تحميل الملف - مكتب التربية العربي لدول الخليج

تحميل الملف - مكتب التربية العربي لدول الخليج

تحميل الملف - مكتب التربية العربي لدول الخليج


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56- Strahan, D. B (1986): A developmental analysis of formal reasoning in themeddle grades, Paper Presented at the Eastern Educational ResearchAssociation,.57- Stuessy, C. L (1988) Path Analysis: A modal for the Development ScientificReasoning Abilities Adolescents. Journal Research in Science Teaching. 26 ,PP.41-53.58- Tomic, W & Klauer, K.J (1996) on the effects of training Inductive reasoning:Howfar does it transfer and how long do the: Effects persist? European ,Journalof Psychology of Education. (2) ,3, PP.283-299.59- Tomic, W (1995) Training Inductive Reasoning and Problem SolvingCogtemporary Educational Psychology, (20) ,PP.483-490.60- Tomic, W. & Kingma, J (1997): Accelerating Intelligence DevelopmentthroughInductive Reasoning Training. Research technical reports.٨٢

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