIJE<strong>AGRIS</strong> - <strong>Subject</strong> <strong>Categories</strong> (<strong>Category</strong> <strong>Codes</strong>)Predmetne kategorije zbirke AgrisKK01K10K11K50K70ForestryForestry - general aspectsForestry productionForest engineeringProcessing of forest productsForest injuries and protectionAGRICOLA - <strong>Subject</strong> <strong>Category</strong> <strong>Codes</strong>Predmetne kategorije zbirke AgricolaK000K001K100K110K120K130K200K250K500K510K520K530K540K590K800K810ForestryForestry relatedForestry production (general)Forestry production (natural regeneration)Forestry production (artificial regeneration)Forestry production (harvesting and engineering)Forest managementForest mensuration and descriptionForest products (general)Forest products (wood)Forest products (composite and reconstituted wood)Forest products (pulp and paper)Forest products (chemicals)Forest products (miscellaneous)Forest injuries and protectionForest fire managementCAB Abstracts - CABI <strong>Codes</strong>Predmetne kategorije zbirke CAB AbstractsEE112KK000KK100KK110KK130KK160KK500KK510KK515KK520KK530KK540KK600Forestry economicsForestry, forest products and agro forestry (general)Forests and forest trees (biology and ecology)Silviculture and forest managementForest firesOrnamental and amenity treesForest products and industries (general)Wood properties, damage and preservationLogging and wood processingWood utilization and engineered wood productsChemical and biological processing of woodNon-wood forest productsAgro forestry and multipurpose trees; community, farm and social forestry

Lesarstvo - znanstvene in splošne klasifikacijeEi Classification <strong>Codes</strong>Predmetne kategorije sistema Ei (Engineering Information), npr.: zbirke Compendex & Inspec400 CIVIL ENGINEERING, GENERAL415 Metals, plastics, wood and other structural materials415.3 Wood structural materials800 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, GENERAL811 Cellulose, paper & wood products811.1.1.5 Paper and board811.1.1.6 Paper and board specialties811.1.1.7 Paper and board manufacture811.1.1.8 Paper and board treatment811.1.2.3 Paper and board machines811.2 Wood & wood products811.2.1 Wood and wood fibers811.2.2 Pulpwood and other fibrous raw materials811.2.3 Wood waste, bark and agricultural residues811.2.4 Wood extractives and silvichemicals811.2.5 Particleboards and related structural productsOECD Macrothesaurus Chapter HeadingsMakrotezaver OECDMakrotezaver OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development / Organizacija zagospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj) zajema 19 vrhnjih kategorij. Oznake s področja gozdarstva sezajemajo v podkategoriji Forests znotraj kategorije 7 - Agriculture, lesarstvo pa se razvršča vkategorijo 8 - Industry, prav tako kot živilstvo ali tekstilstvo. Tezaver obravnava predvsemdružboslovje in ekonomske vede, skupaj pa zajema okrog 4000 deskriptorjev.07 AGRICULTURE07.08 Forests08 INDUSTRY08.07 Woodworking industry; pulp andpaper industrynt: bagassent: cardboardnt: cellulosent: corknt: furniturent: furniture industrynt: hard fibresnt2: coirnt2: sisalnt: lumbernt: papernt: particle boardsnt: plywoodnt: pulpnt: pulp and paper industrynt: sawmillsnt: timbernt: toysnt: woodnt2: corknt2: fuelwoodnt: wood fibresnt2: bagassent: wood processingnt: wood productsnt2: cardboardnt2: charcoalnt2: lumbernt2: papernt2: particle boardsnt2: plywoodnt2: pulpnt2: timbernt2: wood fibresnt: wood technologynt: wood wastesnt: woodworking industrynt2: furniture industry

