Introduction to psychophysics

Introduction to psychophysics

Introduction to psychophysics


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<strong>Introduction</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>psychophysics</strong>Steven DakinUCL Institute of Ophthalmologys.dakin@ucl.ac.uk<strong>Introduction</strong>• To understand the brain, one must understand not onlyits components (e.g. physiology) and their purpose (e.g. via models)but also behaviour (e.g. <strong>psychophysics</strong>)• Psychophysics characterises the relationship betweenphysical (e.g. visual) stimuli & behaviour (e.g. of humans). Revealsmechanism (e.g. trichromacy), links <strong>to</strong> other disciplines (e.g. viastats), clinical applications (e.g. diagnosis), etc.• Psychophysical experiments involve• A stimulus/phenomenon (e.g. illusions) Hard• A task (e.g. matching)• A method (e.g. adjustment)• A performance-measure (e.g. threshold,PSE)Psychophysics/methodologyTasks, sampling methods and measures• Tasks (what does the subject do?)• Magnitude estimation (“how bright is it?”)Tasks, sampling methods and measures• Detection (“is it there?”); yes/no requires criterionSteven’sPower Law• Discrimination (“which is brighter”); forced choice is criterion-free• Sampling methods (how <strong>to</strong> select stimulus magnitude?)• Adjustment (under observer-control)• Method of constant stimuli (predefined set of stimulus magnitudes)• Method of limits (staircase; select stimulus based on previous responses)Weber-FechnerLaw

Tasks, sampling methods and measures• Measures: (how <strong>to</strong> characterise behaviour?)• Reaction times (how long <strong>to</strong> judge?). Atheoretical, but popular (e.g. IAT)• Stimulus(letter)Example I: Acuity• Task (letteridentification;10 alternatives)• Percent correct (what level of performance at a fixed stimulus magnitude?): e.g.observers memorise 10 objects & are presented with a new set containing 5 they saw and 5they hadn’t. Observer #1 recognises them all, observer #2 none; both score 50% correct...• Method (adjustment)• Point of subjective equality (stimulus mag. producing a perceptual match?)Appearance• Thresholds (minimum stimulus mag. producing some level of performance?).Absolute and relative...• Principled (signal detection theory). • Reliable/replicable• Efficient • VersatilePerformanceLetter sizeIssues:criterion,speed[1 2 3Trial #• Performancemeasure(average setting = sizethreshold)Example I: AcuityExample I: Acuity• Stimulus(letter)• Method (method of constant stimuli)Letter sizeCorrectIncorrect5 10 15 20Trial #Issues: efficiency/speed• Task(reading, 10AFC forced choice)TrialRun“B” ! “N” ! “O” " ...• Performance measure(acuity threshold)1.00.550.1PsychometricfunctionAcuity/sizethreshold[Acuity threshold:Size leading <strong>to</strong>79.2% correctidentification• Method (method of limits, adaptive, “3-down-1-up” staircase)Letter sizeIssues: efficient butdemanding(chart based)CorrectIncorrect5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45• Performancemeasure (threshold)Trial #Clinical visual acuity: 20/20means we can read letters20ft away, with line thicknessof 1.75mm (1 arc min.)

Prop. “1 brighter”Example II: Contrast detectionΔL{•• Task (detection)“Yes” ! “No” ! “No” "Stimulus (disc)C=ΔL/L back...• Method (method of constant stimuli)!16 trials !16 trials !16 trials ...LL back• Performance measure(absolute threshold)Prop. correct1.00.750.5PsychometricfunctionDetectionthreshold0.0 0.1 0.2ContrastPsychometric functions for detection and discriminationProportion correct0.75Stimulus contrast0.01.00.5∝Worse0.831/threshold0.5thresholdProportion “2 “higher” is 0.50.0Stimulus contrastPSEslope=thresholdthreshold• Two key psychophysical measures• Point of Subjective Equality (PSE) or bias measures appearance (accuracy)• Threshold (here, increment threshold) measures limits* of performance (precision)(*generally interested in best possible performance)(Accuracy versus precision: an accurate but imprecise clock, on average yields the right time, but individual readings vary wildly.An inaccurate but precise clock is e.g. reliably an hour slow)#1#2Shift=bias orappearance“Forced-choice” vs “Non-forced choice”• Experiment in which two or more alternatives arepresent (e.g. “which side is patch on?”, “which is bigger?”)• Some difference in convention as <strong>to</strong> whether bothalternatives must be present e.g. tilt. i.e. is itthe stimulus or the response?• If it’s response; detection is forced choice(actually 2AFC)“Criterion-free” vs “Criterion-dependent”• Yes/no means observer judges how strong stimulus mustbe <strong>to</strong> respond (“trigger happy”), forced choice does not• Different criteria bias subjects in detection. (Bias still arises indiscrimination but is less problematic since less meaningful “trade-off”...)Type 1 and Type II tasks• Type 1 tasks have a correct answer, Type II tasks do not. i.e. canwe provide feedback? Matching taskPhysicalmatchPoint of subjectiveequality (PSE)• Subtle: this experiment is about appearance (e.g. PSE, no feedback)• Appearance: “apparent magnitude”, performance: can be “better”• Above experiment measures both (slope/threshold & PSE/offset)...12

Signal detection theory (SDT; Green & Swets, 1966)• Trainee doc<strong>to</strong>rs ask “is a tumour present?” (“yes/no”, 50% present)• How do we assess performance?• Decisions limited by: information & criterionStimulusStimulusPresentAbsentResponse“Yes” “No” TotalHit, H (0.84) Miss (0.16) 1.0False alarm,FA (0.50)Correctreject (0.50)• ↑information high H, low FA (↑sensitivity)PresentAbsentResponse“Yes” “No” TotalHit, H (0.5) Miss (0.5) 1.0False alarm,FA (0.16)Correctreject (0.84)1.01.0• Doc<strong>to</strong>rs weigh errors differently• e.g. One considers missed diagnoses fatal,another minimises unnecessary procedures• Not information but bias/criterion that sets performanceNoise• Uncertainty on such tasks arises from two types of noiseIncreasing external noise →• External noise: measurements, variation in lung tissue• Assume doc<strong>to</strong>r uses neural responses <strong>to</strong> detect tumour,those responses are variable. This internal noise contributes<strong>to</strong> an internal responseCould be firing rate →noiseInternal-response probability ofoccurrence curves for noisealone & signal+noise trialsCriterion• Base response on some minimum/criterion responsed’=1.0• Effects of criterion shiftd’=1.0d’=1.0H=98%, FA=84% H=84%, FA=50% H=50%, FA=16%• Doc<strong>to</strong>rs cannot set their criterion <strong>to</strong> achieve only hits andno false alarms; noise overlap in prob. of occurrence curves internal responseon noise-alone must sometimes exceed signal+noise responseHit rate (H)1.0Betterdiscrim.Internal-response probability ofoccurrence curves for noisealone & signal+noise trialsReceiver operating curves & d’• Receiver operating curves (ROCs) plot a series of H/FAmeasurements; show choices made by doc<strong>to</strong>rd’=2d’=1d’=0.5d’=0random“Yes” Low0.5med.“No”highcriteriad’=z(H)-z(F)0.00.0 0.5 1.0False alarm rate rate (FA) (F)BiasNote upward bowingcurves (typically H>FA)• ↑ information (e.g. ↑signal) better separation• Reducing noise improves performance <strong>to</strong>o• Good measure of information content of internalrepresentation is: d’=separation/spread• ROC curves: practical & theoretical used’=1.0,lots of overlapd’=2.0less overlap

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