Lesarstvo - znanstvene in splošne klasifikacije 3UDK - Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija624 Gradbeno inženirstvo624.011.1 Lesene zgradbe624.011.1 Zgradbe, lesene625.83 Tlak, leseni630 Gozdno gospodarstvo630*3 Les, prevoz630*32 Les, sečnja in obdelava630*33 Lesni odpadki, izkoriščenost630*34 Les, skladanje v gozdu in nazbirališčih630*5 Les, merstvo630*55 Les, ugotavljanje starosti630*8 Gozdni proizvodi630*81/*85 Les; lubje631 Kmetijstvo, splošnavprašanja631.57 Les kot stranski pridelek662.6 Goriva, naravna662.63 Les (kot gorivo)662.7 Goriva, tehnologija662.71 Lesno oglje662.715 Lesni katran662.765 Lesni plin662.765 Plin, lesni667 Barvilska industrija667.74 Les, barvanje674 Lesna industrija674.02 Les, postopki za obdelavo674.03 Les, vrste674.04 Les, impregnacija674.04 Les, sušenje674.05 Les, orodje in stroji zaobdelavo674.06 Lesna industrija, izdelki674.07 Les, površinska obdelava674.092 Les, okrogli, priprava zažaganje674.093 Žagarska industrija674.1 Tesarstvo, gradbeno in ladijsko674.2 Mizarstvo674.21 Mizarstvo, gradbeno674.23 Mizarstvo, pohištveno674.24 Intarzije674.25 Mizarstvo, karoserijsko674.3 Kolarstvo674.4 Sodarstvo674.5 Lesena roba674.5 Rezbarski izdelki674.6 Embalaža, lesena674.6 Zaboji, izdelava674.7 Strugarstvo674.8 Lesni odpadki, predelava674.82 Iverje, lesno674.82 Lesna volna674.83 Pluta, predelava674.88 Šotni drobir674-4 Lesni izdelki, oblika674-413 Plošče, lesene674-419 Plošče, lesene, večplastne684 Industrija pohištva,mizarstvo684 ; 694.7 Umetno mizarstvo684 ; 694.7 Umetno mizarstvo684.4 Pohištvo, načrtovanje inizdelava684.4:022 Pohištvo za knjižnice684.4:643.3 Pohištvo, kuhinjsko684.4:651.2 Pisarne, pohištvo684.41 Pohištvo, deli684.426 Zibelke684.428 Kavči684.432/.435 Stoli684.433 Naslanjači684.433 Zofe684.434 Stoli, vrtljivi684.435 Pručice684.435 Stoli brez naslanjala684.436 Klopi684.436 Večsedežniki684.44 Mize684.45 Komode684.45 Omare684.45 Skrinje684.46 Garderobe684.46 Regali684.46 Stojala684.6 Furnirska dela691 Gradbeni materiali691.11 Les (kot gradivo)

Lesarstvo - znanstvene in splošne klasifikacije 4691.112 Les, trdi691.113 Les, mehki691.13 Plutovina694 Gradnje, lesene; tesarstvo694.1 Tesarska dela694.12 Pritrdila694.3 Opaži694.3/.5 Konstrukcije, lesene694.4 Konstrukcije, težke694.4/.5 Nosilci694.5 Okvirni nosilci694.6 Mizarstvo, gradbeno694.7 Mizarska dela, okrasna;intarzije745 Oblikovanje745.51 Les, umetniško oblikovanjeViri:<strong>AGRIS</strong> SUBJECT CATEGORIES. <strong>AGRIS</strong>. International information system for the agricultural sciences and technology.FAO.http://www.fao.org/scripts/agris/c-categ.htm (2. jan. 2006)AGRICOLA <strong>Subject</strong> <strong>Category</strong> Code Scope Notes. Agriculture Network Information Center. (2000).http://laurel.nal.usda.gov:8080/agnic/cc/scope_notes.html (2. jan. 2006)CABICODE Alphabetical List. CABI Publishing. (jun. 2002)http://www.cabi-publishing.org/guides/cabicodes.htm (2. jan. 2006)EELS. Engineering E-Library, Sweden (Browse engineering resources classified using EI classification). (31. jan. 2003).http://eels.lub.lu.se/ (2. jan. 2006)COBISS/OPAC. (baza podatkov v sistemu COBISS.SI: UDK; vir: Univerzalna decimalna klasifikacija : Abecedni register.Slovenska skrajšana izdaja. 2. spremenjena in dopolnjena izdaja. CTK, Ljubljana 1994.)http://cobiss1.izum.si/scripts/cobiss?id=1708091499436627&ukaz=RPAX&rpa=26&bno=++676 (2. jan. 2006)OECD Macrothesaurus Chapter Headings. 2001. Paris, OECD.http://info.uibk.ac.at/info/oecd-macroth/en/ (2. jan. 2006)------------------DISCLAIMER:The above materials have been synthesized from the publicly available WWW documents and are intended to be used foreducational purposes only. Please report any infringement of copyrights.

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